Duurzaam Doen lezing Passief Bouwen 4 juni 2013 in de bestaande bouw door VDM...duurzame verhalen
Op dinsdag 4 juni 2013 van 12.00 tot 13.00 organiseerde ROC Friese Poort | Centrum Duurzaam in samenwerking met Stichting Passief Bouwen een lunchlezing over Passief Bouwen in de bestaande bouw.
Rob van der Hoek, werkzaam als projectleider renovatie bij VDM Wonen, heeft ervaring met grootschalige renovatie van woningen. Hij liet voorbeelden zien van woningen met energielabel G die opgewaardeerd worden tot A++ label.
De themabijeenkomst LICHT vond plaats op 25 april 2018 in
MM25 te Rotterdam Alexander.
Hier de presentatie "Kunstlicht" van lichtontwerper Mathijs Sommeijer van Deerns.
Taipei has over 1,000 hectares of green space with an average of 5.19 square meters per person, less than half of international standards. While green space as a percentage of total area increased slightly in recent years, it remains below targets and disparities exist between districts, with some having less than half the green space of others. Plans aim to plant over 200,000 new trees and increase total green space by 200 hectares by 2025.
Preview: Who's Afraid of Post BlacknessMedia Center
This document lists the names of 11 Black artists, writers, and performers including Santigold, Kehinde Wiley, Kara Walker, Deborah Grant, Rashid Johnson, Glenn Ligon, Aaron Mcgruder, Lorna Simpson, Gary Simmons, Jean Michel-Basquiat, and Dave Chappelle.
The document discusses the history and evolution of HR consulting firms from the late 1800s to present day. It provides details on some of the largest and most prominent HR consulting firms currently, including their areas of expertise and services offered. The future of HR consulting is predicted to experience growth again after being negatively impacted by the recent recession.
The document discusses opportunities to build your brand and career at ConAgra Foods. ConAgra Foods is looking for fresh new faces to help build their brands. They are passionate about building brands and there is no better place than ConAgra Foods. The document highlights ConAgra Foods' focus on employee engagement, innovation, management strategies, leadership development programs, and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Comments on national ict master plan 2017Peter M?ya H
- Peter Muya provides feedback on Kenya's National ICT Master Plan 2017.
- He suggests improvements across several pillars and sectors, including focusing on process optimization before automation, addressing power supply issues, stopping cable vandalism, and strengthening linkages between sectors like education and labor.
- Muya also recommends expanding initiatives in several sectors like health, education, security, and agriculture to integrate more data and processes.
- He notes some sectors were not covered in the plan like energy, mining, and tourism, and suggests ways ICT could support them.
Duurzaam Doen lezing Passief Bouwen 4 juni 2013 in de bestaande bouw door VDM...duurzame verhalen
Op dinsdag 4 juni 2013 van 12.00 tot 13.00 organiseerde ROC Friese Poort | Centrum Duurzaam in samenwerking met Stichting Passief Bouwen een lunchlezing over Passief Bouwen in de bestaande bouw.
Rob van der Hoek, werkzaam als projectleider renovatie bij VDM Wonen, heeft ervaring met grootschalige renovatie van woningen. Hij liet voorbeelden zien van woningen met energielabel G die opgewaardeerd worden tot A++ label.
De themabijeenkomst LICHT vond plaats op 25 april 2018 in
MM25 te Rotterdam Alexander.
Hier de presentatie "Kunstlicht" van lichtontwerper Mathijs Sommeijer van Deerns.
Taipei has over 1,000 hectares of green space with an average of 5.19 square meters per person, less than half of international standards. While green space as a percentage of total area increased slightly in recent years, it remains below targets and disparities exist between districts, with some having less than half the green space of others. Plans aim to plant over 200,000 new trees and increase total green space by 200 hectares by 2025.
Preview: Who's Afraid of Post BlacknessMedia Center
This document lists the names of 11 Black artists, writers, and performers including Santigold, Kehinde Wiley, Kara Walker, Deborah Grant, Rashid Johnson, Glenn Ligon, Aaron Mcgruder, Lorna Simpson, Gary Simmons, Jean Michel-Basquiat, and Dave Chappelle.
The document discusses the history and evolution of HR consulting firms from the late 1800s to present day. It provides details on some of the largest and most prominent HR consulting firms currently, including their areas of expertise and services offered. The future of HR consulting is predicted to experience growth again after being negatively impacted by the recent recession.
The document discusses opportunities to build your brand and career at ConAgra Foods. ConAgra Foods is looking for fresh new faces to help build their brands. They are passionate about building brands and there is no better place than ConAgra Foods. The document highlights ConAgra Foods' focus on employee engagement, innovation, management strategies, leadership development programs, and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Comments on national ict master plan 2017Peter M?ya H
- Peter Muya provides feedback on Kenya's National ICT Master Plan 2017.
- He suggests improvements across several pillars and sectors, including focusing on process optimization before automation, addressing power supply issues, stopping cable vandalism, and strengthening linkages between sectors like education and labor.
- Muya also recommends expanding initiatives in several sectors like health, education, security, and agriculture to integrate more data and processes.
- He notes some sectors were not covered in the plan like energy, mining, and tourism, and suggests ways ICT could support them.
The document provides tips for pitching a game to an audience. It emphasizes knowing the audience and their goals, being concise yet passionate in the presentation, and using visual aids like images, video, and PowerPoint to help tell the story and sell the key points of the game. The presenter should prepare thoroughly and focus on painting a picture to sell the benefits of the game.
The document provides details of exam venues and student roll numbers for various exams taking place on August 19, 2012 from 9:30-11:00 AM (Slot A1). It lists 7 rooms (SJT301-SJT305, SJT308, SJT311, SJT315, SJT324, SJT401) along with the course name, course code, and lists of student roll numbers taking the exam in each room.
The document contains seating arrangements for multiple examination rooms. It lists the roll numbers of students assigned to specific seats, organized by row and column, for a CAT-I examination taking place on August 21, 2012 from 9:30-11:00 AM. The examination is being held in several rooms (SJT301 through SJT324) at the SCSE school.
The document discusses several key points about Islam:
1) Islam comes from the root word "Salam" meaning peace, and means submitting one's will to God. Anyone who submits to God is called a Muslim.
2) Prophet Muhammad was not the founder of Islam - messengers and guides had been sent to all nations since the time of Adam. Muhammad was the final prophet sent for all of humanity.
3) The religion is called Islam and those who follow it are Muslims, not "Muhammedans". Muslims worship God alone.
4) Several revelations were sent including the Torah, Psalms, Gospel and Quran, with the Quran as the final revelation for all
El documento resume los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales recientes en Rep¨²blica Dominicana. Aunque el Presidente Medina y su partido PLD ganaron, la oposici¨®n logr¨® atraer el 38% del voto indicando que muchos ciudadanos desean cambios. La oposici¨®n debe proponer reformas para luchar contra la corrupci¨®n, mejorar la inclusi¨®n social y crear empleos para los j¨®venes. Tanto el gobierno como la oposici¨®n deben leer las demandas de cambio del pueblo para evitar que se vuelvan en su contra como ha pas
Heembouw cre?ert plekken waar mensen willen ondernemen.
Met een combinatie van marktkennis, kennis van locaties en verstand van (lean) bouwen, is Heembouw ¨¦¨¦n van de leidende partijen op de markt van bedrijfsruimten. Heembouw biedt haar klanten een integrale oplossing, waarbij een optimale locatie op een strategische juiste plek het vertrekpunt is. Onze Gronddatabank biedt een actueel overzicht van beschikbare locaties. Met Habeon Architecten binnen de gelederen, kunnen we een klant al snel laten zien hoe zijn wensen vertaald worden en hoe zijn nieuwe huisvesting eruit komt te zien.
Een overzicht van enkele referentie- of onder hande projecten van Huybregts Relou & Huybregts Systeembouw. Meer informatie vindt u op www.huybregts-relou.nl
Een overzicht van enkele referentie- of onder hande projecten van Huybregts Relou & Huybregts Systeembouw. Meer informatie vindt u op www.huybregts-relou.nl
Ibens is een specialist in woonprojecten voor personen met een behoefte aan dienstverlening en zorgondersteuning. Via een ge?ntegreerde aanpak zorgen ze voor een totaaloplossing.
Bijgaand een overzicht van projecten welke de afgelopen jaren door ons gerealiseerd zijn en welke we op dit moment in uitvoering hebben. Een en ander komt u ook terug vinden op onze website www.vd-heijden.nl
2. Ormsta Project: Nieuwbouw 2-kappers en rijwoningen Plaats: Almere, Noorderplassen West Aantal: 54 Architect:: Van der Waals en Zeinstra Architecten Aannemer: Jorritsma Bouw
3. Kista Project: Nieuwbouw rijwoningen (incl. 12 starterswoningen) Plaats: Almere, Noorderplassen West Aantal: 71 Architect:: Dick van Gameren Architecten Aannemer: Jorritsma Bouw
11. Hamra Project: Nieuwbouw vrijstaande woningen Plaats: Almere, Noorderplassen West Aantal: 19 Architecten: Bedaux de Brouwer Architecten Pieter Weeda & Paul van der Weijden Architecten Van Tilburg, Ibelings en Von Behr Architecten Aannemer: n.t.b.
12. Blok 7 en 9 Project: Nieuwbouw appartementengebouw Plaats: Almere Stadshart Aantal: 54 Architect: S333 Architecture and Urbanism Aannemer: J.P. van Eesteren
13. Westeinderpark Project: Nieuwbouw rijwoningen (incl. beneden- bovenwoningen) Plaats: Kudelstaart Aantal: 75 Architect: Pieter Weeda en Paul van der Weijden Architecten Aannemer: Van Wengerden en Visser
14. De Componist Project: Nieuwbouw rijwoningen Plaats: Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel Aantal: 24 Architect: Van der Waals en Zeinstra Architecten Aannemer: Dura Vermeer Bouw Leidschendam
15. Hofgaarde Project: Nieuwbouw rijwoningen Plaats: Zoetermeer, Oosterheem Aantal: 79 Architect: Van der Waals en Zeinstra Architecten Aannemer: Dura Vermeer Bouw Leidschendam