This document outlines the projects and events of Project 2018, which aims to discuss collaboration opportunities between Sweden and Japan ahead of the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2018. It lists 15 discussion sessions that have occurred between 2013-2016 on topics like education exchange, cultural exchange, innovation, health, film, business, and youth perspectives. The goals are stated as discussing what Sweden and Japan can do together for 2018 and having fun, creative and stimulating discussions during participatory meetings and workshops. Common interests between the two countries are listed as the economy, welfare, and sustainability.
5. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 1/ 2013-08-15
n Promoting creativity in Japan
by Kazuhiko Kawasaki
n 2/ 2013-09-17
n Educational exchange by
Kazuki Nishiura*
n Cultural exchange by Noriko
6. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 3/ 2013-10-30
n  ̄Dialogue on innovation ̄ by
Miho Namba*
n Promoting MBA studies abroad
by Ken Itoh*
n Film  ̄Happy ̄ with comments by
Kiwako Okuma-Nystr?m
8. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 4/ 2013-11-25
n Modern Japanese Studies Program of
Hokkaido Univ. By So Kawanobe
n Strindberg in Japan by Yu Komaki
n Leksand-Tobetsu sister cities relations
by Lena Ryen*
n Swedes in old Japan and shipping
relations by Torbj?rn Daln?s
9. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 5/ 2014-01-21
n Business relations between Sweden
and Japan by Keiko Sampei
n Workshop with Miho Namba
n 6/ 2014-02-25
n Skogsmulle export to Japan by
Sachiko Takami
n Origami workshop by Norio Torimoto
10. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 7/ 2014-04-29
n Fight against commercial and sexual
exploitation of children by Kaj Reinius
n 8/ 2014-05-14
n ^Observations on ^Lean^ in Sweden ̄ by
Ryusuke Kosuge*
n ^Exchange Japan ?Breaking Barriers ̄ by
Miki Lundh
n Japan project of Tumba Gymnasium by
Hisako Matsui
11. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 9/ 2014-08-27
n ^Senior health project ̄ by Anneli Hollo
n Dementia care study group from JSCI (Japan
Sweden Care Institute)
n Tomo Goda, the film producer of ^Being Born-
umareru ̄
n European premier of the film ^Being Born-
umareru ̄
n 10/ 2014-09-24
n Outdoor education by Anders Szczepanski
n 11/2014-11-17
n Dr Lars Varg?, former ambassador to Japan
12. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 12/2015-02-25
n Swedish Japanese Parliamentary Association
(SJPA), Mr Hideo Keage
n 13/2015-04-23
n Leksand/Siljan collaborations with Tobetsu/Japan
n 14/2015-06-04
n Art Brut 2018 in Sweden
n 15/2015-09-03
n World caf└ at the Tumba Gymnasium What can
Sweden and Japan do together toward 2018?
16. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 16/2016-02-26
n Prof. Kenji Suzuki, Meiji Univ. & JISS ^Sweden
and Japan ?ever growing relations ̄ ^Why do
young Japanese have much less hope than young
Swedes? ̄
n Prof. Kazuki Nishiura, Miyagi Gakuin Women¨s
Univ. ^Why do we need `outdoor education¨ in
Japan? ̄
n Comments by the Ambassador Stefan Nore└n
17. PPrroojjeecctt 22001188
n 17/2016-04-25
n Susanne Gaje (Sweden Japan Parliamentarians
Association, SJPA): "Cats in elderly homes - case
n Sonoko Kase (Sweden Japan Musicstudy
Foundation): Swedish-Japanese collaborations in
the fields of music and music education
n Lena Asplund (member of the Swedish parliament
(M), chairman of SJPA ): Impressions from SJPA¨s
study tour to Japan