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6 Theoretical Hours  9 Practical Hours
Course Description It is intended for introductory-level students of English phonetics and phonology. This course does not expect previous knowledge of either phonetics or phonology.
General Goal To identify and produce the vowel and consonant sounds of English and to foster all the time the importance of well pronouncing the language in order to communicate in a more effective way.
Methodology 1. each student reads the chapters and eventual extra material provided. Theoretical aspects will be discussed to have good basis for the practical part.  2.The practical part consists of auditory discrimination, identification, transcription  3. and production of the sounds. it is required students’ active participation
Contents 1. Introduction 2. The production of speech sounds 3. Long vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs 4. Voicing and consonants 5. The phoneme 6. Fricatives and affricates 7. Nasals and other consonants 8. The Syllable 9. Strong and Weak syllable
Texts - Gimson, A. C. (1981).  A Practical Course of English Pronunciation.  London: Edward Arnold Publishers. - Handke, Jurgen. (2000).  The Mounton Interactive Introductuion to Phonetics and Phonology.  Berlin, New York: Mounton de Gruyter. - Hancock, Mark. (2003).  English Pronunciation in use.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Jones, Daniel. (1997 ). English Pronouncing Dictionary . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Roach, Peter. (2000).  English Phonetics and Phonology.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Wells, J.C. (2000).  Longman Pronunciation Dictionary.  Second edition. Longman.
Web Cites www.phon.ucl.ac.uk http://soundsofenglish.org/ www.englishclub.com/pronunciation/ http://international.ouc.bc.ca/pronunciation/ www.manythings.org www.longman.com http://www.fonetiks.org/
http://www.edwinzapataortiz.blogspot.com/ [email_address]

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Programme presentation p&p

  • 1.
  • 2. 6 Theoretical Hours 9 Practical Hours
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Course Description It is intended for introductory-level students of English phonetics and phonology. This course does not expect previous knowledge of either phonetics or phonology.
  • 6. General Goal To identify and produce the vowel and consonant sounds of English and to foster all the time the importance of well pronouncing the language in order to communicate in a more effective way.
  • 7. Methodology 1. each student reads the chapters and eventual extra material provided. Theoretical aspects will be discussed to have good basis for the practical part. 2.The practical part consists of auditory discrimination, identification, transcription 3. and production of the sounds. it is required students’ active participation
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Contents 1. Introduction 2. The production of speech sounds 3. Long vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs 4. Voicing and consonants 5. The phoneme 6. Fricatives and affricates 7. Nasals and other consonants 8. The Syllable 9. Strong and Weak syllable
  • 12. EXAM SCALE OF PERSENTAGE I 20% II 30% III 40% QUIZ 10%
  • 13. Texts - Gimson, A. C. (1981). A Practical Course of English Pronunciation. London: Edward Arnold Publishers. - Handke, Jurgen. (2000). The Mounton Interactive Introductuion to Phonetics and Phonology. Berlin, New York: Mounton de Gruyter. - Hancock, Mark. (2003). English Pronunciation in use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Jones, Daniel. (1997 ). English Pronouncing Dictionary . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Roach, Peter. (2000). English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Wells, J.C. (2000). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Second edition. Longman.
  • 14. Web Cites www.phon.ucl.ac.uk http://soundsofenglish.org/ www.englishclub.com/pronunciation/ http://international.ouc.bc.ca/pronunciation/ www.manythings.org www.longman.com http://www.fonetiks.org/