This document provides information about the BASH fundraising event including the chairs and volunteers for various committees. It then lists and describes items that will be available in the live and silent auctions. The document promotes participation and thanks volunteers for their help with the event.
What is SponsorProof? We enable sponsors and event organizers to document, track, manage and report their sponsorship activities. Created at Indianapolis Start-up Weekend, we are proudly participating in Global Entrepreneurship Week.
Document management system for Pharmaceuticalbaseinfo
The document discusses a document management system for pharmaceutical companies built on the Alfresco platform. It notes that pharmaceutical companies operate in a highly regulated environment and need effective document management. The system allows companies to automate business processes, provide a knowledge base to users, and integrate with quality management, manufacturing, and other electronic document systems used in the manufacturing process. It provides features like digital signatures, audit trails, document version control, and mobile access to help companies comply with regulations.
Cartoons and visual communications are a great way to make an event awesome - before, during and after the event. For more info contact
Social media has had a massive impact on events fundraising, both from a supporter and charity perspective. Many event participants use it as their primary route for asking for donations, so this shows how social media can help them raise more and get their sponsors involved, including data on which social media channels perform best. It also looks at how social media can support recruitment and supporter care from a charitys point of view.
How Hotels Can Use Social Media to Attract Event PlannersJulius Solaris
A presentation from a popular post I made on - you can access full notes here ->
It's the power of story. Discover how to transform your event into a storytelling factory, engaging your prospects and customers in all the right channels with the right messages. A recent report showed that 9 out of 10 organizations market with content regardless of their size or industry. 62 percent of those B2B marketers use events as an important tactic in their marketing strategy. In fact, face-to-face events is the third most popular form of content marketing behind social media and articles. Discover how to position your event as a memorable content marketing experience.
Joe Pulizzi's presentation at IAEE Expo Expo regarding how to leverage content marketing to drive attendee signups and additional revenue opportunities.
Here you can find 21 ways to boost your event or conference. Cyriel has a lot of experience as Master of Interaction and loves to share his knowledge and experience in some very practical ways to inspire, engage and wake up your audience. Enjoy!
The document discusses various aspects of event planning and management. It begins by defining what an event is and different types of events. It then discusses event management and the key aspects involved, including market research, SWOT analysis, event planning using the 5 Ws framework, venue selection, marketing, evaluation and feedback. Key elements of event planning covered include determining objectives, activities, schedule, budget, target audience and addressing logistical considerations like location, date and time. The document provides an overview of best practices for comprehensive event planning.
The document outlines the steps involved in developing a strategic plan, including gathering information through tools like SWOT analysis, defining the vision, mission, values and strategy, setting goals and objectives, and ensuring stakeholders understand and support the strategic vision. It also discusses the importance of benchmarking, developing action plans for each department, and periodically reviewing and adjusting the strategic plan.
Effective Social Media For Event ExhibitorsWeb 2.0 Expo
These slides were used in the webcast "Effective Social Media for Event Exhibitors." Led by Web 2.0 Expo Co-Chair and The Twitter Book co-author Sarah Milstein and Web 2.0 Expo Community Manager Kaitlin Pike, this webcast featured real-life success stories and practical tips for using services such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and your own company blog for efficient marketing before, during, and after a show.
Apple's next press event happens on Monday, March 21 at the company's campus in Cupertino, California.
We've already talked about what to expect, in our PPT but to recap: Apple is expected to announce a new 4-inch iPhone that combines the size of the iPhone 5S with features from the iPhone 6 and 6S. It will also supposedly be upgrading the 9.7-inch iPad, giving it updated internals, a Smart Connector, and Apple Pencil support imported from the iPad Pro. The Apple Watch may get some love in the form of new band colors and combinations, but rumors say not to expect a full hardware refresh just yet.
Social media has had a massive impact on events fundraising, both from a supporter and charity perspective. Many event participants use it as their primary route for asking for donations, so this shows how social media can help them raise more and get their sponsors involved, including data on which social media channels perform best. It also looks at how social media can support recruitment and supporter care from a charitys point of view.
How Hotels Can Use Social Media to Attract Event PlannersJulius Solaris
A presentation from a popular post I made on - you can access full notes here ->
It's the power of story. Discover how to transform your event into a storytelling factory, engaging your prospects and customers in all the right channels with the right messages. A recent report showed that 9 out of 10 organizations market with content regardless of their size or industry. 62 percent of those B2B marketers use events as an important tactic in their marketing strategy. In fact, face-to-face events is the third most popular form of content marketing behind social media and articles. Discover how to position your event as a memorable content marketing experience.
Joe Pulizzi's presentation at IAEE Expo Expo regarding how to leverage content marketing to drive attendee signups and additional revenue opportunities.
Here you can find 21 ways to boost your event or conference. Cyriel has a lot of experience as Master of Interaction and loves to share his knowledge and experience in some very practical ways to inspire, engage and wake up your audience. Enjoy!
The document discusses various aspects of event planning and management. It begins by defining what an event is and different types of events. It then discusses event management and the key aspects involved, including market research, SWOT analysis, event planning using the 5 Ws framework, venue selection, marketing, evaluation and feedback. Key elements of event planning covered include determining objectives, activities, schedule, budget, target audience and addressing logistical considerations like location, date and time. The document provides an overview of best practices for comprehensive event planning.
The document outlines the steps involved in developing a strategic plan, including gathering information through tools like SWOT analysis, defining the vision, mission, values and strategy, setting goals and objectives, and ensuring stakeholders understand and support the strategic vision. It also discusses the importance of benchmarking, developing action plans for each department, and periodically reviewing and adjusting the strategic plan.
Effective Social Media For Event ExhibitorsWeb 2.0 Expo
These slides were used in the webcast "Effective Social Media for Event Exhibitors." Led by Web 2.0 Expo Co-Chair and The Twitter Book co-author Sarah Milstein and Web 2.0 Expo Community Manager Kaitlin Pike, this webcast featured real-life success stories and practical tips for using services such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and your own company blog for efficient marketing before, during, and after a show.
Apple's next press event happens on Monday, March 21 at the company's campus in Cupertino, California.
We've already talked about what to expect, in our PPT but to recap: Apple is expected to announce a new 4-inch iPhone that combines the size of the iPhone 5S with features from the iPhone 6 and 6S. It will also supposedly be upgrading the 9.7-inch iPad, giving it updated internals, a Smart Connector, and Apple Pencil support imported from the iPad Pro. The Apple Watch may get some love in the form of new band colors and combinations, but rumors say not to expect a full hardware refresh just yet.
Ridere non inquina, apre la mente, galvanizza il sistema immunitario,
ci rende superiori alle macchine, 竪 erotico, rivoluzionario,
socializzante, piacevoleRIDERE? E MEGLIO !
LEVENTO: RIDERE?..E MEGLIO! Sar uno spettacolo dedicato
interamente alla comicit italiana e sar rivolto ad un pubblico sia di
grandi che piccini. La serata avr una durata di 180 , e vedr la
partecipazione di alcuni tra i pi湛 noti comici toscani e non, che hanno
partecipato a programmi televisivi, come il noto programma di
Levento si dedicher anche al sociale, devolvendo una parte del
ricavato della serata all Associazione Onlus Soccorso Clown di Firenze.
LEVENTO si svolger durante il periodo estivo in data 20 AGOSTO
2016, e si terr nella scenografica PIAZZA DI SANTA CROCE a partire
dalle ore 20:30.
LEVENTO dedicato interamente alla comicit italiana sar presentato
e condotto da il noto comico e attore toscano PAOLO RUFFINI,
accompagnato dalla bellissima ed elegante comica e imitatrice