2. 悋愕ル悋 惺ルル
悋愕 愕悋
悖ル悋 莒悋
リリ 惡ル惘惠
悖ル悋 愀悋惡 悴悋惺リ 莧
The words in red
are replaceable
Peace be upon you.
My name is Sami
I am from Lebanon,
From the city of Beirut.
I am a student at Warwick
3. 悖リ 悋愕 ......
ル ル惆愕
My Dads name is
He is an engineer
4. 悖 悋愕悋 ......
My Mums name is
She is a doctor
5. 悖リ 悋愕 ......
My brothers name is
He is an accountant