The Arduino is the present day equivalent to the Altair 8800. Like the Altair, an entire generation of hobbyists will discover the fundamentals of a new paradigm where computing is smeared throughout your physical environment. This little device deserves your attention as it is helping define this exciting new space. In this session you will learn how to program on this remarkable platform, learn a little electronics, and control something in the real world with code. But don't be surprised if, after attending, you have an urge to go buy an Arduino, a soldering iron, and some components and start hacking.
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#3: Poll audience for experience - heard of, played withSet the expectation for the session
#4: All kinds of circuits: motors,LEDs, MIDI devices, TV, gauges, RF transceiversHas the ability to read and write digital and analog valuesCan communicate over USB with other devices (like this MacBook) With additional boards can talk Bluetooth, Ethernet, WiFi, and tons more
#5: Youre thinking so what this might be cool but its not my job.
#9: This is the Altair 8800 of the embedded computing futureWe will learn from this to build the next generation computing platformData and hardware and applications will be smeared across our environment
#11: Poll audience for experience - heard of, played withSet the expectation for the session
#16: Poll audience for experience - heard of, played withSet the expectation for the session
#19: Poll audience for experience - heard of, played withSet the expectation for the session
#23: Poll audience for experience - heard of, played withSet the expectation for the session