1. The document provides instructions for programming EPROMs to run a minimum 8086 program on a project board. Minor modifications need to be made to the original program, such as changing the 8255 port addresses.
2. The program must be assembled and linked, then used with additional utilities to generate a hex file and map the code appropriately for the EPROMs. This includes using the LOCATE program to generate code and the Top Max programmer to write the file to the EPROMs.
3. Key steps include loading the hex file into the programmer's buffer, programming the EPROMs, and performing a read operation to validate the contents were written correctly.
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Project eprom progr
1. Microprocessor Lab
Procedure for Programming the EPROM’s
For the 8086 Minimum-Mode Project
To demonstrate the minimum 8086-based board working, you will have to run the similar
program that you wrote and demonstrated on the SDK-86 in the previous lab assignment.
The program was to read data from switches and then display the data on the LED’s,
rotating the display every second. Minor modifications need to be made to the previous
program to run it on the project board. The following are the required modifications:
1. The address for the 8255 ports will be corresponding to the addressing logic used
in your design. For proper address, refer to your address-decoding logic for the
8255 chip.
2. Change the previous program. Have the following format:
ORG 0000H
; Your original program
This way the system will load your program at the proper address when reset.
Save your program with an .asm extension.
3. Assemble the program in the previous section using Turbo Assembler. Turbo
Assembler can be found in the following locations:
Microprocessor lab - C:MICROLABtasm31
It is recommended that you copy Turbo Assembler into your working directory,
where your program is stored. Use the following command to assemble your
Tasm -l (filename).asm, (filename).obj, (filename).lst
Where (filename) is your filename whatever you name, but has to be eight
4. The program must be linked using Turbo linker. Give the following command to
generate the executable binary:
tlink (filename).obj, (filename).rom
Don’t give .com or .exe extension to the output file. This is for being able to write
the program into the ROM chip.
5. The next step is to create the configuration file for the LOCATE program, which
will generate the code for the chip-writing utility. LOCATE will modify your
program binary so that it will be mapped appropriately to the ROM for your
project. The following text must be put into a file with the filename
2. hexfile intel86
absfile axe86
listfile segments
map 0xff000 to 0xfffff as rdonly
cputype i8086
class DATA = 0x0000
class CODE = 0xff00
output CODE
6. The next step is to generate the code of your program using LOCATE. The
LOCATE program can be found in the following locations:
Microprocessor lab - C:MICROLABLocate
Switch to the directory above and generate the code with the following command:
Locate -Hi your path (filename) .rom
where {your path} is the drive and the directory of your (filename).
7. After performing all the steps, you should have the following files that have your
name with the following extensions:
.asm, .obj, .axe, .lst, .cfg, .hex, .map, .rom, .loc
8. Your program is now ready to be placed on your EPROM’s. This is done by MCT
chip programmer, which is connected to each computer in the Microprocessor
Lab. To start the utility program, either double click on the “Top Max” icon .
9. Once the Top Max window is opened check if it has loaded the file of INTEL
2716 , if it has not(or to be sure) go to the "Device" option of the main menu and
use "Select" option.
3. 10. After clicking on the "Select" option you find a new window prompting to enter
the NAME of the file(Manufacturer Name).Enter "INTEL" and select 2716 as the
device. Press "OK".
11. Perform blank check from the main menu buttons. If you get the message “Blank
check ok” then proceed to the following steps.
12. Go to "Config" option of the main menu and select "Option" and set the default
buffer value as ‘FF’ as shown in the figure below.
4. 13. In Gang Split option select"1Gang" and "Even" for even address programming.
14. Make sure that for loading the Program keep the Buffer Start and End addresses
are the same as shown in the figure below.
5. 15. For “Auto Inc” option keep the keep the start and end address as shown in the
figure below.
16. Click on "File" of the main menu and select "Load" to load the Hex file of your
program into the Programmers Buffer.
17. To verify go to "Buffer" of the main menu and click on the "Edit Buffer" and
check if the program code bytes are on the correct address.(starting from 0f000)
18. Close the window and select the “Program” button to start programming.
19. Similarly select “Odd” for odd address programming and follow the above (Step
No.17 & 18) procedure.
20. If you don’t receive any error, you have successfully loaded your program to the
EPROMs. If you get errors, first check if your EPROM is blank then exchange
your EPROM at the electronics shop. Also check with the TA if you have further
21. To make sure the program code bytes of the Programmed EPROMs are valid,
perform a “Read” operation by first clearing off the contents of the buffer.