Bab ini membahas tentang perjalanan Fuad untuk mencari kubur ibunya. Ia mengunjungi beberapa kampung dan bertemu dengan orang-orang tua yang mengenal ibunya dulu. Mereka memberitahu bahawa ibunya mungkin masih hidup dan pernah mengalami gangguan mental setelah melahirkan Fuad. Fuad merasa lega mendengar khabar ini dan meminta bantuan pakciknya untuk mengesahkan informasi tersebut dengan bapa kandun
Vestas aims to address sustainability challenges like climate change and resource scarcity through their approach of producing renewable energy products from wind turbines. They focus on reducing environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of their turbines from manufacturing to operation. By the end of 2008, all of Vestas' production sites were ISO 14001 certified and their wind turbines are 80% recyclable with no water or CO2 emissions during operation, helping to reduce pressure on natural resources.
Vestas is a leading wind turbine manufacturer that has installed over 40,000 wind turbines worldwide, accounting for one-third of all turbines. A single Vestas V90 3.0 MW turbine can become carbon neutral after only 7 months of energy production and saves 130,000 tons of CO2 over its lifetime. Wind power consumes very little water, using an average of only 1,000 litres of water per megawatt-hour of energy produced, making it more sustainable than other sources of energy.
The author describes the 4-stage process they used to build their board. In the 1st stage, they searched forums to find potential members by reading profiles. In the 2nd stage, they made contacts by sending hundreds of messages and communicating with interested replies. In the 3rd stage, they identified roles for potential members. In the 4th stage, they accepted a member to their board. They reflect that the forum search was good for networking but messaging could be more comfortable.
Bab ini membahas tentang perjalanan Fuad untuk mencari kubur ibunya. Ia mengunjungi beberapa kampung dan bertemu dengan orang-orang tua yang mengenal ibunya dulu. Mereka memberitahu bahawa ibunya mungkin masih hidup dan pernah mengalami gangguan mental setelah melahirkan Fuad. Fuad merasa lega mendengar khabar ini dan meminta bantuan pakciknya untuk mengesahkan informasi tersebut dengan bapa kandun
Vestas aims to address sustainability challenges like climate change and resource scarcity through their approach of producing renewable energy products from wind turbines. They focus on reducing environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of their turbines from manufacturing to operation. By the end of 2008, all of Vestas' production sites were ISO 14001 certified and their wind turbines are 80% recyclable with no water or CO2 emissions during operation, helping to reduce pressure on natural resources.
Vestas is a leading wind turbine manufacturer that has installed over 40,000 wind turbines worldwide, accounting for one-third of all turbines. A single Vestas V90 3.0 MW turbine can become carbon neutral after only 7 months of energy production and saves 130,000 tons of CO2 over its lifetime. Wind power consumes very little water, using an average of only 1,000 litres of water per megawatt-hour of energy produced, making it more sustainable than other sources of energy.
The author describes the 4-stage process they used to build their board. In the 1st stage, they searched forums to find potential members by reading profiles. In the 2nd stage, they made contacts by sending hundreds of messages and communicating with interested replies. In the 3rd stage, they identified roles for potential members. In the 4th stage, they accepted a member to their board. They reflect that the forum search was good for networking but messaging could be more comfortable.