This document outlines the agenda for an innovation hackathon. It will include an introductory period, then groups will work on one of three provided topics: 1) Digital Economy and the public sector's role in enabling private sector innovation, 2) Developing Talent and creating next generation government leaders, and 3) The Role of Technology in supporting innovation through improved processes and outcomes. Groups will then present their work before a concluding wrap-up. The hackathon aims to foster disruptive ideas within time constraints through discussion of important innovation considerations.
2. ? 14:45 ¨C 15:00 Intro, Topics Overview and Selection
? 15:00 ¨C 15:45 Work in Groups (3)
? 15:45 ¨C 15:59 Group Presentations and Conclusion
? 15:59 ¨C 16:00 Wrap Up
Agenda for the Hackaton
limited by time, not by ideas
3. ? Digital Economy: how to foster next digital transformation of
? Developing Talent: what kind of talent we need in the
Government to drive innovation change?
? Role of Technology in Government Innovation: how do we
support innovation and change processes with the best of
we will choose one, and work on it
3 important topics to consider
Innovation Hackaton Topics
5. Digital Agenda / Digital Economy / Digital Single Market
? How do we support the changes that are coming with the digital
? How do we create an environment where we grow industries and
drive new business models and businesses out of it?
? How do we secure that digital transformation is looking for disruptive
innovation more than just contributing to the incremental one?
Public Sector Role in Digital Economy
enabling the private sector to thrive in a new world
Topic 1: Digital Economy
7. People / Potential / Leaders
? How do we create the Government leaders of tomorrow that will
drive the innovation and change?
? What are their roles and responsibilities?
? What types and at what levels of mentorship, networking, leadership
and volunteerism we need to help them with?
Public Sector Generation Next
enabling millennials to drive innovation change
Topic 2: Developing Talent
Public Sector Technology Innovation
9. Needs / Processes / Technology / Outcomes
? What do organizations and citizens really want?
? How can you make it easier for them to work with you?
? And where can technology help reinforce those insights?
Public Sector Technology Opportunity
supporting innovation and change with technology
Topic 3: Role of Technology in Gov
10. ? 16:15 ¨C 17:00 Work in Groups (3)
? 17:00 ¨C 17:14 Group Presentations and Conclusion
Use Any Format and Function
we will help with the facilitation
Group Work
11. ? things that we concluded today and we want to share with the
Thank Your for a Great Work!
have a great time at GLOBSEC 2015
Wrap Up