This document announces a conference on adapting childhood policy based on children's lived experiences. The conference will discuss the value of strengthened inter-governmental and inter-institutional collaboration and coordination in developing youth policies. It will also explore how to shape policy practices based on analyzing objective data. The event is organized by the University of Geneva's Center for Children's Rights Studies and Valais Canton's Youth Service. It is aimed at policymakers, services providers, and academics working with children and youth.
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1. Conference
(Registration fee: 25 CHF Limited seating)
Wednesday 30 November 2016 from 9am to 16.30pm
Kurt B旦sch Foundation, Sion/Bramois
How to adapt childhood policy to the lived reality of
Inter-governmental and inter-institutional
collaboration and coordination
Event organized by
Centre for Children's Rights Studies University of Geneva
The Valais Cantonal Youth Service
Organizing committee:
Roberta Ruggiero Centre for Children's Rights Studies University of Geneva
Christian Nanchen Head of the Cantonal Youth Service Cantonal Youth Observatory
Philip D. Jaff辿 Centre for Children's Rights Studies University of Geneva
Nicole Hitz Swiss center of expertise in human rights (SHCR) and Centre for Children's Rights
Studies University of Geneva
2. Programme
8.30 Accueil des participant揃e揃s
9.00 Mot douverture
Marcel MAURER, Pr辿sident de Sion
Christian NANCHEN, Chef du Service cantonal de la jeunesse Observatoire cantonal de la jeunesse valaisan
Philip D. JAFFE, Centre interfacultaire en droits de lenfant Centre suisse de comp辿tences pour les droits humains
Roberta RUGGIERO, Centre interfacultaire en droits de lenfant
Premi竪re partie (Pr辿sid辿e par Dr Roberta RUGGIERO)
La place de la collaboration et coordination : un regard densemble sur la Politique pour les jeunes
9.40 - La Politique de lenfance et de la jeunesse en Suisse
Sabine SCHEIBEN, Secteur Questions de lenfance et de la jeunesse, Office f辿d辿ral des assurances sociales (OFAS) (F)
Martine LACHAT CLERC, Responsable du domaine enfance et jeunesse, Conf辿rence des directrices et directeurs
cantonaux des affaires sociales (F)
10.25 - La Politique de lenfance et de la jeunesse en Valais - Christian NANCHEN
10.40 Pause
11.10 Exp辿riences internationales
11.10 The development and implementation of Ireland's National Policy Framework for Children and Young People Anne
O'DONNELL, Head of Citizen Participation, Department of Children and Youth Affairs - Ministry for Children and Youth
Affairs (E)
11.30 Les enjeux de la coordination et de la collaboration intersectorielle en France : un d辿fi pour les d辿cideurs publics, les
institutions, les professionnels et les usagers - Marie-Paule MARTIN-BLACHAIS, Directrice de lEcole de protection de
lenfance, Membre du Conseil scientifique de lAgence nationale de lEvaluation sociale et m辿dico-sociale (ANESM),
Ancienne Directrice G辿n辿rale du GIP Enfance en Danger.
11.50 - Le r担le de la coordination des politiques dans le travail d'un Ombudsperson pour les droits des enfants Bernard De
Vos D辿l辿gu辿 g辿n辿ral aux droits de lenfant de la F辿d辿ration Wallonie-Bruxelles (F)
12.10 - Discussion pl辿ni竪re
12.45 Lunch (buffet)
Deuxi竪me partie (Pr辿sid辿e par Philip D. Jaff辿)
Fa巽onner la pratique des politiques en fonction de lanalyse des donn辿es: evidence-based policy.
13.45 - Contexte international
13.45 - Using evidence based practice to develop and improve child policy - Stijn HOORENS, Director, Brussels Office, RAND
Europe (E)
14.10 Indicateurs nationaux pour les droits de lenfant : lexp辿rience de la Belgique Catherine PETERS, Attach辿-Commission
Nationale pour les Droits de lenfant, Belgique (F)
14.30 - Exp辿riences en Suisse
14.30 - Casadata, Beatrice KALBERMATTER, Office f辿d辿ral de la justice (D)
14.55 - Inter-cantonal system of data collection on child abuse - Andreas JUD, Institute of Social Work and Law, Lucerne
University of Applied Sciences and Arts (D)
15.20 - Tableaux sur la condition de vie des jeunes en Valais, Roberta RUGGIERO, CIDE UNIGE
15.35 Discussion pl辿ni竪re
16.10 - Conclusions
Oskar FREYSINGER, Conseiller d'Etat du Valais et Chef du D辿partement de la formation et de la s辿curit辿
Jean ZERMATTEN, a. Pr辿sident du CDE, Charg辿 de cours lUniversit辿 de Gen竪ve, a. Directeur de lIDE
3. Description (EN)
The recommendations put forth on 19 May 2016 by the Conference of cantonal directors of social affairs
(CDAS) aimed at the development of childhood and youth cantonal policies, are based on the Concluding
observations of the United Nations Committee on the rights of the child. The recommendations state that in
order to achieve the long term amelioration of life conditions of children and youth living in Switzerland and
guarantee to them equitable and adapted access to services, it is necessary to implement coordination, or
even inter-cantonal harmonization, to identify minimal standards and common language and to strengthen
collaboration between specific domains. In parallel, the CDAS reaffirms the necessity to elaborate an overview
of cantonal and federal childhood and youth policies, in collaboration with the Federal office for social
insurance (OFAS).
De facto, coordination strategy, and inter-governmental/inter-institutional collaboration occur horizontally,
thanks to operators and actors, infrastructures, data analysis (evidence and data analysis), and effective
financing. Also, vertical coordination and collaboration occurs from the national to the local level and viceversa.
In addition, inter-governmental and inter-institutional coordination and collaboration depend on the following
- Investment in people, culture change and professional development;
- Linking infrastructures, organizations and systems by transcending the divisions integral to traditional
- Collection and analysis of data, information sharing and ensuring local and national result follow-up
- The effective use of available resources proven to work, and targeting identified needs.
Since 2000, the policy for childhood and youth in Valais bases its activities on the principles contained in The
Law in Favor of Youth (11 May 2000, Lje), namely: awareness-raising, prevention, special measures and
protective measures. In this context, on 20 June 2012, in view of ameliorating the conditions of living for
children and youth, and to ameliorate the effectiveness of cantonal youth policies, the State Council for the
canton of Valais, has, among other actions, charged the cantonal Youth Service (SCJ) to implement a cantonal
Youth Observatory in collaboration with the Secretary for gender equality and family1
Taking into account the global approach of Valais cantons Youth policy, and the various involved actors, the
OCJ also has the mandate to support coordination and collaboration between the various local and national
service providers, and to facilitate the implementation of a Youth policy based on the results obtained by
following-up on childrens life conditions (evidence-based policy).
The aim of the event is to engage in thought on the added-value of strengthened collaboration and
coordination within the circles of cantonal Youth policy for children, youth and their relations. A comparison
with other countries will allow a reflection beyond the Swiss framework. It is also an aim of the event to identify
strategies towards adapting practices in Youth policy in regards to the analysis of collected objective data.
Target audience
The event welcomes policy makers, including actors working with and for children and youth, service providers
and heads of services and representatives from academic and scientific circles.
The proceedings of the event will be simultaneously translated into French, German and English
For more information please visit: and
Cantonal office for gender equality and the family (OCEF) since August 2015.