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PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
Project 2018 - 160226
Project 2018 - 160226
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 1/ 2013-08-15
n Promoting creativity in Japan
by Kazuhiko Kawasaki
n 2/ 2013-09-17
n Educational exchange by
Kazuki Nishiura*
n Cultural exchange by Noriko
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 3/ 2013-10-30
n  ̄Dialogue on innovation ̄ by
Miho Namba*
n Promoting MBA studies abroad
by Ken Itoh*
n Film  ̄Happy ̄ with comments by
Kiwako Okuma-Nystr?m
FFiillmm  ̄ ̄hhaappppyy ̄ ̄ OOccttoobbeerr 3300,, 1155--1177
DDrr KKiiwwaakkoo OOkkuummaa--NNyyssttrr??mm
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 4/ 2013-11-25
n Modern Japanese Studies Program of
Hokkaido Univ. By So Kawanobe
n Strindberg in Japan by Yu Komaki
n Leksand-Tobetsu sister cities relations
by Lena Ryen*
n Swedes in old Japan and shipping
relations by Torbj?rn Daln?s
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 5/ 2014-01-21
n Business relations between Sweden
and Japan by Keiko Sampei
n Workshop with Miho Namba
n 6/ 2014-02-25
n Skogsmulle export to Japan by
Sachiko Takami
n Origami workshop by Norio Torimoto
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 7/ 2014-04-29
n Fight against commercial and sexual
exploitation of children by Kaj Reinius
n 8/ 2014-05-14
n ^Observations on ^Lean^ in Sweden ̄ by
Ryusuke Kosuge*
n ^Exchange Japan ?Breaking Barriers ̄ by
Miki Lundh
n Japan project of Tumba Gymnasium by
Hisako Matsui
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 9/ 2014-08-27
n ^Senior health project ̄ by Anneli Hollo
n Dementia care study group from JSCI (Japan
Sweden Care Institute)
n Tomo Goda, the film producer of ^Being Born-
umareru ̄
n European premier of the film ^Being Born-
umareru ̄
n 10/ 2014-09-24
n Outdoor education by Anders Szczepanski
n 11/2014-11-17
n Dr Lars Varg?, former ambassador to Japan
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 12/2015-02-25
n Swedish Japanese Parliamentary Association
(SJPA), Mr Hideo Keage
n 13/2015-04-23
n Leksand/Siljan collaborations with Tobetsu/Japan
n 14/2015-06-04
n Art Brut 2018 in Sweden
n 15/2015-09-03
n World caf└ at the Tumba Gymnasium What can
Sweden and Japan do together toward 2018?
Project 2018 - 160226
Project 2018 - 160226
Project 2018 - 160226
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 16/2016-02-26
n Prof. Kenji Suzuki, Meiji Univ. & JISS ^Sweden
and Japan ?ever growing relations ̄ ^Why do
young Japanese have much less hope than young
Swedes? ̄
n Prof. Kazuki Nishiura, Miyagi Gakuin Women¨s
Univ. ^Why do we need `outdoor education¨ in
Japan? ̄
n Comments by the Ambassador Stefan Nore└n
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 17/2016-04-25
n Susanne Gaje (Sweden Japan Parliamentarians
Association, SJPA): "Cats in elderly homes - case
n Sonoko Kase (Sweden Japan Musicstudy
Foundation): Swedish-Japanese collaborations in
the fields of music and music education
n Lena Asplund (member of the Swedish parliament
(M), chairman of SJPA ): Impressions from SJPA¨s
study tour to Japan
PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
WWhhaatt aarree wwee aaiimmiinngg aatt??
n TToo ddiissccuussss wwhhaatt wwee ccoouulldd ddoo ttooggeetthheerr
ttoowwaarrdd 22001188 wwhheenn SSwweeddeenn aanndd JJaappaann
cceelleebbrraattee 115500 yyeeaarrss ooff ddiipplloommaattiicc
n TToo hhaavvee ffuunn,, ccrreeaattiivvee aanndd ssttiimmuullaattiinngg
ttiimmee dduurriinngg tthhee ppaarrttiicciippaattoorryy mmeeeettiinnggss
aanndd wwoorrkksshhooppss
CCoommmmoonn iinntteerreessttss
SSwweeddeenn -- JJaappaann
n EEccoonnoommyy -- pprroodduuccttiioonn
n WWeellffaarree -- ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn
n SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy -- ssuumm

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Project 2018 - 160226

  • 5. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 1/ 2013-08-15 n Promoting creativity in Japan by Kazuhiko Kawasaki n 2/ 2013-09-17 n Educational exchange by Kazuki Nishiura* n Cultural exchange by Noriko Thunman
  • 6. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 3/ 2013-10-30 n  ̄Dialogue on innovation ̄ by Miho Namba* n Promoting MBA studies abroad by Ken Itoh* n Film  ̄Happy ̄ with comments by Kiwako Okuma-Nystr?m
  • 7. FFiillmm  ̄ ̄hhaappppyy ̄ ̄ OOccttoobbeerr 3300,, 1155--1177 DDrr KKiiwwaakkoo OOkkuummaa--NNyyssttrr??mm
  • 8. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 4/ 2013-11-25 n Modern Japanese Studies Program of Hokkaido Univ. By So Kawanobe n Strindberg in Japan by Yu Komaki n Leksand-Tobetsu sister cities relations by Lena Ryen* n Swedes in old Japan and shipping relations by Torbj?rn Daln?s
  • 9. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 5/ 2014-01-21 n Business relations between Sweden and Japan by Keiko Sampei n Workshop with Miho Namba n 6/ 2014-02-25 n Skogsmulle export to Japan by Sachiko Takami n Origami workshop by Norio Torimoto
  • 10. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 7/ 2014-04-29 n Fight against commercial and sexual exploitation of children by Kaj Reinius n 8/ 2014-05-14 n ^Observations on ^Lean^ in Sweden ̄ by Ryusuke Kosuge* n ^Exchange Japan ?Breaking Barriers ̄ by Miki Lundh n Japan project of Tumba Gymnasium by Hisako Matsui
  • 11. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 9/ 2014-08-27 n ^Senior health project ̄ by Anneli Hollo n Dementia care study group from JSCI (Japan Sweden Care Institute) n Tomo Goda, the film producer of ^Being Born- umareru ̄ n European premier of the film ^Being Born- umareru ̄ n 10/ 2014-09-24 n Outdoor education by Anders Szczepanski n 11/2014-11-17 n Dr Lars Varg?, former ambassador to Japan
  • 12. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 12/2015-02-25 n Swedish Japanese Parliamentary Association (SJPA), Mr Hideo Keage n 13/2015-04-23 n Leksand/Siljan collaborations with Tobetsu/Japan n 14/2015-06-04 n Art Brut 2018 in Sweden n 15/2015-09-03 n World caf└ at the Tumba Gymnasium What can Sweden and Japan do together toward 2018?
  • 16. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 16/2016-02-26 n Prof. Kenji Suzuki, Meiji Univ. & JISS ^Sweden and Japan ?ever growing relations ̄ ^Why do young Japanese have much less hope than young Swedes? ̄ n Prof. Kazuki Nishiura, Miyagi Gakuin Women¨s Univ. ^Why do we need `outdoor education¨ in Japan? ̄ n Comments by the Ambassador Stefan Nore└n
  • 17. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 n 17/2016-04-25 n Susanne Gaje (Sweden Japan Parliamentarians Association, SJPA): "Cats in elderly homes - case studies" n Sonoko Kase (Sweden Japan Musicstudy Foundation): Swedish-Japanese collaborations in the fields of music and music education n Lena Asplund (member of the Swedish parliament (M), chairman of SJPA ): Impressions from SJPA¨s study tour to Japan
  • 18. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188 WWhhaatt aarree wwee aaiimmiinngg aatt?? n TToo ddiissccuussss wwhhaatt wwee ccoouulldd ddoo ttooggeetthheerr ttoowwaarrdd 22001188 wwhheenn SSwweeddeenn aanndd JJaappaann cceelleebbrraattee 115500 yyeeaarrss ooff ddiipplloommaattiicc rreellaattiioonnss.. n TToo hhaavvee ffuunn,, ccrreeaattiivvee aanndd ssttiimmuullaattiinngg ttiimmee dduurriinngg tthhee ppaarrttiicciippaattoorryy mmeeeettiinnggss aanndd wwoorrkksshhooppss
  • 19. CCoommmmoonn iinntteerreessttss SSwweeddeenn -- JJaappaann n EEccoonnoommyy -- pprroodduuccttiioonn n WWeellffaarree -- ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn n SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy -- ssuumm