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Project review!
I learned to use Scratch programming to create games, animations and even simulations. In
my project what I was asked to do was to make a game or a simulation. I choose to make my
simulation because I thought it would be more original, exciting and fun. My simulation was
about football. The point was to simulate goals and also to simulate the goalkeeper saving a
I faced a lot of difficulties as I had to do a lot of programming by using operators. Something
similar to Kodu programming but more complex. I first managed myself to make the player
switch costume every time I pressed a certain key (space). I then added a lot of things to
improve it, for example I added for scoring places. I could also make the goalkeeper say “ I
saved” every time he saved a goal. I also make the player say “what a goal” and “great goal”
every time he scored.
Almost everything went well, for example. It was just like I wanted to be like I also wanted
the player to be animated and I could do that. Something that went bad was that when I
uploaded my game to my blog, the goalkeeper did not say a word after he saved the goal.
That was something that went wrong after I uploaded my game to my blog.
For the next time I think that I would make more scoring places for the player to have more
fun using it. And also the players to have more time using it and having fun. I would also
change the costume of the players to football players. But I think that at the end my game
was a success. I really had a lot of fun using it. I think that I would finally add more characters

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Project review

  • 1. Project review! I learned to use Scratch programming to create games, animations and even simulations. In my project what I was asked to do was to make a game or a simulation. I choose to make my simulation because I thought it would be more original, exciting and fun. My simulation was about football. The point was to simulate goals and also to simulate the goalkeeper saving a goal. I faced a lot of difficulties as I had to do a lot of programming by using operators. Something similar to Kodu programming but more complex. I first managed myself to make the player switch costume every time I pressed a certain key (space). I then added a lot of things to improve it, for example I added for scoring places. I could also make the goalkeeper say “ I saved” every time he saved a goal. I also make the player say “what a goal” and “great goal” every time he scored. Almost everything went well, for example. It was just like I wanted to be like I also wanted the player to be animated and I could do that. Something that went bad was that when I uploaded my game to my blog, the goalkeeper did not say a word after he saved the goal. That was something that went wrong after I uploaded my game to my blog. For the next time I think that I would make more scoring places for the player to have more fun using it. And also the players to have more time using it and having fun. I would also change the costume of the players to football players. But I think that at the end my game was a success. I really had a lot of fun using it. I think that I would finally add more characters