Share workflows with colleagues by publishing interactive snapshots or saving as images/PDFs via the Share icon. Snapshots allow controlling what's shared, such as just the workflow or with executor names/photos. Colleagues can then view the project as it was at snapshot creation by following the link or embedding the HTML code on a webpage to share workflows publicly. Up to three snapshots per project can reflect different states or levels of detail.
4. When creating a snapshot you can control what you share:
just a bare workflow, or exact state of the project
with executor names and photos.
5. After you create a snapshot you will receive a link to use in
your communications and an HTML code to embed
your snapshot into any web page.
6. By following a link your colleagues will be able to see your
project in its state on a moment when you created
a snapshot.
7. Your colleagues will see only the information which you
selected to be shared. In this example a snapshot was
created as a workflow only without user information.
8. By embedding your snapshot into web-pages you
can share your workflows with the whole world.
9. You can create up to three snapshots per project. Each can
reflect your projects state in a different time or
contain different amount of information.