Il processo della rilevazione CIS 2011 è stato caratterizzato da numerose innovazioni. Si è trattato di un censimento paperless per le istituzioni pubbliche mentre per le altre unità la restituzione è stata multicanale: Web (58%), Rilevatori (24%), CCIAA (12%) e Uffici postali (6%). Il tasso di risposta del censimento imprese e non profit è stato dell’83% (85% in Italia).
Le nuove scelte adottate sul fronte organizzativo e metodologico sono state sottoposte a un’indagine di valutazione ex-post (IValCIS) volta a conoscere il giudizio formulato dagli operatori censuari attraverso la somministrazione di un questionario web alle CCIAA. La valutazione degli operatori (nella scala da 1 a 6) è risultata elevata sia con riferimento alle imprese (5,6) che al non profit (5,4). Il principale punto di forza ha riguardato l’organizzazione generale (5,8).
Rugby is the most famous sport in Ireland, though they lost their first match against England; now Ireland is one of the best rugby teams in the world. Gaelic football is also very popular in Ireland, with rules combining aspects of rugby and football, played with a ball similar to volleyball. Golf is also popular in Ireland, known as the "Kingdom of Golf" with many courses, enjoyed both professionally and casually. Hurling, the third most popular sport, involves 100,000 licensed players using hurleys and sliotar balls that can reach 110 km/h.
Commento a dichiarazioni di Mario Monti sul finanziamento del SSNNicola_C_Salerno
Commento a dichiarazioni di Mario Monti sul finanziamento del SSN
Statistiques Web: L’internet en 60 SecondsOolong Media
Statistique web:
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Petizione nr. 0090 2017 presentazione slide per bruxellesdanost7
The document discusses air pollution and urbanization issues in Lombardy, Italy. It notes high levels of nitrogen dioxide and PM10 particles in the Pianura Padana region of Lombardy. Maps show annual mean NO2 concentrations and the 90.4 percentile of daily PM10 concentrations from traffic stations in 2014. Another map shows estimated loss of life expectancy in months due to air pollution in the region. The document also discusses the Ticino River Valley biosphere conservation area and includes images contrasting present and potential future appearances with less urbanization and concrete for certain areas like navigli and towns. It promotes cultivating landscape and eradicating concrete.
Tracciato tangenziale anas magenta albairate direzione tangenziale ovest mil...danost7
This document is about a proposed ANAS project to improve connections between Magenta, Albairate, the Tangenziale Ovest, and the cities of Abbiategrasso and Vigevano in Italy. The project aims to enhance directional routes in the region.
Governance of seabed integrity in the Baltic Seapermagoveu
Seabed integrity depends on the health and wellbeing of benthic habitats found on the seafloor. These habitats include geological and biological components that are constantly pressured by human activities e.g. dredging, bottom trawling.
PERMAGOV analysis of governance arrangements shows that the availability of knowledge is an essential enabler for seabed governance. Missing knowledge about the locations and extent of benthic habitat types, impacts of bottom trawling, cumulative impacts of activities, and the recovery potential of habitats hamper seabed governance.
Setting threshold values can support seabed governance by providing concrete quantified targets for seabed protection and legal depth for the enforcement of the MSFD.
Hear from experts on how well new NDCs are stacking up – both to curb emissions and protect communities from increasingly severe climate impacts – and what to look out for next. Speakers assess the plans submitted thus far and also share what to expect from key forthcoming submissions, such as those from China and the European Union, as well as consider the next steps in driving progress toward a net-zero future.
Petizione nr. 0090 2017 presentazione slide per bruxellesdanost7
The document discusses air pollution and urbanization issues in Lombardy, Italy. It notes high levels of nitrogen dioxide and PM10 particles in the Pianura Padana region of Lombardy. Maps show annual mean NO2 concentrations and the 90.4 percentile of daily PM10 concentrations from traffic stations in 2014. Another map shows estimated loss of life expectancy in months due to air pollution in the region. The document also discusses the Ticino River Valley biosphere conservation area and includes images contrasting present and potential future appearances with less urbanization and concrete for certain areas like navigli and towns. It promotes cultivating landscape and eradicating concrete.
Tracciato tangenziale anas magenta albairate direzione tangenziale ovest mil...danost7
This document is about a proposed ANAS project to improve connections between Magenta, Albairate, the Tangenziale Ovest, and the cities of Abbiategrasso and Vigevano in Italy. The project aims to enhance directional routes in the region.
Governance of seabed integrity in the Baltic Seapermagoveu
Seabed integrity depends on the health and wellbeing of benthic habitats found on the seafloor. These habitats include geological and biological components that are constantly pressured by human activities e.g. dredging, bottom trawling.
PERMAGOV analysis of governance arrangements shows that the availability of knowledge is an essential enabler for seabed governance. Missing knowledge about the locations and extent of benthic habitat types, impacts of bottom trawling, cumulative impacts of activities, and the recovery potential of habitats hamper seabed governance.
Setting threshold values can support seabed governance by providing concrete quantified targets for seabed protection and legal depth for the enforcement of the MSFD.
Hear from experts on how well new NDCs are stacking up – both to curb emissions and protect communities from increasingly severe climate impacts – and what to look out for next. Speakers assess the plans submitted thus far and also share what to expect from key forthcoming submissions, such as those from China and the European Union, as well as consider the next steps in driving progress toward a net-zero future.
Presentación de Maria Tarrés, responsable de Estrategia de Sostenibilidad de SEAT, en el marco del XIII Simposio Empresarial Internacional, organizado por Funseam el pasado 3 de febrero de 2025, en Barcelona.
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To keep Air movement
To keep cooling
To keep control relative humidity
To improve air quality for confined animals.
Air distribution
To remove moisture, gases, dust, odors and pathogens
For livestock productivity.
To limit carbon dioxide & methane buildup.
Day 2 Seminar_Going Digital PAS conference Feb 2025_web.pptxmhutttch
We hear from MHCLG’s digital team on the progress so far, and one of the councils who has been part of Open Digital Planning for years. We will share some ideas about what might be next, and how leaders of services can prepare for a more digital future. If you can feel the potential that better ICT and use of data can bring but don’t know where to start this session is for you.
Breakout session Tuesday, February 11 at 1:30 p.m.
Explore the value of STAR's adaptable framework in aligning state partners & amplifying conservation efforts using a locally led, science-based approach to evaluating & guiding practice adoption.
Speaker: Jake Deutmeyer, STAR: Saving Tomorrow's Agriculture Resources
Learning Objective: Examine the energy landscape and the role of recent innovations in intermittent and advanced energy technology adoption and deployment.
As domestic and global energy demand accelerates, intermittent and advanced energy technologies are emerging as pivotal solutions in the quest for sustainable energy supplies. This seminar delves into the latest advancements in intermittent and advanced energy that are shaping the landscape of energy innovation and production.
The seminar will explore a range of advanced energy technologies as well as energy storage and discuss their impact on domestic energy resilience. Participants will explore how recent innovations are enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of these energy sources.
At the end of the seminar, attendees will:
Understand the role of energy in prosperity and human development.
Understand the current sources of energy and their challenges.
Analyze recent innovations in advanced energy technologies.?
Examine the latest developments in energy storage technologies, such as advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells.?
Investigate how these technological advancements are facilitating the deployment and adoption of additional energy sources.?
Identify the key factors driving the growth of intermittent and advanced energy technologies and the challenges that must be addressed to accelerate their adoption.
Explore policy, economic, and technical aspects that influence the integration of these technologies into the energy grid.
Considerations for appropriate assessment of efficacy of biopesticides in the...OECD Environment
The OECD Seminar on Different aspects of efficacy evaluation of biopesticides, held on 28-29 June 2021, covered the similarities and differences of the efficacy evaluation of the different categories of biopesticides, new application techniques, efficacy evaluation of biopesticides based on plant defence inducers (PDI), comparison of efficacy requirements for biostimulants vs. biopesticides, how to evaluate different Integrated Pest Management (IPM) modules, and registration pathways with limited or no evaluation of efficacy. The event facilitated exchanges between policy makers, academia, and industry.
Kamil Pyciak, A Name Making Waves in the Digital Worldkamilpyciakinfo1
Kamil Pyciak, based in the USA, is a passionate explorer and nature lover who connects with a Polish audience through an international platform. Surrounded by America’s breathtaking landscapes, he ventures into national parks, capturing the essence of the wilderness through his lens. Despite being miles away from Poland, Kamil’s digital presence transcends borders, uniting a global community of outdoor enthusiasts. Through striking photography and engaging storytelling, he fosters a shared admiration for nature, proving that the love for the great outdoors is a universal language that brings people together across continents.