This document summarizes a presentation on the professional use of social media for medical students and physicians. It discusses potential benefits of using social media for medical education and careers. It also outlines principles for safe and professional social media use, including protecting patient privacy and maintaining a factual, polite and attributed online presence. The presentation examines case studies and offers suggestions for appropriate social media use during medical school. It emphasizes establishing an online identity that represents oneself as a professional.
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Professional Use of Social Media 2019
1. Professional Use of
Social Media
Presentation to uOttawa Undergraduate Medical Education Program
Sept. 4, 2019
Pat Rich
@Pat_Health #UOSM19
2. Lecture objectives
Discuss the potential of social networking tools such as
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ in medical
Discuss the safe and professional behaviours regarding
social networking usage.
4. Disclosures
Social media has provided me and
continues to provide me with
income and career advancement
5. Who I am
Medical writer, editor and social media
Experienced health care communicator with a
keen interest and involvement in the use of social
media tools in medicine and health care and
believer in the value of these tools
Academic (well, not really)
8. Its not rocket science
I think there are too many people on the Web offering
advice to you on how to use social media. Most of this
advice is just regurgitated advice from people you may
never have heard of before,
You really dont need How To tips on blogging or
Twitter. Oh, Im confident that youll be told otherwise
but those folks, well-intentioned as they may be,
dont understand that youre smarter than that.
Rather than learn bad habits from the get-go, take
advantage of your lack of experience. Its okay to make
mistakes that dont cause harm and violate the privacy
and dignity of others.
From: Physician Social Media: Has Advice About It Become a Crock? Yes
@philbaumann, Jan. 1, 2013
11. Three cases
Case 1: After a night out with friends, Kiara a first year medical student awakes in the morning to
find pictures of herself enjoying beer at a pub with friends. Are these pictures appropriate?
Case 2: Brandon is a resident who, since starting medical school, has kept a blog about his views on
medicine, medical education, and health care politics. Recently, Brandon has blogged extensively
about his extreme political views regarding the upcoming election. His residency director reads his
blog and tells him that he must delete his posts as he is not only a hospital employee and a
representative of the residency program, but also a professional who must represent himself
Case 3: Susan is a psychiatrist who is treating a patient who is unwilling to reveal little or any personal
information. Susan believes a better understanding of the patient and his individual circumstances
would aid her in providing more better treatment. To do this, Susan decides to look the patient up on
Google to see what if anything has been written about him.
12. Why care?
Whether physicians are active on social media or
not, an understanding of social media and its
potential implications on their professional lives is
Dr. Hartley Stern, CEO, Canadian Medical Protective Association
Within the next decade you wont
be able to be a successful scholar
without having some activity on
social media
Dr. Jason Frank, Director of Emergency Medicine, uOttawa and Director of Specialty
Education, Policy, and Standards in the Office of Education at the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Welcome to the future of the
adjunct to medical training where
doctors and nurses are no longer
dispassionate enigmas; were
humans with online lives, dog
pictures and grief that we need to
Tricia Pendergast (on the sheMD blog, May 31, 2019)
16. Being a digital doctor
Maybe you won't becoming a
tweeting, blogging doctor. But, what
content will you publish in order to
establish a healthy digital presence for
yourself or your practice? Will you be
prepared to help steer the
conversation back towards science
when celebrities hijack the
conversation with something
19. Participate in meaningful progress
Physicians of all ages are using social media, and many women are communicating
on virtual platforms to connect with each other and with supportive male colleagues.
The sheer number of women physicians participating and their robust engagement
suggest that they value these online connections.
June 14,
#metoomedicine #illooklikeasurgeon
24. Medical politics arent for the
faint of heart
Former Ontario deputy health minister
Michael Decter quoted by Theresa Boyle in
The Toronto Star, Feb. 27, 2017
26. Social media and academic medicine
Social media is a tool that the modern scholar and scientist should have in their
* Being engaged in social media can assist you in your academic work by
cultivating mentors, raising awareness of your research and scholarship, and
facilitating scholarly collaborations.
* A prominent social media presence has the potential to influence public
opinion and could drive funding for research and education or support
policies consistent with scientific evidence.
Social Media and the 21st-Century Scholar: How You Can Harness
Social Media to Amplify Your Career, Journal of the American
College of Radiology, Jan. 2018, Teresa Chan MD et. Al.
27. Principles for the use of social media
The principles for the
professional use of social
media have not changed
since social media platforms
came into use
28. Principles for use of social media
Protect patient confidentiality
(default position)
Be Professional
Factual and transparent
Polite (!?)
29. Who is making the rules?
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS)
Guide to Medical Professionalism:
Recommendations For Social Media
Canadian Medical Protective Association
30. Dont Lie, Dont Pry
Dont Cheat, Cant Delete
Dont Steal. Dont Reveal
Dr. Farris Timimi, medical director,
Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media,
April 5, 2012
31. The Boundary Fallacy
Keeping a boundary between professional and personal life on social media is
operationally impossible, lacking in-agreement among active physician social
media users, inconsistent with the concept of professional identity, and potentially
harmful to physician and patients.
Rather than eliminating boundaries and suggesting anything goes, physicians
should just ask themselves whether what they are posting on social media is
appropriate for a physician in a public space with the issue of the content being
professional or personal being irrelevant.
Social Media and Physicians Online Identity Crisis published in JAMA, Aug. 14 2013 (v.310, no: 6, 581-
34. Case Study 3: Variations
Is it OK for Susan to look up the patient:
If she feared for the safety of the patient
If she feared for her own safety
If she worked in the ER
If she thought her patient may be famous
Do it if your conscience says theres a good clinical reason for doing so.
35. Case Study 3
In searching for their patients online, clinicians may be unwittingly setting
legal precedents for mental healthcare. As more and more providers Google
to guide their decisions, they may be shifting the clinical standards to which
all practitioners are held.
If a patient leaves a suicidal message on Facebook, and the clinician misses
it, theres a futureseemingly more plausible by the dayin which that
clinician could be sued for malpractice if the patient then attempts suicide.
Getting Googled By Your Doctor: Erene Stergeopolus
36. Using social media in medical school some suggestions
Facebook presence for classmates etc.
LinkedIn account to:
Build network for future career
Follow discussion forums on medical education
Blog about your experiences
Instragram Mobile-friendly image-based slices of life
Twitter account to:
Develop your list of people, journals and other accounts to follow
Watch (and engage) medical Twitter community (e.g. #hcldr)
37. Instagram
Though few peddle the kind of questionable
medical treatments shilled by celebrities like Dr. Oz
(rapid weight-loss pills with harmful side effects,
for instance) some toe the very blurry line about
whats appropriate for a health care professional to
post. Mike Varshavski, a cartoonishly handsome
New York City physician who goes by the
name Doctor Mike on Instagram and has more
than 3 million followers, regularly posts sponsored
content for everything from Clorox
bleach to Quaker Oats and American Express,
which could create the perception that these
corporations are somehow medically approved by
this doctor.
Rebecca Jennings, Vox, The Rise of the Nursefluencer, May 10, 2019