This is a series of programming lecture in Python. I hope you will learn and run lean startup. You will make MVP, test it and upgrade it. The slides provide you with a basic grammar of Python. Also, it gives you a skill to make a web application powered by Flask, simple web framework. Finally you will publish your application on Heroku for free.
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Programming Lecture 2nd - Flask and Heroku in Python -
1. Entrepreneurship open school
Programming Course
-Flask and Heroku in Python-
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Naoki Watanabe
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 1
2. Goal of courses: Run Lean and create app
? Search what people what
? Lauch MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 2
3. Goals of today¡¯s lecture
? Install Python with conda
? Create simple web application with Flask
? Publish your application freely on Heroku via Git
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 3
4. Contents
? Install Anaconda powered by Python
? Learn basic Python grammar
? Follow Flask, web framework, tutorial
? Create your web application powered by Flask
? Public your application
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 4
5. What is Python and why?
? It¡¯s a programming language.
? Very simple and nice to learn for beginner
? Many company use it (Google¡¯s Gmail, Map, Earth, YouTube).
? It goes with data science, machine learning and deep learning
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 5
6. Install Python via Conda
? Conda is package controller
? Anaconda is conda and some packages.
? Search ¡°Anaconda install¡± on Google.
? It is tough to go with python on Windows, and windows user
has to install anaconda, not from python official page.
? There is also miniconda, smaller alternative to anaconda.
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 6
8. Create a virtual environment
$ conda -V
$ conda create ¨Cn venv
$ source activate venv
(venv) $
To deactivate, $ source deactivate
-n: specifies the name of a virtual environment
To activate/deactivate on Windows, remove source.
$ activate venv
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 8
9. For beginner, keep three things in mind
? Codes goes from up to down.
? You can switch code by if else clause.
? You can iterate by for loop.
You will see how to in the next slides.
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 9
10. ¨C print(1) ¨C 1.1
Make a file that contains only
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 10
11. ¨C print(1) 1.2
Run Terminal (Mac or Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows)
$ cd path/to/folder/where/
$ python
Then, is 1 printed? Your first python code ran perfectly !
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 11
12. 2 ¨C string is what quoted -
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 12
13. 3 ¨C list -
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 13
17. Q. Fizz Buzz
? Count a number from 1 to 100, but any number divisible by
three is replaced by the word fizz and any divisible by five by
the word buzz. Numbers divisible by both become fizz buzz
1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, Fizz
Buzz, 16, 17, Fizz, 19, Buzz, Fizz, 22, 23, Fizz, Buzz, 26, Fizz, 28,
29, Fizz Buzz, 31, 32, Fizz, 34, Buzz, Fizz, ...
To get reminar, use %. Ex. 5%2. To diverge into three or more,
use if¡elif¡else.
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 17
20. Create simple web app with flask
? Flask is a framework to make a website easily.
? You can make a web app just in five lines.
? Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Flask community page use it.
? The most popular Python web framework on GitHub
? The next slides follows tutorial
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 20
21. #1 Go to http://localhost:5000
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 21
27. Hypothesis #5.0
? Some people love cat and want to see as many cat gifs.
? You are going to create MVP.
? Application just shows cat gif.
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 27
28. #5.1 Create your own app!
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 28
30. We use cat API #5.3
? Application Program
Interface (API) is set of tools
for applications.
? Many service provide API.
? You can use Google Map API,
YouTube API, Amazon API
and many others to create
your web service.
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 30
40. #5.15 See it¡¯s responding
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 40
41. What is Heroku? #1
? You can publish your app on Heroku
? Heroku is free to use (They also have a paid plan.)
? Before start, remove debug=True in
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 41
42. Create Heroku account and install #2
? Search ¡°Heroku¡± on Google
? Create an account (choose Python)
? Install heroku CLI (This may take a while)
? For Mac, brew install heroku
? For Windows, search ¡°Heroku CLI windows¡±. Download and install it.
? Close and start terminal (command prompt on Win) again
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 42
43. Create a runtime.txt #3
$ echo python-3.6.1 > runtime.txt
Let runtime.txt contain only above one line.
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 43
44. Create a requirements.txt #4.1
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
, but change into conda==4.3.16 as Heroku does¡¯nt newer.
Make requirements.txt contain just above two lines.
Thursday, May 18. 2017 Programming course 44