Eagle Eléctrica,Lda offers a health and safety training program for supervisors in Angola consisting of 6 courses that cover topics like basic health and safety awareness, legal requirements, fire safety, first aid response, electrical safety, and an overview of Angolan health and safety legislation. The courses provide information on occupational health, safety risks and hazards, emergency response, and legal duties and responsibilities. Eagle Eléctrica,Lda is offering a promotional price of 30,000 kwanzas per candidate, which includes course materials, or a discounted package price for groups of 10 candidates for companies.
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Programa de formação hse 2014
1. Eagle Eléctrica,Lda.
Engenharia, Consultoria, Formação e Recrutamento
Sistemas Integrados de Seguranças
NIF:5417203750 Tel.:+244912800311. E-mail: eagle.electrica.lda@gmail.com
Bloco N25, Apta. 33, 3º Andar, Projecto Cidade do Kilamba (Luanda-Angola)
HSE Training Programmer for Supervisors
1. INDUCTOR™ [Basic H&S Awareness].
The reasons incidents occur, Legal requirements, Organization’s rules and
procedures, Occupational Health
Occupational Hygiene
Personal Hygiene
Occupational Safety
First Aid and medical facilities
Reporting system
Emergency Planning
2. HASREP™ [Legal, Inspections & Investigations].
Course Introduction
Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety
Theory of risk management
Legal requirements [Customize]
Risk & hazard identification
Reporting the findings
Incident investigation
3. FIRETRAC™ [Level 1 - Fire & Emergency Planning].
Course Introduction
Chemistry of fire
Theory of fire prevention
Theory of fire protection
Theory of fire fighting
Theory of emergency planning
Responding to an emergency
Fire inspections
Registers & checklists
Reporting the findings
4. FIRSTRAC™ [Level 1 & 2 – 1st Aid & Response].
Introduction to Legal Requirements
Legal and Ethical Considerations
The Law of Consent
Reporting of Injuries and Treatment
Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety
Personal, Protective Equipment and Clothing
First Aid Kits and Equipment
Approaching an Accident
Scene, Treating a Collapsed Person, Rescue Breathing, CPR, Choking
Drowning Shock, Unconsciousness Fainting Wounds & Control of Bleeding,
Fractures, Sprains & Dislocations, Head Injuries, Neck and Spinal Injuries,
2. Eagle Eléctrica,Lda.
Engenharia, Consultoria, Formação e Recrutamento
Sistemas Integrados de Seguranças
NIF:5417203750 Tel.:+244912800311. E-mail: eagle.electrica.lda@gmail.com
Bloco N25, Apta. 33, 3º Andar, Projecto Cidade do Kilamba (Luanda-Angola)
Lifting and Carrying a Patient, Burns, Electrocution, Smoke, Chemicals and
Poisons, Bites and Stings, Eyes & Heart Diseases, Angina, Heart Attack,
Stroke, Diabetes, Asthma, Seizures, Epilepsy
Practical’s, Oral, Multiple Choice
5. ELECTRAC™ [Basic Awareness].
Introduction to electricity
Legal requirements
Electricity is dangerous
Understanding electricity
Features of electricity
Using electricity
Protection from electrical hazards
Inspecting for hazards
Portable Electrical Appliance Register
6. ACTRAC™ [Relevant Sections of the Act].
History of Angolan Health & Safety Legislation
Intro to Act and Regulations
Basic Principles of Law
Functions, Duties, Roles
Rights, Responsibilities and Requirements
Appointments and Nominations
Structures, Procedures
Records, Evidence, Archives and Penalties
Reporting procedures
3. Eagle Eléctrica,Lda.
Engenharia, Consultoria, Formação e Recrutamento
Sistemas Integrados de Seguranças
NIF:5417203750 Tel.:+244912800311. E-mail: eagle.electrica.lda@gmail.com
Bloco N25, Apta. 33, 3º Andar, Projecto Cidade do Kilamba (Luanda-Angola)
Preço promocional por Candidato!!!
30.000,00 Kwanzas, inclui material.
Grupo de 10 candidatos pacote para