The document summarizes an 8-story commercial building project located in Toronto, Canada. It includes details about the building type, major occupancies, number of stories, building area, and height. It also outlines the client requirements for LEED silver accreditation and jobs completed for the building including its parking structure, curtain wall system, and mechanical systems. Finally, it provides visualizations of the building model and details project workflow.
2. BIM Generated
3D Image
Building Type: Commercial
Major Occupancies:
Level 1-3(Above Grade)
Level 4-8 Office
Number of Storeys: Above
Building Area:
Building Ht:30.8mtr
Typical Section
3. Client Requirements :
The ACV Aerospace Centre is DD to CD design
The design is intended to be modelled as per requirements
for LEEDS silver accreditation
Typical Plan
BIM Generated
3D Image
4. Jobs Completed:
Detailed Topography as per Site Grading
Pre-con pre-cast Parking Structure
Curtain Wall System with Operable Windows
Raised floor system for Air Distribution
Perimeter fin-tube radiant heating
Interior Tilting light Shelves/Indirect Lighting
Exposed underside of Slab Structure
Exterior Sun-shelf
Work Flow:
Modelling/ QC Working QC Detailing/ QC
Family Creation Drawing Detail
5. US Support & Tech Support
Critical Design Components
Precon Double T-Beam and Ledge with Slab Edge (As per catalogue)
Topography as per True Site Grading with variable landing for Exit Stairs