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Promoting Student Engagement
in Science Curriculum
Emily S. Boward, Science Lab Technician & Hood College Masters Student
Judy Staveley, Ph.D., Professor of Bioprocessing Technology and Program Manager
Debra Ellis, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry
Elizabeth Alexander, FCC Honors Student
December 2, 2016
7th Annual MACC Summit on Completion
Goals of Our Collaboration
 Interest Students in Scientific Topics
 STEM Majors
 Non-STEM Majors
 Prospective Students
 Community Members
 Promote FCCs Science Department
 Highlight Specific Programs: Biotechnology & Engineering
 Increase Interest in STEM Pathways: Biology, Chemistry & Physics
 Provide simple and efficient protocols for student activities
 Making Slime
 Collecting Fingerprints
 Dye Separation Using Chromatography
 Extracting DNA from Plants
 Useful for Demonstrations,
Recruiting, Community Outreach
and Science Lab Courses
Safety First
 Gloves and Safety Glasses
 Although these experiments
are low-risk and use house-
hold chemicals, we advocate
the use of PPE
 Can be purchased in bulk to
provide during activities
FCC Campus Events
 Science Student Success Day
 Part of a series of week-long events designed to
engage students and promote their success at FCC
 FCC Fest
 A free Frederick County community celebration and
FCC showcase held in the Fall
Science Student Success Day Event
 Hour-Long Event: Hands On Scientific Exploration
 One of several Science Student Success Day events
 Open to all FCC students
 Student activities included:
Fingerprint collection
 Making slime
 Approximately 20 STEM major and
non-major students attended
Latent Fingerprint Collection
 Students will collect latent
fingerprints from a variety of non-
porous substrates, using black and
white fingerprint powder.
 Learning Outcomes:
 Understanding of fingerprint
collection procedure.
 Understanding of how fingerprint
collection is related to forensic science
and crime scene investigation.
Science Student
Success Day
Latent Fingerprint Collection
Elizabeth Alexander,
FCC Honors Student
Polymer Synthesis of Slime
 Using common measurements
and laboratory methods, students
will create colored slime using
borax, water and white glue
 Learning Outcomes:
 Understanding of how
compounds can interact to create
structurally different products
Polymer Synthesis of Slime
Polyvinyl acetate
Sodium tetraborate
Science Student Success Day 2016
FCC Bioprocessing Technology Program
 Students majoring in Biotechnology engage in a FCC Club program to
help engage K-12 students
 Students mentor and promote the program with basic laboratory
methods for biotechnology in several community events on and off
 The program entails the foundation of working in the Biotechnology /
Pharma & Research fields
 The Modern Biotechnology industry transforms biological knowledge
into a variety of products ranging from cancer therapeutics to DNA
Fingerprints to making fermentations products and solutions.
 Field Trips  NIH, NCI, Medigen, Astra Zeneca, & ThermoFisher
FCC Fest 2016
 A Community Outreach
 Open to the Public
 The Biotechnology
Program students worked
and educated event
guests on how to make
FCC Fest 2016
FCC Fest 2016
Organic Chemistry I
 Students face challenge of relating course material to real-life
 Can negatively impact student engagement and success
 Organic materials and protocols are often so unfamiliar that students
disconnect from understanding lab activities; simply perform them
 Proposed experiment is simple, so a version of it can be utilized in
community outreach events as well as in the STEM classroom
Simple Extractions
Common Food Dyes
Simple Extractions  with a Food Dye
Thin Layer Chromatography of Food Dyes
 Food dyes separated using
thin layer chromatography (TLC).
 Learning Outcomes:
 Visual - can see how dyes are
separated by TLC.
 Learn how to calculate Rf = a/b
 Visually compare effectiveness/
differences of various liquids
a b
 Spot food dyes onto TLC plate or paper
 Pour liquid (2% NaCl in water) into container
to appropriate level
 Carefully insert plate or paper
 Allow liquid and food dyes to travel up
and separate over time
 Calculate Rf values
TLC Procedure
TLC of Food Dyes
Chromatography of Food Dyes
FCC Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
Community Engagement Activity
Chromatography; or, A treatise on colours and pigments: and
of their powers in painting by George Field, London, 1841.
General Biology I
 Great experiment for introducing the concept of DNA and
molecular biology
 Relate course concepts to real world laboratory applications
 Methodology is simple, so it can be utilized in community
outreach events as well as in the classroom
DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ
 Using a simple organic
method, DNA will be extracted
from wheat germ.
 Learning Outcomes:
 Understanding of techniques
and reagents used to extract
DNA from cells and the
underlying biochemistry of the
extraction process.
 Weigh out .75g of wheat germ into large test
 Add warm water, and invert for 3 minutes.
 Add liquid detergent, and invert for 3
 Carefully pour isopropanol into to tube to
layer on top of the mixture.
 Spool out DNA where two layers meet!
DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ
DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ
 Warm Water
o Helps dissolves plant tissues.
 25% Liquid Detergent
o Breaks apart cells and unfolds some protein
 91% Isopropyl Alcohol
o Precipitates DNA out of solution.
o The volume of alcohol lowers the effective water
concentration and allows the DNA molecules to
DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ
FCC BI 101 Laboratory Class 2016
DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ
FCC BI 101
Laboratory Class
DNA Extraction from Fruit
Alternate Protocol:
Cut a small piece of
banana or one
strawberry into small
Mash with mortar and
pestle, until emulsified
Recommendations for Source of DNA
Fruit DNA gave a higher yield when it came to raw DNA
Using a food product with which students can make a real world
More fun for middle or high school classes
Wheat Germ DNA may be more useful when using restriction enzymes for
running electrophoresis gels
Wheat Germ and other similar plant products break apart more easily,
leading to easier raw extractions
Tips and Tricks for All Activities
 Prepare supplies beforehand, and
have extras!
 Pre-measure certain reagents (i.e.
borax, wheat germ) into individual
tubes, so students can grab and go
 Disposables and plastic tablecloths 
great for fast clean-up!
 Have sign-in sheets available
Exposure to Science
 Protocols are simple and straightforward, but
also interactive.
 Allows scientific concepts to be presented, at
an appropriate level for all students (not just
STEM majors).
 Students learn basic principles of working in a
lab setting and following a standard protocol.
 Can be used at middle or high school events.
 Teresa Calzonetti, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, FCC
 Edith Hillard, Science Lab Manager, FCC
 Marc Frankenberry, Ph.D., Science Department Chair, FCC
 Wen Nellis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, FCC
Contact Us:
 Emily Boward Eboward@frederick.edu
 Dr. Judy Staveley Jstaveley@frederick.edu
 Dr. Debra Ellis Dellis@frederick.edu

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Promoting Student Engagement in Science Curriculum

  • 1. Promoting Student Engagement in Science Curriculum Emily S. Boward, Science Lab Technician & Hood College Masters Student Judy Staveley, Ph.D., Professor of Bioprocessing Technology and Program Manager Debra Ellis, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry Elizabeth Alexander, FCC Honors Student December 2, 2016 7th Annual MACC Summit on Completion
  • 2. Goals of Our Collaboration Interest Students in Scientific Topics STEM Majors Non-STEM Majors Prospective Students Community Members Promote FCCs Science Department Highlight Specific Programs: Biotechnology & Engineering Increase Interest in STEM Pathways: Biology, Chemistry & Physics
  • 3. Objectives Provide simple and efficient protocols for student activities Making Slime Collecting Fingerprints Dye Separation Using Chromatography Extracting DNA from Plants Useful for Demonstrations, Recruiting, Community Outreach and Science Lab Courses
  • 4. Safety First Gloves and Safety Glasses Although these experiments are low-risk and use house- hold chemicals, we advocate the use of PPE Can be purchased in bulk to provide during activities
  • 5. FCC Campus Events Science Student Success Day Part of a series of week-long events designed to engage students and promote their success at FCC FCC Fest A free Frederick County community celebration and FCC showcase held in the Fall
  • 6. Science Student Success Day Event Hour-Long Event: Hands On Scientific Exploration One of several Science Student Success Day events Open to all FCC students Student activities included: Fingerprint collection Making slime Approximately 20 STEM major and non-major students attended
  • 7. Latent Fingerprint Collection Purpose: Students will collect latent fingerprints from a variety of non- porous substrates, using black and white fingerprint powder. Learning Outcomes: Understanding of fingerprint collection procedure. Understanding of how fingerprint collection is related to forensic science and crime scene investigation. Science Student Success Day 2016
  • 8. Latent Fingerprint Collection Elizabeth Alexander, FCC Honors Student
  • 9. Polymer Synthesis of Slime Purpose: Using common measurements and laboratory methods, students will create colored slime using borax, water and white glue Learning Outcomes: Understanding of how compounds can interact to create structurally different products
  • 10. Polymer Synthesis of Slime Polyvinyl acetate Sodium tetraborate decahydrate
  • 12. FCC Bioprocessing Technology Program Students majoring in Biotechnology engage in a FCC Club program to help engage K-12 students Students mentor and promote the program with basic laboratory methods for biotechnology in several community events on and off campus The program entails the foundation of working in the Biotechnology / Pharma & Research fields The Modern Biotechnology industry transforms biological knowledge into a variety of products ranging from cancer therapeutics to DNA Fingerprints to making fermentations products and solutions. Field Trips NIH, NCI, Medigen, Astra Zeneca, & ThermoFisher
  • 13. FCC Fest 2016 A Community Outreach event Open to the Public The Biotechnology Program students worked and educated event guests on how to make slime
  • 16. FCC STEM Majors Organic Chemistry I Students face challenge of relating course material to real-life applications Can negatively impact student engagement and success Organic materials and protocols are often so unfamiliar that students disconnect from understanding lab activities; simply perform them Proposed experiment is simple, so a version of it can be utilized in community outreach events as well as in the STEM classroom
  • 19. Simple Extractions with a Food Dye
  • 20. Thin Layer Chromatography of Food Dyes Purpose: Food dyes separated using thin layer chromatography (TLC). Learning Outcomes: Visual - can see how dyes are separated by TLC. Learn how to calculate Rf = a/b Visually compare effectiveness/ differences of various liquids a b b b
  • 21. Spot food dyes onto TLC plate or paper Pour liquid (2% NaCl in water) into container to appropriate level Carefully insert plate or paper Allow liquid and food dyes to travel up and separate over time Calculate Rf values TLC Procedure
  • 22. TLC of Food Dyes
  • 23. Chromatography of Food Dyes FCC Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
  • 24. Community Engagement Activity Chromatography; or, A treatise on colours and pigments: and of their powers in painting by George Field, London, 1841.
  • 25. General Biology I Great experiment for introducing the concept of DNA and molecular biology Hands-On! Relate course concepts to real world laboratory applications Methodology is simple, so it can be utilized in community outreach events as well as in the classroom FCC STEM Majors
  • 26. DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ Purpose: Using a simple organic method, DNA will be extracted from wheat germ. Learning Outcomes: Understanding of techniques and reagents used to extract DNA from cells and the underlying biochemistry of the extraction process.
  • 27. Weigh out .75g of wheat germ into large test tube. Add warm water, and invert for 3 minutes. Add liquid detergent, and invert for 3 minutes. Carefully pour isopropanol into to tube to layer on top of the mixture. Spool out DNA where two layers meet! DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ
  • 28. DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ Reagents: Warm Water o Helps dissolves plant tissues. 25% Liquid Detergent o Breaks apart cells and unfolds some protein structures. 91% Isopropyl Alcohol o Precipitates DNA out of solution. o The volume of alcohol lowers the effective water concentration and allows the DNA molecules to aggregate.
  • 29. DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ FCC BI 101 Laboratory Class 2016
  • 30. DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ FCC BI 101 Laboratory Class 2016
  • 31. DNA Extraction from Fruit Alternate Protocol: Cut a small piece of banana or one strawberry into small pieces Mash with mortar and pestle, until emulsified
  • 32. Recommendations for Source of DNA Fruit DNA gave a higher yield when it came to raw DNA Using a food product with which students can make a real world connection More fun for middle or high school classes Wheat Germ DNA may be more useful when using restriction enzymes for running electrophoresis gels Wheat Germ and other similar plant products break apart more easily, leading to easier raw extractions
  • 33. Tips and Tricks for All Activities Prepare supplies beforehand, and have extras! Pre-measure certain reagents (i.e. borax, wheat germ) into individual tubes, so students can grab and go Disposables and plastic tablecloths great for fast clean-up! Have sign-in sheets available
  • 34. Exposure to Science Protocols are simple and straightforward, but also interactive. Allows scientific concepts to be presented, at an appropriate level for all students (not just STEM majors). Students learn basic principles of working in a lab setting and following a standard protocol. Can be used at middle or high school events.
  • 35. Acknowledgements Teresa Calzonetti, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, FCC Edith Hillard, Science Lab Manager, FCC Marc Frankenberry, Ph.D., Science Department Chair, FCC Wen Nellis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, FCC
  • 36. Contact Us: Emily Boward Eboward@frederick.edu Dr. Judy Staveley Jstaveley@frederick.edu Dr. Debra Ellis Dellis@frederick.edu THANK YOU!