The Draft of Kryvyj Rih Cycling Concept, presented in June 2015 and is to be approved in 2016.
仂仆亠仗 仂亰于亳从 于亠仍仂舒仆仗仂 仄舒 亳于亳亶 亞 仆舒 2015-2020 仂从亳, 仗亠亰亠仆仂于舒仆舒 2015.
The Draft of Kryvyj Rih Cycling Concept, presented in June 2015 and is to be approved in 2016.
仂仆亠仗 仂亰于亳从 于亠仍仂舒仆仗仂 仄舒 亳于亳亶 亞 仆舒 2015-2020 仂从亳, 仗亠亰亠仆仂于舒仆舒 2015.