The document outlines the program for a climate smart agriculture side event held in Accra, Ghana. The event focused on innovations to improve productivity and resilience under changing climatic conditions. The program included three sessions. The first session discussed the global experience with climate smart agriculture and implications for Africa. The second presented country case studies on climate-smart practices for crops, livestock, and land use. The third examined research and policy gaps. Presentations were followed by discussions. In concluding remarks, recommendations were made to address gaps in climate-smart agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.
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FARA side event: Climate smart agriculture_agenda
Theme: “Africa Feeding Africa through Agricultural Science and Innovation”
Subtheme:II: Innovations to improve productivity and resilience
Side Event: Climate Smart Agriculture
Tuesday, 16TH July 2013: 0900 – 1400
Venue : Accra International Conference Center, Executive Room 5
Time Details Who
0900-0910 Welcome remarks Executive Director , FARA
0905-0910 Objectives and expectations Facilitator: Jacqueline Nnam,
Dept. of Agric. Econs.
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Session 1: Innovations to promote Climate Smart
Chair: Prof. Paul Vlek, WASCAL
Rapporteur: Solomon Bangali,
0910-09:30 The Global experience in climate smart agriculture and
emerging implications for the African continent
Dr Sonja Vermeulen
CCAFS, Denmark
0930-09:50 Approaches of land use and management for climate resilience. DrAblasseBilgo
0950-1010 Existing and new innovations that enhance climate-smart
Dr Henry Mahoo
University Sokoine, Tanzania
1010-1045 Discussion All
1045-1100 Tea/Coffee Break ALL
Session 2: Country Case studies on Climate-Smart
Chair: Dr Farid Waliyar,
Rapporteur: Clesensio Tizikara,
1100-1120 Crops and climate change Dr Julius H. Mangisoni
Bunda College, Malawi
1120-1140 Livestock and climate change Dr N. Karbo
CSIR, Ghana
1140-1200 Land use and conservation Dr Ali Babiker
ARC, Sudan
1200-12:30 Discussion All
Session 3: Research and Policy gaps Chair : Dr Sepo H. Hachingonta
Rapporteur: Alain ANGE
1230-1250 Overview of AfricaInteract Dr Abdulai Jalloh
1250-1310 Synthesis of research and Policy gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa. Dr. Naess Otto Lars,
University of Sussex,
Brighton, UK
1310-1340 Discussion ALL
1340-1355 Conclusion and recommendations Chairs/Rapporteurs/Facilitator
1350- 1400 Concluding remarks ED/DED, FARA
1400- 00 Lunch ALL