This document provides 12 appointment times for colleagues to discuss topics around education, teaching styles, professional development, celebrating diversity, building trust, and improving their school. The appointments range from 1:00 to 12:00 and include questions about the purpose of education, changing teaching methods, developing skills and strategies, responsibilities to others, personal learning activities, levels of trust at previous schools, developing trust, describing a supportive staff environment, envisioning an exciting school, first impressions of visitors, and goals for improving their school.
4. 2:00 How do you usually teach? How and when do you change your teaching style?
5. 3:00 Where have your professional knowledge, skills, ideas and strategies come from? To whom and where do you go for new ideas or for help?
6. 4:00 How can a school celebrate its successes and diversity?
7. 5:00 It takes a village to raise a child. What do you see as your responsibility toward colleagues, students and the school?
8. 6:00 What personal learning activities have you undertaken in the past 6 months? . . . How were they?
9. 7:00 Think of the school(s) that you have worked in. Describe the level of trust that existed in each of the schools?
10. 8:00 What can school administrators do to develop trust? What can you do to develop trust?
11. 9:00 As a pair, think about the characteristics of a healthy, cohesive and supportive staff. Create a metaphor that describes such an environment. (Be prepared to explain your metaphor to the rest of the staff.)
12. 10:00 Think of the kind of school that would get you excited, what would it look like?
13. 11:00 When a stranger walks into the school, what do they see? What opinion of the school do they form?
14. 12:00 I am going to make Central an even better school than it was last year by . . .