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Software package for legal document management
and for web and paper publishing.
Proven by our experience
Validated by our growth
Progilex is more than just a software solution. It is at the heart
of Legitech¡¯s growth. Thanks to Progilex, in the space of just a few
years we have become the leading legal publisher in Luxembourg,
both for books and on the Internet.
Nicolas Henckes, Managing Director, Legitech
LEgitech, The leading user of Progilex
Progilex is an application dedicated to document management and publication in
the form of books or websites. In its home market, Legitech uses this application to
produce the Luxembourg labour code and to publish three online databases: Legitax,
Legiwork and Legicorp    .
High added-value services                            Full support
Thanks to the Progilex software solution, Legitech   Legitech uses its technical, legal, operational
has become the leader in its market with a simple    and commercial experience to support its clients
promise, ¡°easy lex, sed lex¡±: facilitating access    from the conception to the final realisation of their
to legal texts without ever compromising             projects, should they require it, in the form of:?
on accuracy or the exhaustiveness of content.
By marketing Progilex, Legitech is extending         - advice, whether for deciding on staff numbers,
this promise to official bodies, legal publishers      determining the number of websites or books
and, more generally, all legal players wishing         to publish, setting product prices, etc.;
to structure and publish legal content in book
form or on the Internet.                             - staff training, essential to ensure a high level
                                                       of quality;

                                                     - the transfer of know-how and experience,
                                                       to allow clients to develop the product
                                                       themselves as part of a long-term partnership. n

                                                                                                             Progilex by Legitech   2
A unique solution
                           Progilex is constructed using a consolidation and structuring module suitable
                           for legal texts. This core is supplemented by two optional modules for Web and paper

                           Consolidation and structuring module                     Two publication modules:
                           The consolidation module can be used to input            Internet and paper
                           and structure any type of legal document.                Progilex offers two tools for publishing
                           The purpose of consolidation is to obtain a              the structured data: a Web tool and a Code
                           comprehensive database in order to present the           tool. They are used respectively to automatically
                           substantive law of any given legislation (national,      generate reference websites or paper publications
                           special, etc.), while still allowing access to earlier   from data input into the database. Compared
                           versions of the texts. The purpose of structuring        to traditional website creation and publishing
                           is both to differentiate between the various types       methods, the automatic nature of the two tools
                           of document and to create hyperlinks between             reduces production times and
                           them, for example where one text refers to another       costs considerably. n
                           text or has been interpreted in case law.

3   Progilex by Legitech
Technologies                                           Contracts
Simple but precise                                     From a simple licence to
Progilex is the product of ongoing technological       a tailor-made solution
advances and is now based on the capabilities          The flexibility of the software means that Legitech
of XML structuring and Java development. Created       can offer its clients a broad range of commercial
using open source technologies such as MySQL,          configurations in line with the unique requirements
Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition, JBOSS,             of their business plan:
Apache, etc., it requires no additional licences.
For the Code tool, which requires publishing           - the Progilex licence, the price of which depends
software, the user can therefore choose between          on the number of workspaces and publications.
an open source product and a paid solution.              It includes a number of programming hours
It does not require any additional complex               to customise the software, on-site installation,
hardware and a standard configuration                    preliminary staff training and an annual service;
(web server, application server, firewall, etc.)
is perfectly adequate.                                 - the SaaS (Software as a Service) contract:
                                                         this is a way of leasing the licence installed
                                                         on servers provided by Legitech, the cost
Use                                                      of which is linked to the number of workspaces
Quality and flexibility                                  and publications. The SaaS contract reduces
In creating Progilex, Legitech focussed on quality.      the initial investment to customisation, training
The software is highly reliable and was designed         and the first lease payment.
to meet the needs of players in the legal world
with fast, accurate search tools. As Progilex          - ong-term partnerships such as operational joint
was designed and produced entirely by the staff          ventures or the partial transfer of technology
at Legitech, they are able to adapt it to each           ¨C acquisition of participating interests, public-
user¡¯s specific constraints, whether linked to their     private partnerships, procurement contracts. n
strategy or to the characteristics of their markets.

                                                                                                             Progilex by Legitech   4
The consolidation tool
                           The Progilex consolidation tool is used to structure a body of legal texts. At the end
                           of the consolidation process, you have the substantive law of any given legislation
                           (national, special, etc.) and earlier versions of the texts as well as hyperlinks between
                           the documents.
                           The 4 steps of structuring                            Key productivity factors
                           Legitech has defined a standardised consolidation     Progilex¡¯s technology and simplicity make
                           process consisting of four steps:                     it possible to subcontract data entry and
                           1. Documentalists identify and assemble               structuring, onshore or offshore, or to use remote
                           the documents to be input and create an identity      workers. Subcontracting is particularly attractive
                           sheet for each document in the consolidation tool.    when setting up the databases as it involves
                           2. The operators input these documents, either        substantial resources that may not be required
                           by entering or cutting and pasting the text,          afterwards. Legitech can help its clients to arrange
                           and structure them using the Progilex WYSIWYG         subcontracting, in particular through advice
                           editor, according to type: law, case law, doctrine,   on organisation and training. n
                           parliamentary cases, etc.
                           3. The documentalists insert markers that will
                           produce hyperlinks. At Legitech this task is also
                           performed by experienced data entry operators.
                           4. The legal specialists carry out quality checks
                           before approving the document. They add any
                           relevant key words, a summary or comments.
                           Some of these tasks are also performed
                           by experienced documentalists.

5   Progilex by Legitech
                                             The workspace in which you wish to work can be selected from
                                             a drop-down menu. Progilex can manage an unlimited number
                                             of dedicated workspaces and, if necessary, a single text can
                                             be shared by several workspaces.

                                                                                                    Document status
                                                                                                    When a document has been extracted
                                                                                                    by one user it cannot be edited by another
                                                                                                    user. This function guarantees the integrity
                                                                                                    of each document and makes it possible
                                                                                                    to trace any changes made back to the user.

                                                                                                    of dates
                                                                                                    Progilex manages
                                                                                                    all the dates
                                                                                                    associated with
                                                                                                    a text: publication
                                                                                                    date, effective date,
                                                                                                    date of applicability,
                                                                                                    date of end
                                                                                                    of applicability.

User profiles                                           Document type
With Progilex you can create several                    Progilex can differentiate between
types of user profile. These profiles are               different types of document: legislation,
accessible using passwords and have                     case law, doctrine, official circulars,
different user rights. For example, a data              parliamentary cases, etc. Each type can
entry operator cannot approve a text.                   be associated with specific meta-data.

                                                                                                                             Progilex by Legitech   6
The Web tool
                           The Web tool is used to put content structured with the consolidation tool online.
                           Depending on commercial strategy, it is possible to put one or more websites online
                           and to choose between open access and subscription formulas.

                           ¡°Lawyer-friendly¡±                     Technologies                           Follow up
                           Designed with the needs of legal      Through XML structuring of             Progilex provides statistics
                           players in mind, the Web tool         the databases and development          on the behaviour of your websites¡¯
                           publishes websites that offer         of the application using Java,         users. For all visitors or for
                           users a vast range of search          websites published by Progilex         a particular user, you can find out:
                           criteria ¨C source, domain,            combine reliability with speed.        - he number of connections
                           key words, dates, etc. ¨C and          For users, the websites operate          in a given day, month or year;
                           allows access to earlier versions     with the latest technologies:          - the total time used;
                           of legal texts. The user can save     -  C, Internet Explorer 7 or later,
                                                                   P                                    - the average length of sessions.
                           files, update them automatically,       Firefox or Google Chrome;
                           create and organise files, print      -  ac, MacOS X, Safari, Opera,
                                                                   M                                    General viewing of the websites
                           or send searches by email.              or Mozilla Firefox.                  can also be monitored using
                           A single identifier can be used                                              Google Analytics.
                           for simultaneous sessions.            The websites can also be               Progilex also allows you
                           Lastly, the interface supports        accessed using software                to automatically publish
                           multilingualism with no restriction   for the blind. Lastly, a version       newsletters to announce
                           on the number of languages.           of the websites optimised              significant content updates. n
                                                                 for smartphone use is currently
                                                                 in development.

7   Progilex by Legitech
This is the renewal rate for subscriptions to Legitech websites.

Proof in itself that the Web tool meets users¡¯ needs.       www.legitax.lu

The Legitech point of view
A tool that can be tailored to any strategy
The Luxembourg legal sector is made up of a limited number of highly
specialised players. In a limited, segmented market of this type, our Web
strategy has consisted in building up the number of websites accessible
by subscription. In response to the specific features of the national
market, we focused our development on commercial law with three
websites, Legitax, Legiwork and Legicorp specialising in tax,
labour law and company law respectively.
Progilex is a comprehensive tool that can be implemented as part
of radically different strategies: single or multiple websites,
free or subscription-only access. It also offers the option of starting with
a general site and subsequently dividing it easily into specialised sites.
To determine the use most suitable to your situation,
your objectives and your market, do not hesitate to seek
our advice. You can benefit from the experience
we have acquired in our home market and
by analysing strategies developed
in other countries.

                                                                                                 Progilex by Legitech   8
The Code tool
                           With the Code tool you can publish books automatically based on content structured
                           using the consolidation tool. Once the database has been created, all you need to do
                           is update it regularly so that you can publish a new, up-to-date version at any time.

                           Simplicity                                            Speed and cost control
                           To publish a book from a database, you just           In the legal world, things move quickly
                           need to create a template in a publishing software    and reference works must be constantly updated.
                           application such as Adobe? InDesign?, which           By considerably reducing a book¡¯s production time
                           Legitech uses for its books.                          and the associated costs, Progilex¡¯s Code tool
                           One of the consolidation tool¡¯s functions             makes it possible to regularly publish works
                           allows you to choose the data to be exported          that would not see the light of day with
                           into the Code tool, which then inserts the data       the traditional publishing process and to provide
                           into the template and automatically creates           new editions on a regular basis. Legitech
                           an index and a table of contents. If there are any    developed the Progilex Code tool precisely
                           corrections to be made to the content, it is better   because the limited size of its home market
                           to do so using the consolidation tool and to start    was a hindrance to legal publishing.?n
                           the process over. It is nevertheless possible
                           to make corrections directly in the publishing
                           software, but this should ideally only be done
                           for page layout or for adding an introduction,
                           a dedication or page breaks, etc. Any generally
                           available graphics application may be used
                           to create a cover page.

9   Progilex by Legitech
Ahead of the game¡­
With the Code tool, Legitech is introducing its clients
to the era of digital publishing. Now used to reduce book
publication times and the associated costs,
this tool foreshadows the arrival of electronic books
and the generation of updated works on request.

                                                            Progilex by Legitech   10
For document management, book publishing and digital publishing,
Progilex is a comprehensive software package that will help you
to conclude your projects on time. Please do not hesitate to contact us
to discuss your requirements.
Together, we will identify the most appropriate solution
for achieving your objectives.

Nicolas Henckes, Managing Director, Legitech

                                                                                  Conceived  designed by La Forge: www.forger.fr
Address : 10A, ZAI Bourmicht, L-8070 Bertrange
Mailing address : B.P 27 L-8005 Bertrange
Tel. : +352 26 31 64 1 ? Fax. : +352 26 31 64 99 ? Mail: : progilex@legitech.lu

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Progilex brochure - English version

  • 1. Software package for legal document management and for web and paper publishing.
  • 2. Proven by our experience Validated by our growth Progilex is more than just a software solution. It is at the heart of Legitech¡¯s growth. Thanks to Progilex, in the space of just a few years we have become the leading legal publisher in Luxembourg, both for books and on the Internet. Nicolas Henckes, Managing Director, Legitech
  • 3. LEgitech, The leading user of Progilex Progilex is an application dedicated to document management and publication in the form of books or websites. In its home market, Legitech uses this application to produce the Luxembourg labour code and to publish three online databases: Legitax, Legiwork and Legicorp . High added-value services Full support Thanks to the Progilex software solution, Legitech Legitech uses its technical, legal, operational has become the leader in its market with a simple and commercial experience to support its clients promise, ¡°easy lex, sed lex¡±: facilitating access from the conception to the final realisation of their to legal texts without ever compromising projects, should they require it, in the form of:? on accuracy or the exhaustiveness of content. By marketing Progilex, Legitech is extending - advice, whether for deciding on staff numbers, this promise to official bodies, legal publishers determining the number of websites or books and, more generally, all legal players wishing to publish, setting product prices, etc.; to structure and publish legal content in book form or on the Internet. - staff training, essential to ensure a high level of quality; - the transfer of know-how and experience, to allow clients to develop the product themselves as part of a long-term partnership. n Progilex by Legitech 2
  • 4. A unique solution Progilex is constructed using a consolidation and structuring module suitable for legal texts. This core is supplemented by two optional modules for Web and paper publication. Consolidation and structuring module Two publication modules: The consolidation module can be used to input Internet and paper and structure any type of legal document. Progilex offers two tools for publishing The purpose of consolidation is to obtain a the structured data: a Web tool and a Code comprehensive database in order to present the tool. They are used respectively to automatically substantive law of any given legislation (national, generate reference websites or paper publications special, etc.), while still allowing access to earlier from data input into the database. Compared versions of the texts. The purpose of structuring to traditional website creation and publishing is both to differentiate between the various types methods, the automatic nature of the two tools of document and to create hyperlinks between reduces production times and them, for example where one text refers to another costs considerably. n text or has been interpreted in case law. 3 Progilex by Legitech
  • 5. Technologies Contracts Simple but precise From a simple licence to Progilex is the product of ongoing technological a tailor-made solution advances and is now based on the capabilities The flexibility of the software means that Legitech of XML structuring and Java development. Created can offer its clients a broad range of commercial using open source technologies such as MySQL, configurations in line with the unique requirements Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition, JBOSS, of their business plan: Apache, etc., it requires no additional licences. For the Code tool, which requires publishing - the Progilex licence, the price of which depends software, the user can therefore choose between on the number of workspaces and publications. an open source product and a paid solution. It includes a number of programming hours It does not require any additional complex to customise the software, on-site installation, hardware and a standard configuration preliminary staff training and an annual service; (web server, application server, firewall, etc.) is perfectly adequate. - the SaaS (Software as a Service) contract: this is a way of leasing the licence installed on servers provided by Legitech, the cost Use of which is linked to the number of workspaces Quality and flexibility and publications. The SaaS contract reduces In creating Progilex, Legitech focussed on quality. the initial investment to customisation, training The software is highly reliable and was designed and the first lease payment. to meet the needs of players in the legal world with fast, accurate search tools. As Progilex - ong-term partnerships such as operational joint l was designed and produced entirely by the staff ventures or the partial transfer of technology at Legitech, they are able to adapt it to each ¨C acquisition of participating interests, public- user¡¯s specific constraints, whether linked to their private partnerships, procurement contracts. n strategy or to the characteristics of their markets. Progilex by Legitech 4
  • 6. The consolidation tool The Progilex consolidation tool is used to structure a body of legal texts. At the end of the consolidation process, you have the substantive law of any given legislation (national, special, etc.) and earlier versions of the texts as well as hyperlinks between the documents. The 4 steps of structuring Key productivity factors Legitech has defined a standardised consolidation Progilex¡¯s technology and simplicity make process consisting of four steps: it possible to subcontract data entry and 1. Documentalists identify and assemble structuring, onshore or offshore, or to use remote the documents to be input and create an identity workers. Subcontracting is particularly attractive sheet for each document in the consolidation tool. when setting up the databases as it involves 2. The operators input these documents, either substantial resources that may not be required by entering or cutting and pasting the text, afterwards. Legitech can help its clients to arrange and structure them using the Progilex WYSIWYG subcontracting, in particular through advice editor, according to type: law, case law, doctrine, on organisation and training. n parliamentary cases, etc. 3. The documentalists insert markers that will produce hyperlinks. At Legitech this task is also performed by experienced data entry operators. 4. The legal specialists carry out quality checks before approving the document. They add any relevant key words, a summary or comments. Some of these tasks are also performed by experienced documentalists. 5 Progilex by Legitech
  • 7. Workspaces The workspace in which you wish to work can be selected from a drop-down menu. Progilex can manage an unlimited number of dedicated workspaces and, if necessary, a single text can be shared by several workspaces. Document status When a document has been extracted by one user it cannot be edited by another user. This function guarantees the integrity of each document and makes it possible to trace any changes made back to the user. Management of dates Progilex manages all the dates associated with a text: publication date, effective date, date of applicability, date of end of applicability. User profiles Document type With Progilex you can create several Progilex can differentiate between types of user profile. These profiles are different types of document: legislation, accessible using passwords and have case law, doctrine, official circulars, different user rights. For example, a data parliamentary cases, etc. Each type can entry operator cannot approve a text. be associated with specific meta-data. Progilex by Legitech 6
  • 8. The Web tool The Web tool is used to put content structured with the consolidation tool online. Depending on commercial strategy, it is possible to put one or more websites online and to choose between open access and subscription formulas. ¡°Lawyer-friendly¡± Technologies Follow up Designed with the needs of legal Through XML structuring of Progilex provides statistics players in mind, the Web tool the databases and development on the behaviour of your websites¡¯ publishes websites that offer of the application using Java, users. For all visitors or for users a vast range of search websites published by Progilex a particular user, you can find out: criteria ¨C source, domain, combine reliability with speed. - he number of connections t key words, dates, etc. ¨C and For users, the websites operate in a given day, month or year; allows access to earlier versions with the latest technologies: - the total time used; of legal texts. The user can save - C, Internet Explorer 7 or later, P - the average length of sessions. files, update them automatically, Firefox or Google Chrome; create and organise files, print - ac, MacOS X, Safari, Opera, M General viewing of the websites or send searches by email. or Mozilla Firefox. can also be monitored using A single identifier can be used Google Analytics. for simultaneous sessions. The websites can also be Progilex also allows you Lastly, the interface supports accessed using software to automatically publish multilingualism with no restriction for the blind. Lastly, a version newsletters to announce on the number of languages. of the websites optimised significant content updates. n for smartphone use is currently in development. 7 Progilex by Legitech
  • 9. 95?% This is the renewal rate for subscriptions to Legitech websites. www.legiwork.lu Proof in itself that the Web tool meets users¡¯ needs. www.legitax.lu www.legicorp.lu The Legitech point of view A tool that can be tailored to any strategy The Luxembourg legal sector is made up of a limited number of highly specialised players. In a limited, segmented market of this type, our Web strategy has consisted in building up the number of websites accessible by subscription. In response to the specific features of the national market, we focused our development on commercial law with three websites, Legitax, Legiwork and Legicorp specialising in tax, , labour law and company law respectively. Progilex is a comprehensive tool that can be implemented as part of radically different strategies: single or multiple websites, free or subscription-only access. It also offers the option of starting with a general site and subsequently dividing it easily into specialised sites. To determine the use most suitable to your situation, your objectives and your market, do not hesitate to seek our advice. You can benefit from the experience we have acquired in our home market and by analysing strategies developed in other countries. Progilex by Legitech 8
  • 10. The Code tool With the Code tool you can publish books automatically based on content structured using the consolidation tool. Once the database has been created, all you need to do is update it regularly so that you can publish a new, up-to-date version at any time. Simplicity Speed and cost control To publish a book from a database, you just In the legal world, things move quickly need to create a template in a publishing software and reference works must be constantly updated. application such as Adobe? InDesign?, which By considerably reducing a book¡¯s production time Legitech uses for its books. and the associated costs, Progilex¡¯s Code tool One of the consolidation tool¡¯s functions makes it possible to regularly publish works allows you to choose the data to be exported that would not see the light of day with into the Code tool, which then inserts the data the traditional publishing process and to provide into the template and automatically creates new editions on a regular basis. Legitech an index and a table of contents. If there are any developed the Progilex Code tool precisely corrections to be made to the content, it is better because the limited size of its home market to do so using the consolidation tool and to start was a hindrance to legal publishing.?n the process over. It is nevertheless possible to make corrections directly in the publishing software, but this should ideally only be done for page layout or for adding an introduction, a dedication or page breaks, etc. Any generally available graphics application may be used to create a cover page. 9 Progilex by Legitech
  • 11. Ahead of the game¡­ With the Code tool, Legitech is introducing its clients to the era of digital publishing. Now used to reduce book publication times and the associated costs, this tool foreshadows the arrival of electronic books and the generation of updated works on request. Progilex by Legitech 10
  • 12. For document management, book publishing and digital publishing, Progilex is a comprehensive software package that will help you to conclude your projects on time. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements. Together, we will identify the most appropriate solution for achieving your objectives. Nicolas Henckes, Managing Director, Legitech Conceived designed by La Forge: www.forger.fr Address : 10A, ZAI Bourmicht, L-8070 Bertrange Mailing address : B.P 27 L-8005 Bertrange . Tel. : +352 26 31 64 1 ? Fax. : +352 26 31 64 99 ? Mail: : progilex@legitech.lu