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Integrating Strathmore University Library
resources into Moodle e-learning
A project report submitted for the lib@web 2015
Raymond Chepkwony
Strathmore University, Kenya
I am thankful to Prof. Dr. De Smet Egbert, Universiteit Antwerp and course coordinator of
Lib@Web International Training Program 2015 for his quick assistance in the project work. I
would also like to thank all the Professors who were very dedicated and hardworking in making
sure that we get the best out of the training. Much appreciated. I would also like to thank Mieke, the
Coordinator of the training who made our stay comfortable, thanks so much.
Statement of the Problem
Decline in the use of library resources (databases) has been a major concern for librarians.
According to research by Project Information Literacy (PIL), there is a serious decline in the use of
library resources and students instead use social networking tools like Facebook, access their emails
more and use e-learning environments like Moodle, canvas or blackboard. The library catalogs
come distant after Google, YouTube, Wikipedia and other sites.
The researcher being familiar with the basics of moodle software, he needed to study more and
research more about the software especially in integrating library resources into e-learning. Since
most libraries have not embrace this concept it was an opportunity for the researcher to explore the
possibilities of embedding library resources into e-learning environment.
This project mainly wants to:
 provide improved access to library resources from within the moodle course.
 To improve students` information literacy skills
 to provide specific resources for a specific course Module
 to script codes for integrating library resources into Moodle courses i.e. HTML codes and
widget codes
About the Project
 Installation of the Moodle LMS in a Linux environment
 Configurations and settings
 integrating databases, library services into a course module through HTML blocks, widgets,
library catalogue (search within moodle), library databases and library guides.
Software Requirements
 An operating system. Anything that runs the following software; although the choice will
most likely depend on the performance you need and the skills you have available. Linux
and Windows are the most common choices. Linux is generally regarded to be the optimal
 Web server. Primarily Apache or IIS
 A database. MySQL and PostgreSQL are the primary development database, the most
comprehensively tested and have extensive documentation and support.About Moodle
Moodle is a free, online Learning Management system enabling educators to create their own
private website filled with dynamic courses that extend learning, anytime, anywhere.
Integrating approaches
a) Using a link to library resources from a university-level sticky
block template
b) Using embed feature
-dynamic JavaScript widget
-static HTML code
c) Using permanent URLs to link to resources
Fig 1. Installing Moodle on Ubuntu 14
Web server configuration
Admin Login settings
After successful installation, you can access moodle by typing localhost/moodle or in any supported browser. Login in with the administrator.
Fig 2. Creating a course
Fig 3. Moodle Courses
Creating a Library Block within the course
Library blocks help ensure that students have quick, easy access to important information about the
library, including links to our website and contact information for librarians. Because you create the
library block from scratch, you're free to customize it with whatever information is most suitable for
your students' needs.
To create a Library block in Moodle
1.) Turn editing on, and go to Add a Block (this option appears at the bottom of the right sidebar
as the default)
2.) Select HTML from the dropdown menu
3.) Select "Configure (new HTML block) block" from the list of actions to begin adding content
to your library block.
4) On the next page, type in Library Links into the Block Title text box and click the Toggle
HTML Source Code icon and paste the following code
<a href="https://www.library.strathmore.edu/" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-
bottom:0.5em;"><img style="width: 225px; margin: 0.5em 1em;" alt="Strathmore Library Logo"
ustomlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img
src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/topics.png" alt="Research Topics Icon"> Library
<a href="https://su-plus.strathmore.edu/?source=customlinks" target="_blank"
style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img
src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/topics.png" alt="Research Topics Icon"> Digital
<a href="http://www.apastyle.org/?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block;
margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/citation_guides.png"
alt="Citation Guide Icon"> APA Citation Guide</a>
<a href="https://www.library.strathmore.edu/?q=node/10?source=customlinks" target="_blank"
style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img
src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/linking.png" alt="Linking Icon"> Zotero tutorials</a>
<a href="https://ezproxy.library.strathmore.edu/login?url=https://su-
plus.strathmore.edu/handle/11071/3872?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block;
margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/tutorials.png"
alt="Tutorial Icon"> Exams Bank and Repository</a>
<a href="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl?source=customlinks"
target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img
src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/tutorials.png" alt="Tutorial Icon"> My Library
<a href="https://ezproxy.library.strathmore.edu/login?source=customlinks" target="_blank"
style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img
src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/tutorials.png" alt="Tutorial Icon"> Off-campus access
to E-resources</a>
<a href="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu/?source=customlinks" target="_blank"
style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img
src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/catalog.png" alt="Library Catalog Icon"> Library
Catalog (search books, ebooks &amp; videos)</a>
<h3 style="margin-bottom: 0.3em;">Suggested Databases:</h3>
<a href="https://ezproxy.library.strathmore.edu/login" target="_blank" style="display:block;
margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/databases.png"
alt="Database Icon"> ScienceDirect</a>
<a href="https://ezproxy.library.strathmore.edu/login" target="_blank" style="display:block;
margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/databases.png"
alt="Database Icon"> JSTOR</a>
Fig 4. HTML block
Fig 5. Library block
Embed library catalog Search Widget
To create a Library catalog search engine in Moodle
1.) Turn editing on, and go to Add a Block (this option appears at the bottom of the right sidebar
as the default)
2.) Select HTML from the dropdown menu
3.) Select "Configure (new HTML block) block" from the list of actions to begin adding content
to your library block.
4) On the next page, type in Library Catalog into the Block Title text box and click the Toggle
HTML Source Code icon and paste the following code.
Code for the deep linking search in Koha catalogue
<br><div id="bd">
<div id="opac-main-search" class="yui-g" style="width:100%;">
<h1 id="Strathmore Library" style="background-image:
<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl" target="_blank" style="display:none;">Strathmore
<div id="fluid">
<div id="fluid-offset">
<form name="searchform" method="get" action="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu//cgi-
bin/koha/opac-search.pl" id="searchform" target="_blank">
<label for="masthead_search" class="left">Search</label>
<select name="idx" id="masthead_search">
<option value="">Library Catalog</option>
<option value="ti">Title</option>
<option value="au">Author</option>
<option value="su">Subject</option>
<option value="nb">ISBN</option>
<option value="se">Series</option>
<option value="callnum">Call Number</option>
<input id="transl1" name="q" type="text">
<input value="Search" id="searchsubmit" type="submit">
<div id="moresearches">
<a href="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu//cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl">Advanced
<span class="pipe"> | </span>
<a href="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu//cgi-bin/koha/opac-authorities-
home.pl">Browse by author or subject</a>
Fig 6. Library catalog block
Google custom search
To create a Library catalog search engine in Moodle
1.) Turn editing on, and go to Add a Block (this option appears at the bottom of the right sidebar
as the default)
2.) Select HTML from the dropdown menu
3.) Select "Configure (new HTML block) block" from the list of actions to begin adding content
to your library block.
4) On the next page, type in Custom search into the Block Title text box and click the
Toggle HTML Source Code icon and paste the following code
Code for custom search
(function() {
var cx = '004943028205502239300:ocu6yqob3lg';
var gcse = document.createElement('script');
gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
gcse.async = true;
gcse.src = /slideshow/project-report-raymond-chepkwony/61074882/(document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') +
'//cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=' + cx;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);
Fig 7. Google Custom search configuration
Fig 8. Google custom search configuration in moodle
Creating library resources links
Turn editing on
Click on add a resource drop down menu
Choose URL
Give name and description of the URL
Fig 9. Adding URL in Moodle
Adding plug-ins in moodle
One of the advantages of moodle e-learning software is the ability to integrate powerful external
tools such as plug-ins which are used within the course in moodle. Such tools include plagiarism
software, video conferencing tool such as BigBlueButton.
BigBlueButton in Moodle
BigBlueButton is a video conferencing plug-in in moodle which students and their teachers can
easily communicate via video, chat or voice. BigBlueButton can be installed into moodle using the
plug-ins option.
Fig 9. BigBlueButton Chat Plug-in
Bringing information resources closer to the user using learning management systems such as
moodle is important as there will be maximum use of these resources. However, there must be a
collaboration between the course administrators, IT personnel and librarians. Without these
collaborations chances that use of library resources will be minimal. Its also important to seek
management support as they are the decision makers who may provide funding to the whole project.
Librarians also must be prepared to provide point-of-need service and facilitate students
information needs.

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Project Report - Raymond Chepkwony

  • 1. 1 Integrating Strathmore University Library resources into Moodle e-learning environment A project report submitted for the lib@web 2015 by Raymond Chepkwony Strathmore University, Kenya
  • 2. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am thankful to Prof. Dr. De Smet Egbert, Universiteit Antwerp and course coordinator of Lib@Web International Training Program 2015 for his quick assistance in the project work. I would also like to thank all the Professors who were very dedicated and hardworking in making sure that we get the best out of the training. Much appreciated. I would also like to thank Mieke, the Coordinator of the training who made our stay comfortable, thanks so much.
  • 3. 3 Statement of the Problem Decline in the use of library resources (databases) has been a major concern for librarians. According to research by Project Information Literacy (PIL), there is a serious decline in the use of library resources and students instead use social networking tools like Facebook, access their emails more and use e-learning environments like Moodle, canvas or blackboard. The library catalogs come distant after Google, YouTube, Wikipedia and other sites. Methodology The researcher being familiar with the basics of moodle software, he needed to study more and research more about the software especially in integrating library resources into e-learning. Since most libraries have not embrace this concept it was an opportunity for the researcher to explore the possibilities of embedding library resources into e-learning environment. This project mainly wants to: provide improved access to library resources from within the moodle course. To improve students` information literacy skills to provide specific resources for a specific course Module to script codes for integrating library resources into Moodle courses i.e. HTML codes and widget codes About the Project Installation of the Moodle LMS in a Linux environment Configurations and settings integrating databases, library services into a course module through HTML blocks, widgets, library catalogue (search within moodle), library databases and library guides. Software Requirements An operating system. Anything that runs the following software; although the choice will most likely depend on the performance you need and the skills you have available. Linux and Windows are the most common choices. Linux is generally regarded to be the optimal platform. Web server. Primarily Apache or IIS PHP A database. MySQL and PostgreSQL are the primary development database, the most comprehensively tested and have extensive documentation and support.About Moodle software
  • 4. 4 Moodle is a free, online Learning Management system enabling educators to create their own private website filled with dynamic courses that extend learning, anytime, anywhere. Integrating approaches a) Using a link to library resources from a university-level sticky block template b) Using embed feature -dynamic JavaScript widget -static HTML code c) Using permanent URLs to link to resources Fig 1. Installing Moodle on Ubuntu 14
  • 6. 6 Admin Login settings After successful installation, you can access moodle by typing localhost/moodle or in any supported browser. Login in with the administrator. Fig 2. Creating a course
  • 7. 7 Fig 3. Moodle Courses Creating a Library Block within the course Library blocks help ensure that students have quick, easy access to important information about the library, including links to our website and contact information for librarians. Because you create the library block from scratch, you're free to customize it with whatever information is most suitable for your students' needs. To create a Library block in Moodle 1.) Turn editing on, and go to Add a Block (this option appears at the bottom of the right sidebar as the default) 2.) Select HTML from the dropdown menu 3.) Select "Configure (new HTML block) block" from the list of actions to begin adding content to your library block. 4) On the next page, type in Library Links into the Block Title text box and click the Toggle HTML Source Code icon and paste the following code
  • 8. 8 <a href="https://www.library.strathmore.edu/" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin- bottom:0.5em;"><img style="width: 225px; margin: 0.5em 1em;" alt="Strathmore Library Logo" src=/slideshow/project-report-raymond-chepkwony/61074882/"http:/www.strathmore.edu/en/images/aboutsubanner.jpg"></a> <a href="https://www.library.strathmore.edu/sites/default/files/images/pdf/library_guide.pdf?source=c ustomlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/topics.png" alt="Research Topics Icon"> Library Guide</a> <a href="https://su-plus.strathmore.edu/?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/topics.png" alt="Research Topics Icon"> Digital Repository</a> <a href="http://www.apastyle.org/?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/citation_guides.png" alt="Citation Guide Icon"> APA Citation Guide</a> <a href="https://www.library.strathmore.edu/?q=node/10?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/linking.png" alt="Linking Icon"> Zotero tutorials</a> <a href="https://ezproxy.library.strathmore.edu/login?url=https://su- plus.strathmore.edu/handle/11071/3872?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/tutorials.png" alt="Tutorial Icon"> Exams Bank and Repository</a> <a href="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/tutorials.png" alt="Tutorial Icon"> My Library Account</a> <a href="https://ezproxy.library.strathmore.edu/login?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/tutorials.png" alt="Tutorial Icon"> Off-campus access to E-resources</a> <a href="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu/?source=customlinks" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/catalog.png" alt="Library Catalog Icon"> Library Catalog (search books, ebooks &amp; videos)</a> <h3 style="margin-bottom: 0.3em;">Suggested Databases:</h3> <a href="https://ezproxy.library.strathmore.edu/login" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/databases.png" alt="Database Icon"> ScienceDirect</a> <a href="https://ezproxy.library.strathmore.edu/login" target="_blank" style="display:block; margin-bottom:0.5em;"><img src="http://hartness.vsc.edu/images/widgets/databases.png" alt="Database Icon"> JSTOR</a>
  • 9. 9 Fig 4. HTML block Fig 5. Library block
  • 10. 10 Embed library catalog Search Widget To create a Library catalog search engine in Moodle 1.) Turn editing on, and go to Add a Block (this option appears at the bottom of the right sidebar as the default) 2.) Select HTML from the dropdown menu 3.) Select "Configure (new HTML block) block" from the list of actions to begin adding content to your library block. 4) On the next page, type in Library Catalog into the Block Title text box and click the Toggle HTML Source Code icon and paste the following code. Code for the deep linking search in Koha catalogue <br><div id="bd"> <div id="opac-main-search" class="yui-g" style="width:100%;"> <h1 id="Strathmore Library" style="background-image: url(http://www.library.strathmore.edu/logo.png);height:20px;margin-left:4px;"> <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl" target="_blank" style="display:none;">Strathmore Library</a></h1> <div id="fluid"> <div id="fluid-offset"> <form name="searchform" method="get" action="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu//cgi- bin/koha/opac-search.pl" id="searchform" target="_blank"> <label for="masthead_search" class="left">Search</label> <select name="idx" id="masthead_search"> <option value="">Library Catalog</option> <option value="ti">Title</option> <option value="au">Author</option> <option value="su">Subject</option> <option value="nb">ISBN</option> <option value="se">Series</option> <option value="callnum">Call Number</option> </select> <input id="transl1" name="q" type="text"> <input value="Search" id="searchsubmit" type="submit"> </form> <div id="moresearches"> <a href="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu//cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl">Advanced search</a> <span class="pipe"> | </span> <a href="https://opac.library.strathmore.edu//cgi-bin/koha/opac-authorities- home.pl">Browse by author or subject</a> </div></div></div></div></div>
  • 11. 11 Fig 6. Library catalog block Google custom search To create a Library catalog search engine in Moodle 1.) Turn editing on, and go to Add a Block (this option appears at the bottom of the right sidebar as the default) 2.) Select HTML from the dropdown menu 3.) Select "Configure (new HTML block) block" from the list of actions to begin adding content to your library block. 4) On the next page, type in Custom search into the Block Title text box and click the Toggle HTML Source Code icon and paste the following code
  • 12. 12 Code for custom search <script> (function() { var cx = '004943028205502239300:ocu6yqob3lg'; var gcse = document.createElement('script'); gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; gcse.async = true; gcse.src = /slideshow/project-report-raymond-chepkwony/61074882/(document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=' + cx; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); })(); </script> <gcse:searchbox-only></gcse:searchbox-only>
  • 13. 13 Fig 7. Google Custom search configuration Fig 8. Google custom search configuration in moodle
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15 Creating library resources links Turn editing on Click on add a resource drop down menu Choose URL Give name and description of the URL Fig 9. Adding URL in Moodle Adding plug-ins in moodle One of the advantages of moodle e-learning software is the ability to integrate powerful external tools such as plug-ins which are used within the course in moodle. Such tools include plagiarism software, video conferencing tool such as BigBlueButton. BigBlueButton in Moodle BigBlueButton is a video conferencing plug-in in moodle which students and their teachers can easily communicate via video, chat or voice. BigBlueButton can be installed into moodle using the plug-ins option.
  • 16. 16 Fig 9. BigBlueButton Chat Plug-in
  • 17. 17 Conclusion Bringing information resources closer to the user using learning management systems such as moodle is important as there will be maximum use of these resources. However, there must be a collaboration between the course administrators, IT personnel and librarians. Without these collaborations chances that use of library resources will be minimal. Its also important to seek management support as they are the decision makers who may provide funding to the whole project. Librarians also must be prepared to provide point-of-need service and facilitate students information needs.