El documento habla sobre dominios y su registro. Explica que un dominio traduce una direcci坦n IP a un nombre m叩s f叩cil de recordar para los usuarios. Describe dos tipos de dominios, gen辿ricos y territoriales. Luego detalla los pasos para registrar un dominio de forma gratuita en una p叩gina web, como seleccionar un nombre y confirmar el registro.
Presentation at IAB UK adblocking townhall, October 2016Johnny Ryan
1. The document discusses ad blocking trends, including rising usage of ad blockers and quarterly and monthly active user numbers.
2. It addresses the problems caused by ad blocking like web clutter, ad fraud, and lack of versatility in advertising methods.
3. The document proposes a three step approach to solving ad blocking: listen to users' grievances, fix issues around privacy, experience, security and bandwidth, and then serve respectful ads that cannot be tampered with.
Este documento resume las conclusiones sobre proveedores de inteligencia de negocios. Se単ala que existen diversos proveedores con diferentes costos y niveles de servicio. Adem叩s, la mayor鱈a ofrecen cobertura a nivel nacional.
Rainmaking 101 - 3 ways to get your initial customers to market for youTribetactics
Find the customers that most need your brand and inspire them to spread the word about you.
Here are 3 ways to get your initial customers to market on your behalf, a minibook by TribeTactics.com
An essential read for small businesses and startups focused on growth.
Become an eCommerce Standout - Anticipate Their Next Move with Proactive Enga...Moxie
Proactive engagement goes beyond meeting basic customer needs by tailoring experiences to each customer. It relies on customer context, personal information, and predictive intelligence to drive conversions and revenue.
During this webinar, Become an eCommerce Standout, industry analyst Diane Clarkson discussed ways to standout in the changing ecommerce world, including:
* What today's customers want
* Why the future of engagement is proactive
* The business benefits of proactive engagement
* Key tools for engagement throughout the customer journey
O documento descreve os tipos de alinhamento de sequ棚ncias de DNA, incluindo alinhamento simples entre duas sequ棚ncias e alinhamento m炭ltiplo entre mais de duas sequ棚ncias. O alinhamento consiste em comparar sequ棚ncias para observar similaridade.
This presentation is from Affiliate Summit East 2016 (July 31-August 2, 2016 in New York City, NY). Session description: With 600 million connected consumers, Africa is fast becoming a hotbed for online and mobile engagement, innovation, and services. Learn how to dominate this new market though affiliate marketing.
El documento describe el control num辿rico computarizado (CNC), incluyendo sus principales ventajas como nuevas t辿cnicas de producci坦n, mayor calidad de productos y reducci坦n de costos. Explica los est叩ndares ISO y EIA usados en la programaci坦n CNC y los diferentes tipos de movimientos de herramientas como posicionamiento r叩pido, interpolaci坦n lineal y circular. Tambi辿n cubre temas como sistemas de unidades, compensaci坦n de di叩metro de herramienta, ciclos de taladrado y elementos b叩sicos de un programa CNC.
The document discusses different perspectives of leadership including the direct organizational, strategic, and global levels. It outlines the US Army's levels of leadership and what defines a leader in terms of character, presence, and intellect. A leader leads others, extends influence beyond their chain of command, leads by example, communicates, develops others, and achieves results. Toxic leadership is defined as taking part in destructive behaviors and dysfunctional personal characteristics that can harm people and organizations over time. Followership is discussed as the capacity or willingness to follow a leader, and that everyone follows others to some degree based on their actions and reactions.
Este documento discute la hipertensi坦n arterial resistente. Define la hipertensi坦n resistente como la persistencia de cifras tensionales mayores a 140/90 mmHg a pesar del uso de 3 o m叩s f叩rmacos antihipertensivos. Explica la importancia del diagn坦stico diferencial y la optimizaci坦n del tratamiento con diur辿ticos y espironolactona. Tambi辿n resume estudios recientes sobre nuevos enfoques para el tratamiento de la hipertensi坦n resistente como la denervaci坦n renal.
La International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) es una colaboraci坦n multinacional creada en 1999 para dise単ar herramientas ecogr叩ficas para diagnosticar c叩ncer ov叩rico aplicables por ecografistas no expertos. Las reglas IOTA describen cinco caracter鱈sticas benignas y cinco malignas de tumores anexiales. Los estudios originales mostraron que las reglas eran aplicables en el 76% de los casos con una alta sensibilidad y especificidad. El Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists propuso el nd
10 Ways to Make Your Affiliate Program Stand OutAffiliate Summit
The document outlines 10 ways for an affiliate program to stand out and improve marketing to and through affiliates. It recommends (1) optimizing for keywords on affiliate networks, (2) outranking competitors on search engines, (3) offering incentives for affiliates to activate, (4) providing performance incentives like bonuses, and (5) innovating to differentiate the program. It also suggests (6) supporting mobile affiliates, (7) adding pay-per-call models, (8) implementing co-branding, (9) using micro-banners, and (10) providing personalized support.
Dear Doctor,
Its humbling that you liked the presentation and would like to use it for your purpose. Kindly find your requested presentation attached with this email.
The shortlink for your future reference is http://go.drankush.com/PolioFinal
We would always appreciate if you would place this reference as a due credit in your work and while sharing for others use.
Ankush, Amroskar S, Bhamaikar V, Barreto J. "Polio Final Presentation" Accessed from http://go.drankush.com/PolioFinal
As we near eradication of this dreaded disease - "POLIO", we would like to share the following presentation we made for our Pediatrics seminar in 2012.
Best attempts have been made to cover most of the topic, keeping the size under 100 slides.
Hope you like it.
Shahin Amroskar
Varsha Bhamaikar
Joyce Barreto
O documento descreve os tipos de alinhamento de sequ棚ncias de DNA, incluindo alinhamento simples entre duas sequ棚ncias e alinhamento m炭ltiplo entre mais de duas sequ棚ncias. O alinhamento consiste em comparar sequ棚ncias para observar similaridade.
This presentation is from Affiliate Summit East 2016 (July 31-August 2, 2016 in New York City, NY). Session description: With 600 million connected consumers, Africa is fast becoming a hotbed for online and mobile engagement, innovation, and services. Learn how to dominate this new market though affiliate marketing.
El documento describe el control num辿rico computarizado (CNC), incluyendo sus principales ventajas como nuevas t辿cnicas de producci坦n, mayor calidad de productos y reducci坦n de costos. Explica los est叩ndares ISO y EIA usados en la programaci坦n CNC y los diferentes tipos de movimientos de herramientas como posicionamiento r叩pido, interpolaci坦n lineal y circular. Tambi辿n cubre temas como sistemas de unidades, compensaci坦n de di叩metro de herramienta, ciclos de taladrado y elementos b叩sicos de un programa CNC.
The document discusses different perspectives of leadership including the direct organizational, strategic, and global levels. It outlines the US Army's levels of leadership and what defines a leader in terms of character, presence, and intellect. A leader leads others, extends influence beyond their chain of command, leads by example, communicates, develops others, and achieves results. Toxic leadership is defined as taking part in destructive behaviors and dysfunctional personal characteristics that can harm people and organizations over time. Followership is discussed as the capacity or willingness to follow a leader, and that everyone follows others to some degree based on their actions and reactions.
Este documento discute la hipertensi坦n arterial resistente. Define la hipertensi坦n resistente como la persistencia de cifras tensionales mayores a 140/90 mmHg a pesar del uso de 3 o m叩s f叩rmacos antihipertensivos. Explica la importancia del diagn坦stico diferencial y la optimizaci坦n del tratamiento con diur辿ticos y espironolactona. Tambi辿n resume estudios recientes sobre nuevos enfoques para el tratamiento de la hipertensi坦n resistente como la denervaci坦n renal.
La International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) es una colaboraci坦n multinacional creada en 1999 para dise単ar herramientas ecogr叩ficas para diagnosticar c叩ncer ov叩rico aplicables por ecografistas no expertos. Las reglas IOTA describen cinco caracter鱈sticas benignas y cinco malignas de tumores anexiales. Los estudios originales mostraron que las reglas eran aplicables en el 76% de los casos con una alta sensibilidad y especificidad. El Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists propuso el nd
10 Ways to Make Your Affiliate Program Stand OutAffiliate Summit
The document outlines 10 ways for an affiliate program to stand out and improve marketing to and through affiliates. It recommends (1) optimizing for keywords on affiliate networks, (2) outranking competitors on search engines, (3) offering incentives for affiliates to activate, (4) providing performance incentives like bonuses, and (5) innovating to differentiate the program. It also suggests (6) supporting mobile affiliates, (7) adding pay-per-call models, (8) implementing co-branding, (9) using micro-banners, and (10) providing personalized support.
Dear Doctor,
Its humbling that you liked the presentation and would like to use it for your purpose. Kindly find your requested presentation attached with this email.
The shortlink for your future reference is http://go.drankush.com/PolioFinal
We would always appreciate if you would place this reference as a due credit in your work and while sharing for others use.
Ankush, Amroskar S, Bhamaikar V, Barreto J. "Polio Final Presentation" Accessed from http://go.drankush.com/PolioFinal
As we near eradication of this dreaded disease - "POLIO", we would like to share the following presentation we made for our Pediatrics seminar in 2012.
Best attempts have been made to cover most of the topic, keeping the size under 100 slides.
Hope you like it.
Shahin Amroskar
Varsha Bhamaikar
Joyce Barreto