(1) The document describes an Arduino-based project to detect adulteration in liquids like oil, milk, and water. (2) It was motivated by the serious issue of adulteration in edible oils using cheap adulterants that can cause life-threatening diseases. (3) The project aims to make consumers aware of adulteration levels and risks through a system using a pH sensor, Arduino board, and GSM module to measure and send purity readings to consumers.
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1. (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
Department of Electronics Engineering
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering
Under the Guidance of-
Prof. Somulu Gugulothu
Session 2016-17
Title- Arduino Based Detection of Adulteration in
Presented By-
Palash Shinde
Ankit Poinkar
Mohini Panch
Sonu Pund
VIII Sem (Electronics Engineering)
2. 22/07/16 Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur 2
Origin of Project
• Adulteration – It usually refers to an act of intentionally debasing
the quality of product offered by mixture or substitution of inferior
substance or by the removal of some valuable ingredient.
• Adulteration in products(Liquid form) harms the consumer and can
pose serious risk to health in some cases.
• The present study was planned with the main objective of
identifying buying practices of homemakers and their extent of
awareness related to selected food products.
• So considering the health & welfare of the society we have planned
a project which can allow the consumer to know about the level of
purity of the product(Liquid form) they buy.
3. Motivation
• Adulteration in edible oil now a days is serious issue
• Adulterants using by Shopkeepers and manufacturers
are very cheap and easily available.
•Consumption of such adulterated products can cause
life- threatening diseases.
•So, its important to know the level of adulteration in our
edible products.
•Our project is basically interdisciplinary.
22/07/16 Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur
4. Problem Formulation
• To make consumer aware about the adulteration
level in the edible oil, water, milk.
• To make them aware about the various life
threatening diseases which can cause due to
consumption of these adulterated products.
Our Objective :-
22/07/16 Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur 4
5. Detection of Adulteration in Liquids
22/07/16 Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur 6
Arduino UNO Board
6. PH Senor
22/07/16 Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur 5
° It's an analog PH meter which is specially
designed for Arduino Microcontroller.
° pH sensor is present with BNC connector.
° It has LED which works as an power indicator.
° pH measuring range:0-14.
° Response time is<=1min.
° pH electrode requires 5v power supply.
° Before and after use of the pH electrode
every time, we need to use distilled water
to clean it.
° Output of pH electrode is in Millivolts
8. GSM Module
Quad-Band GSM/GPRS
850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900 MHz
Built in RS232 Level Converter
Configurable baud rate
SMA connector with GSM L Type
Built in SIM Card holder.
Built in Network Status LED
Inbuilt Powerful TCP/IP protocol stack
for internet data transfer over GPRS.
Audio interface Connector
Most Status & Controlling Pins are
available at Connector
Normal operation temperature: -20 °C
to +55 °C
Input Voltage: 5V-12V DC
10. Details of project budget.
22/07/16 Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur 7
Sr. No. Components Price
1. Arduino Board 450/-
2. GSM Module 880/-
3. PH Sensor 2000/-
4. Others 200/-
Total 3530/-
11. Execution Plan
22/07/16 Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur 8
1) Insert SIM card
2) Connect The Antenna Fix the Supplied RF antenna to the SMA
Antennae connector and tighten it by Rotating the Nut
3) Connect the Pins Connect the GSM modem as per the circuit diagram
4) Power the modem from suitable power supply, which is having enough
current capacity (>1A).
5) Check the Status of the LEDs
PWR LED - Red LED will lit immediately
STS LED - Green LED will lit after 1-2 seconds
NET LED -Blue LED will starts to blink in fast for few seconds and
becomes slow blinking once the Modem registers with the Network.
6) The Network LED indicates the various status of GSM module eg.
Power on, Network registration &
GPRS connectivity. When the modem is powered up, the status LED will
blink every second. After the
Modem registers in the network (takes between 10-60 seconds), LED will
blink in step of 3 seconds. At
this stage you can start using Modem for your application.
7) The Baud rate supported by the modem is between 9600 and 115200.
Make sure the host system is set
to the supported baud rate.
• Site- www.ieeexpolre.ieee.org.
Author-Smita Nagtode ,location -bangluru..
• Patents-Sensor for detecting the adulteration
&quality of fluids by-Honeywell International Inc.
New Jersey...
• Arduino sensors ,Author- Rakesh Mondal..
• Site – www.circuitoday.com
Gsm module with arduino.
22/07/16 Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur 9