This document contains a student's submission for a screen capture and casting project. It includes links to three blog posts by the student reflecting on using different screen capture and casting tools, as well as an instructor rubric for evaluating the project. The rubric assesses the student's process reflection, the content and completeness of their product, and the presentation design and usability of their work.
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Project 2 Screen Capture Sarah Eisenberg
1. Project 2 Screen Capture & Casting<br /> <br />Part A: Student<br />Date: June 22, 2010<br />Name: Sarah Eisenberg<br />The link to my blog post project reflection on this project is:<br />The link to my Webware Screen Capture post is:<br />The link to my Freeware Screen Cast post is: <br />Part B: Instructor<br /> PROCESS<br /> Reflection: (After) Submitted link for your blog post reflection (at least 1-2 paragraphs) about the project. Be sure to reflect on the process, mind mapping, tools, and applications.<br />/20pts<br />PRODUCTContent: The product address course content, theme, and intended audience in a professional and academic matter.<br />/20pts<br />Complete: The final product is complete including all details mentioned in the assignment. All directions were followed.<br />/30pts<br />PRESENTATIONDesign: The delivery of the product adheres to a thoughtful theme.<br />/15pts<br />Usability: The product was easy to learn, easy to use, efficient, and enjoyable. <br />/15pts<br />Total <br />/100pt<br />