You can share your workflow with colleagues in two ways - by publishing an interactive snapshot or saving the workflow as an image or PDF. When creating a snapshot, you choose whether to share just the workflow or the full project state including user details. The snapshot generates a direct link and embed code to share your project state with colleagues or publicly on a webpage. Snapshots allow capturing up to three states per project over time or with varying levels of information included.
2. Share your workflow with your colleagues in 2 different ways:
1. Publish an interactive snapshot.
2. Save the workflow as an image or a PDF file.
4. When creating a snapshot you can control how you share it:
Either workflow only or the exact state of the project
with executor names & photos.
5. After you create a snapshot, Casual will generate a direct link
& an HTML code to embed your snapshot
on any web page.
6. By following the generated link, your colleagues
will be able to see your project in the state
you’ve taken the snapshot.
7. Your colleagues will only see the information you’ve
selected to be shared. In this example, a snapshot was
created as a workflow only & without the user information.
8. By embedding your snapshot into web-pages you
can share your workflows with the whole world.
9. You can create up to 3 snapshots per project. For ex.
Each snapshot can reflect the state of the project on
a different time or contain various information.