Dokumen tersebut membahas dua penyakit hati yaitu kegembiraan berlebihan dan kebencian tanpa alasan. Obat untuk kegembiraan berlebihan adalah berpuasa dan merenungkan hari akhirat. Sedangkan obat untuk kebencian tanpa alasan adalah mendoakan orang yang dibenci dengan kebaikan. Dokumen ini menekankan pentingnya mengendalikan emosi negatif dan selalu mengingat hari pertanggungjawaban di akh
C:\fakepath\bergaul memperbanyak saudara sambil mencari pasangan hidupRadio Pengajian
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya memiliki keterampilan bergaul dan berkomunikasi yang baik dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk pernikahan. Keterampilan ini penting untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman dan membangun kepercayaan dengan calon pasangan dan keluarganya. Dokumen juga membahas tentang cinta yang diharapkan dari lelaki dan wanita biasa serta pentingnya menerima pasangan yang telah ditakdirkan.
The document summarizes key events in the early years of Islam from 610 to 622 CE, including the start of Prophet Muhammad's prophethood, persecution of Muslims in Mecca, the migration of Muslims to Abyssinia, and important conversions. It then details the hijra or migration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib in 622, including the route taken, stopping at Quba where the first mosque was built, and finally settling in Yathrib which was later renamed Madinat an-Nabi or City of the Prophet. A map shows the usual and actual routes taken from Mecca to Yathrib along with important geographical locations.
1) The Muslims in Mecca faced severe persecution from the Quraysh tribe, which tried to limit the spread of Islam and control Muslim migration.
2) Due to the persecution, the Prophet Muhammad received a revelation from God telling him to migrate to Yathrib, later known as Medina, where Muslims would be protected.
3) In 622 CE, the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr secretly left Mecca and made the journey on foot to Yathrib, marking the beginning of the Hijra, or migration, and the start of the Muslim calendar. This migration established the first permanent Muslim community free from persecution.
The document summarizes events from the early years of Islam in Mecca and the beginning of the Hijra to Medina. It describes how the Prophet Muhammad began preaching to tribes outside of Mecca, including some from Yathrib (later known as Medina). Over three years, groups from Yathrib met with the Prophet at Mina during Hajj season and pledged allegiance at Aqaba, first accepting Islam and later promising to defend Muhammad and the Muslims. The last meeting established twelve deputies from Yathrib to help propagate Islam and implement the terms of their defense pact.
The document summarizes the events of Muhammad's life from the start of his prophethood until the hijra (emigration) to Medina, including key events like the Night Journey and Ascension to heaven (Isra and Mi'raj). It describes how Muhammad increasingly called people outside of Mecca to Islam and his meetings with delegations from Yathrib (later known as Medina) who pledged allegiance at Aqaba and agreed to protect the Muslims.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang pedoman hidup bagi umat muslim yang berada di negara minoritas. Terdapat beberapa masalah hukum yang dihadapi seperti hukum tinggal di negara minoritas, hukum ikut pemerintahan, dan masalah-masalah turunan seperti shalat, puasa, makanan, pernikahan, pekerjaan, dan pergaulan. Dokumen ini juga menyarankan beberapa solusi seperti tulisan, pendidikan, dan kerjasama antar lembaga fat
Dokumen ini membahas tentang beberapa topik utama fiqih Islam seperti thaharah (kebersihan), shalat (salat), zakat, puasa, dan beberapa topik lainnya. Topik-topik ini dijelaskan dengan mendefinisikan konsep-konsep kunci, menjelaskan hukum dan aturan yang terkait, serta membedah unsur-unsur penting dari setiap topik.
The document discusses Arabic verbs with three letters (faa'il verbs) and how to conjugate them into the past tense. It provides examples of common three-letter verbs like "to go", "to study", "to work" and their past tense forms. It also includes exercises asking the reader to conjugate sample sentences into the past tense using three-letter verbs. Finally, it discusses antonyms in Arabic and provides examples of opposite word pairs.
The document discusses Arabic verbs with three letters (3 letter verbs) and their past tense forms. It provides examples of 3 letter verbs like يذهب (go) becoming ذهب (went) by removing the ي. It also gives examples of using the past tense form in sentences and lists antonyms like tired/energetic and difficult/easy.
The document provides examples of:
1) Using the prohibitive particle "laa" to form negative commands, such as "Don't drink the milk" and "Don't forget".
2) Changing present tense verbs to imperative/command form using the "2+1" formula, like "يجلس" becoming "اجلس".
3) Expressing times of day in Arabic, from one o'clock to twelve o'clock, using feminine ordinal numbers.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah: (1) Iri dengki adalah salah satu penyakit hati terburuk yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti permusuhan dan keinginan untuk memiliki, (2) Iri dengki hanya akan merugikan diri sendiri dan tidak akan menghilangkan nikmat yang dimiliki orang lain, (3) Obatnya adalah dengan sengaja bertolak belakang dari hawa nafsu dan menyadari bahwa i
The document provides a lesson on Arabic grammar and vocabulary. It discusses prohibitive verbs using "laa", command verbs formed from present tense verbs, cardinal and ordinal numbers, and prepositions such as "bi", "li", and "ka". It also includes a vocabulary list of terms related to school subjects and a first conversation on asking the time. Possessive pronouns like "maa", "inda", and "laday" are defined.
Purification of The Heart 05 - Iniquity and Love of the WorldRadio Pengajian
The document discusses different types of spiritual diseases and their cures according to Islamic teachings. It addresses iniquity, which is harming others without right, and says its cause is the intoxicating love of worldly status. The cure is remembering death and how worldly positions are temporary. It then discusses love of the world, saying its cure is certainty of one's mortality and keeping death in sight. Love of the world can be good or bad depending on the intention - it is problematic if solely for selfish benefit, but acceptable if to help others or provide for the afterlife. The next topic will be envy.
The document summarizes the rejection and objections that the Quraysh tribe of Mecca had towards the message of Islam and Prophet Muhammad. Some of their objections included: objecting to worshipping one God instead of many gods, objecting to concepts of life after death and accountability, refusing to relinquish their power to Allah's authority, following the traditions of their ancestors instead of the truth, questioning why Muhammad was chosen as a prophet instead of an important person, and fearing a loss of their status and power in society if they accepted the new message. The Quraysh were attached to their polytheistic practices and lifestyle and did not want it to change.
This document discusses miserliness and its treatment. [1] Miserliness is refusing to give what is obligated by sacred law, such as zakat or supporting dependents, or virtuous acts like not nitpicking small expenses or making guests uncomfortable. [2] Its root is loving wealth for its own sake or desiring fleeting worldly pleasures. [3] To treat it, realize wealth requires long effort and death comes suddenly, and that misers are disdained and hated, even by other misers.
Makkah - Madinah "First 3 Years of Da’wah: The Secret Phase"Radio Pengajian
The document summarizes the secret first phase of da'wah (mission to invite people to Islam) that lasted three years. During this time, the Prophet Muhammad privately invited close family and friends to become Muslims, including Khadijah, Ali, Zaid, and his daughters. Small groups of early converts included Uthman ibn Affan, Abdurrahman ibn Auf, and Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqash. The da'wah was conducted secretly to protect the small community of Muslims. Prayer, cleanliness, and study of the Quran were important practices. The document also notes the house of Al-Arqam ibn Abil
Sehat Bersemi - Purification Of The Heart - part 2Radio Pengajian
Rangkuman dokumen tersebut adalah:
1) Dokumen tersebut membahas proses mensucikan hati yang terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu menanamkan adab kepada Allah dan memahami penyakit-penyakit hati serta obatnya.
2) Meskipun penyakit hati dianggap sebagai sifat dasar manusia menurut Imam Ghazali, ulama lain berpendapat penyakit hati lebih bersifat melimpah ruah pada ke
The document summarizes the events of Muhammad's life from the start of his prophethood until the hijra (emigration) to Medina, including key events like the Night Journey and Ascension to heaven (Isra and Mi'raj). It describes how Muhammad increasingly called people outside of Mecca to Islam and his meetings with delegations from Yathrib (later known as Medina) who pledged allegiance at Aqaba and agreed to protect the Muslims.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang pedoman hidup bagi umat muslim yang berada di negara minoritas. Terdapat beberapa masalah hukum yang dihadapi seperti hukum tinggal di negara minoritas, hukum ikut pemerintahan, dan masalah-masalah turunan seperti shalat, puasa, makanan, pernikahan, pekerjaan, dan pergaulan. Dokumen ini juga menyarankan beberapa solusi seperti tulisan, pendidikan, dan kerjasama antar lembaga fat
Dokumen ini membahas tentang beberapa topik utama fiqih Islam seperti thaharah (kebersihan), shalat (salat), zakat, puasa, dan beberapa topik lainnya. Topik-topik ini dijelaskan dengan mendefinisikan konsep-konsep kunci, menjelaskan hukum dan aturan yang terkait, serta membedah unsur-unsur penting dari setiap topik.
The document discusses Arabic verbs with three letters (faa'il verbs) and how to conjugate them into the past tense. It provides examples of common three-letter verbs like "to go", "to study", "to work" and their past tense forms. It also includes exercises asking the reader to conjugate sample sentences into the past tense using three-letter verbs. Finally, it discusses antonyms in Arabic and provides examples of opposite word pairs.
The document discusses Arabic verbs with three letters (3 letter verbs) and their past tense forms. It provides examples of 3 letter verbs like يذهب (go) becoming ذهب (went) by removing the ي. It also gives examples of using the past tense form in sentences and lists antonyms like tired/energetic and difficult/easy.
The document provides examples of:
1) Using the prohibitive particle "laa" to form negative commands, such as "Don't drink the milk" and "Don't forget".
2) Changing present tense verbs to imperative/command form using the "2+1" formula, like "يجلس" becoming "اجلس".
3) Expressing times of day in Arabic, from one o'clock to twelve o'clock, using feminine ordinal numbers.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah: (1) Iri dengki adalah salah satu penyakit hati terburuk yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti permusuhan dan keinginan untuk memiliki, (2) Iri dengki hanya akan merugikan diri sendiri dan tidak akan menghilangkan nikmat yang dimiliki orang lain, (3) Obatnya adalah dengan sengaja bertolak belakang dari hawa nafsu dan menyadari bahwa i
The document provides a lesson on Arabic grammar and vocabulary. It discusses prohibitive verbs using "laa", command verbs formed from present tense verbs, cardinal and ordinal numbers, and prepositions such as "bi", "li", and "ka". It also includes a vocabulary list of terms related to school subjects and a first conversation on asking the time. Possessive pronouns like "maa", "inda", and "laday" are defined.
Purification of The Heart 05 - Iniquity and Love of the WorldRadio Pengajian
The document discusses different types of spiritual diseases and their cures according to Islamic teachings. It addresses iniquity, which is harming others without right, and says its cause is the intoxicating love of worldly status. The cure is remembering death and how worldly positions are temporary. It then discusses love of the world, saying its cure is certainty of one's mortality and keeping death in sight. Love of the world can be good or bad depending on the intention - it is problematic if solely for selfish benefit, but acceptable if to help others or provide for the afterlife. The next topic will be envy.
The document summarizes the rejection and objections that the Quraysh tribe of Mecca had towards the message of Islam and Prophet Muhammad. Some of their objections included: objecting to worshipping one God instead of many gods, objecting to concepts of life after death and accountability, refusing to relinquish their power to Allah's authority, following the traditions of their ancestors instead of the truth, questioning why Muhammad was chosen as a prophet instead of an important person, and fearing a loss of their status and power in society if they accepted the new message. The Quraysh were attached to their polytheistic practices and lifestyle and did not want it to change.
This document discusses miserliness and its treatment. [1] Miserliness is refusing to give what is obligated by sacred law, such as zakat or supporting dependents, or virtuous acts like not nitpicking small expenses or making guests uncomfortable. [2] Its root is loving wealth for its own sake or desiring fleeting worldly pleasures. [3] To treat it, realize wealth requires long effort and death comes suddenly, and that misers are disdained and hated, even by other misers.
Makkah - Madinah "First 3 Years of Da’wah: The Secret Phase"Radio Pengajian
The document summarizes the secret first phase of da'wah (mission to invite people to Islam) that lasted three years. During this time, the Prophet Muhammad privately invited close family and friends to become Muslims, including Khadijah, Ali, Zaid, and his daughters. Small groups of early converts included Uthman ibn Affan, Abdurrahman ibn Auf, and Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqash. The da'wah was conducted secretly to protect the small community of Muslims. Prayer, cleanliness, and study of the Quran were important practices. The document also notes the house of Al-Arqam ibn Abil
Sehat Bersemi - Purification Of The Heart - part 2Radio Pengajian
Rangkuman dokumen tersebut adalah:
1) Dokumen tersebut membahas proses mensucikan hati yang terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu menanamkan adab kepada Allah dan memahami penyakit-penyakit hati serta obatnya.
2) Meskipun penyakit hati dianggap sebagai sifat dasar manusia menurut Imam Ghazali, ulama lain berpendapat penyakit hati lebih bersifat melimpah ruah pada ke