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Very Early Lifecycle Testing

Very early lifecycle testing
Both the original TPI速 and the new version                                                       suggestions to promote compliance with
                                                                                                 the checkpoints. The lowest level is called
TPI速 NEXT identify early testing involvement                                                     Initial and indicates an immature process
                                                                                                 awaiting improvement work. The
as an indicator of good process. They also                                                       improvement suggestions for K02 Degree
                                                                                                 of involvement to reach the next level,
promote the practice less directly.                                                              Controlled, include:

                                                                                                 Contact both line and project management
                                                                                                 to emphasize the necessity of (an early)
                                                                                                 involvement of testing

                                                                                                 Start as early as possible with planning
                                                                                                 the test activities, preferably at:

                                                                                                 Project initiation, otherwise at:

                                                                                                 Start of the test basis, otherwise at:

                                                                                                 Completion of the test basis
Barry Weston and                                  It's widely accepted that the earlier in the
                                                  software development lifecycle testing         So although it might be possible for a
Ben Visser of Sogeti                              begins, the less expensive the                 process to achieve the Controlled level
examine what TPI速 NEXT,                           development process becomes.                   without VELT, the model indicates that
                                                                                                 doing more VELT will make that easier
the updated version of                            The V Model as discussed in most training      and more likely.
                                                  syllabuses suggests that testing should
Sogeti's Test Process
                                                  begin when the first draft of business     VELT to inform stakeholders'
Improvement methodology                           requirements becomes available. But is     risk analysis
                                                  this early enough? What should very       Key area K01, Stakeholder commitment
launched in December                              early mean at project level?              also has bearing on VELT. For a process
2009, has to say about                                                                       to achieve the Controlled level,
                                                  Being actively involved before the first   stakeholders must commit to and support
very early lifecycle testing                      requirement has been written gives testers the test process by granting and delivering
and find strong support for                       more influence. The challenge is to make   negotiated resources. The resources
                                                  project and development managers see       required depend upon product and project
the assertion that it makes                       that as a good thing.                      risk, and VELT can provide often dramatic
risk reduction more cost-                                                                    assistance here by identifying more risks
                                                  Involving testing earlier                  earlier on. Informing the stakeholders' risk
effective.                                        In TPI NEXT, the point at which testers    analysis in this way makes the need for
                                                  become actively involved is dealt with     resources more apparent and so the
                                                  most explicitly in Key Area K02, known as negotiation more meaningful.
                                                  Degree of involvement [see panel]. The
                                                  model provides checkpoints for every key   In particular, detecting inadequacies in
                                                  area that are used to assess which of four whatever requirements information
                                                  levels of maturity an organization's test  currently exists and communicating the
                                                  process has achieved, and improvement      risks those inadequacies pose often

4   PT - Januar y 2010 - professionaltester.com
Looking for a tester?
                                                                                                               Place your ad here
provides opportunities to influence the           as those with the highest associated
choice of and secure resources for an             product risks and it is easy to argue, both
effective review process to maximize the          from intuition and experience, that
chances of finding weaknesses in designs          incomplete or ambiguous requirements are
based upon the requirements at the                a strong candidate.
earliest opportunity.
                                                  The remaining thirteen key areas in TPI
VELT as an integral part of, and to               NEXT and the richly detailed checkpoints
define, test strategy                             and improvement suggestions contained
Key Area K03 is Test strategy. At the             within them deal with later, more empirical
                                                                                                           Mobile Software Testers
                                                                                                             Testers needed for Hosted
Controlled level, prioritization and             activities which are the only ways of
                                                                                                                BlackBerry solutions
distribution of the test effort is based on       detecting defects in the subsequent
the product risks - that is, the test strategy   development products. But it's clear from                  www.ColibriMobile.com
is a development from the risk analysis           the structure of the model - and, we
described in K01 and which, as we have            suggest, from experience - that success
seen, is greatly enhanced and made more           there is highly dependent on improvement
accurate by VELT.                                 at K01, K02 and K03. If we accept that and
                                                  consider what is said and implied in these
In describing its significance, the model         first three key areas, it's hard to avoid the
states that it aims at detecting the most        conclusion that TPI NEXT's authors and                  Seeking Software Testers
important defects as early and cheaply as         contributors consider that carrying out                  Service management solutions
possible. How to decide what is possible         more test activities very early is central to             provider is looking for testing
is not addressed, and of course there are         making the entire test process more                              professionals
many defects VELT cannot detect; but the          mature                                                        www.PROLIN.com
model defines the most important defects

                                                  K02 Degree of involvement
                                                  Significance: Tight involvement of testing in the
                                                  project helps to improve the product quality from
                                                  the beginning, and helps to keep test activities           Subscribe now to PT
                                                  off the project's critical path: Timely preparation            Magazine!
                                                  and coordination between different tests can be       and receive Europes original software
                                                  done and the time that the test project is on the      testing magazine every other month
                                                  critical path of the project can be kept as short         www.professionaltester.com
                                                  as possible. Early involvement of the test team in
                                                  the software development lifecycle helps to find
                                                  defects as soon and easily as possible and
                                                  perhaps even to prevent errors. At an early stage
                                                  the test team supports the analysis of project
                                                  risks and the review of requirements and                    Want to contribute?
                                                  designs.                                                  Next PT issue: Testing new
                                                  From TPI速 NEXT Business Driven Test Process              www.professionaltester.com
                                                  息 2009 Sogeti Nederland BV

Barry Weston (barry.weston@sogeti.com) is a senior consultant at Sogeti UK and
Ben Visser (ben.visser@sogeti.nl) at Sogeti Netherlands. Ben is a co-author of the
books TPI速 NEXT Business Driven Test Process Improvement and TMap NEXT速
Business Driven Test Management published by UTN (www.utn.nl). Sogeti Group is                           You couldhhae
a leading provider of professional technology services in Europe, the US and India.                        your ad er
                                                                                                                Only 贈125 - 150
                                                                                                                per ad per issue

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Professional Tester Very Early Lifecycle Testing In Tpi Next

  • 1. Very Early Lifecycle Testing Very early lifecycle testing in TPI速 NEXT Both the original TPI速 and the new version suggestions to promote compliance with the checkpoints. The lowest level is called TPI速 NEXT identify early testing involvement Initial and indicates an immature process awaiting improvement work. The as an indicator of good process. They also improvement suggestions for K02 Degree of involvement to reach the next level, promote the practice less directly. Controlled, include: Contact both line and project management to emphasize the necessity of (an early) involvement of testing Start as early as possible with planning the test activities, preferably at: Project initiation, otherwise at: Start of the test basis, otherwise at: Completion of the test basis Barry Weston and It's widely accepted that the earlier in the software development lifecycle testing So although it might be possible for a Ben Visser of Sogeti begins, the less expensive the process to achieve the Controlled level examine what TPI速 NEXT, development process becomes. without VELT, the model indicates that doing more VELT will make that easier the updated version of The V Model as discussed in most training and more likely. syllabuses suggests that testing should Sogeti's Test Process begin when the first draft of business VELT to inform stakeholders' Improvement methodology requirements becomes available. But is risk analysis this early enough? What should very Key area K01, Stakeholder commitment launched in December early mean at project level? also has bearing on VELT. For a process 2009, has to say about to achieve the Controlled level, Being actively involved before the first stakeholders must commit to and support very early lifecycle testing requirement has been written gives testers the test process by granting and delivering and find strong support for more influence. The challenge is to make negotiated resources. The resources project and development managers see required depend upon product and project the assertion that it makes that as a good thing. risk, and VELT can provide often dramatic risk reduction more cost- assistance here by identifying more risks Involving testing earlier earlier on. Informing the stakeholders' risk effective. In TPI NEXT, the point at which testers analysis in this way makes the need for become actively involved is dealt with resources more apparent and so the most explicitly in Key Area K02, known as negotiation more meaningful. Degree of involvement [see panel]. The model provides checkpoints for every key In particular, detecting inadequacies in area that are used to assess which of four whatever requirements information levels of maturity an organization's test currently exists and communicating the process has achieved, and improvement risks those inadequacies pose often 4 PT - Januar y 2010 - professionaltester.com
  • 2. Looking for a tester? Place your ad here provides opportunities to influence the as those with the highest associated www.professionaltester.com/jobs choice of and secure resources for an product risks and it is easy to argue, both effective review process to maximize the from intuition and experience, that chances of finding weaknesses in designs incomplete or ambiguous requirements are based upon the requirements at the a strong candidate. earliest opportunity. The remaining thirteen key areas in TPI VELT as an integral part of, and to NEXT and the richly detailed checkpoints define, test strategy and improvement suggestions contained Key Area K03 is Test strategy. At the within them deal with later, more empirical Mobile Software Testers Testers needed for Hosted Controlled level, prioritization and activities which are the only ways of BlackBerry solutions distribution of the test effort is based on detecting defects in the subsequent the product risks - that is, the test strategy development products. But it's clear from www.ColibriMobile.com is a development from the risk analysis the structure of the model - and, we described in K01 and which, as we have suggest, from experience - that success seen, is greatly enhanced and made more there is highly dependent on improvement accurate by VELT. at K01, K02 and K03. If we accept that and consider what is said and implied in these In describing its significance, the model first three key areas, it's hard to avoid the states that it aims at detecting the most conclusion that TPI NEXT's authors and Seeking Software Testers important defects as early and cheaply as contributors consider that carrying out Service management solutions possible. How to decide what is possible more test activities very early is central to provider is looking for testing is not addressed, and of course there are making the entire test process more professionals many defects VELT cannot detect; but the mature www.PROLIN.com model defines the most important defects K02 Degree of involvement Significance: Tight involvement of testing in the project helps to improve the product quality from the beginning, and helps to keep test activities Subscribe now to PT off the project's critical path: Timely preparation Magazine! and coordination between different tests can be and receive Europes original software done and the time that the test project is on the testing magazine every other month critical path of the project can be kept as short www.professionaltester.com as possible. Early involvement of the test team in the software development lifecycle helps to find defects as soon and easily as possible and perhaps even to prevent errors. At an early stage the test team supports the analysis of project risks and the review of requirements and Want to contribute? designs. Next PT issue: Testing new technologies. From TPI速 NEXT Business Driven Test Process www.professionaltester.com Improvement, 息 2009 Sogeti Nederland BV Barry Weston (barry.weston@sogeti.com) is a senior consultant at Sogeti UK and Ben Visser (ben.visser@sogeti.nl) at Sogeti Netherlands. Ben is a co-author of the books TPI速 NEXT Business Driven Test Process Improvement and TMap NEXT速 ve Business Driven Test Management published by UTN (www.utn.nl). Sogeti Group is You couldhhae a leading provider of professional technology services in Europe, the US and India. your ad er Only 贈125 - 150 per ad per issue advertise@professionaltester.com