Alliteration is defined as the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. It involves repeating the same letter in different words in sequence, such as in the example "You'll never put a better bit of butter on your knife." The document provides this definition of alliteration and an example to illustrate it.
2. Alliteration
The occurrence of the same letter
or sound at the beginning of adjacent or
closely connected words.
Repeating the same letter in a
different word in sequence.
Example - You'll never put a better
bit of butter on your knife.
4. Quiz Time!
Peter Piper Mikes
_______ a Peck of __________ made
Pickled ________ much music.
Tims took Alices aunt
tons of ____ to ate apples and
make ____ for tots. acorns around