Promotion involves advancing an employee to a position with greater responsibility, prestige, and pay. There are different types of promotion like vertical promotion which moves an employee up the organizational hierarchy or up-gradation which upgrades a job within the hierarchy. Promotion benefits both the employee through increased pay and satisfaction and the organization by better utilizing skills and increasing morale. However, promotion can also lead to issues like disappointment among those not promoted and some employees refusing promotions due to transfers or feeling underqualified. Organizations should have a clear and impartial promotion policy based on merit, seniority, or a combination of both.
2. According to Paul Pigons & Charles A Myers
promotion is advancement of an employee to a better
job, better in terms of greater responsibility, more
prestige or status, greater skill & especially increased
rate of pay or salary
Arun Monappd & Miraza Saiyadin define
promotion as a the upward reassignment of an
individual in an organization's hierarchy, accompanied
by increased in an responsibilities, enhanced status as
usually with increase income though not always so
3. Vertical Promotion :
under this type of promotion employee is moved
to the next higher level in the organizational hierarchy
with general responsibility, authority, pay & status .
under this type of promotion the job is upgraded
in the organizational hierarchy. For
4. Dry Promotion :
under this promotion, the employee is moved to
the next higher level in the organizational hierarchy
with greater responsibility, authority and status
without any increase in salary
5. Organisations promote the employees with
a view to achieve the following purposes:
1) To utilise the employees skill,
2) To develop competitive spirit &
inculcate the zeal.
3) To develop competent internal source
of employees
4) To promote employees self
5) To promote a feeling of the employee
6) To promote interest.
7) To build loyalty
8) To reward
9) To get rid of the problems created by
6. 1. Merit as a Basis of Promotion :
merit is taken to denote an individual employees skill,
knowledge, ability, efficiency, & aptitude as measure from
educational, training & past employment record.
i. The resources can be utilized in better way
ii. Competent employees are motivated
iii. It works as golden handcuffs
iv. Continues encourages
7. 2. Seniority as a basis of promotion:
seniority refers to relative length of service in the same job
& in the same organisation.
i. It is relatively easy to measure the length of service & judge the
ii. There would be full support of the trade union to this system
iii. It gives a sense of certainty of getting promotion to every
iv. Senior employees will have satisfaction
v. It minimise the scope for grievance & conflicts regarding
8. 3. Seniority cum merit
managements mostly prefer merit as basis of
promotion as they are interested in enriching its
human resource. But trade unions favor seniority
as the sole basis for promotion with a view to
satisfy the interests of majority of their numbers.
9. Promotion of employees from lower ranks to higher positions benefits the
organization as well as employees
1. Promotion places the employees in a position where on employees
skills and knowledge can be better utilised
2. It crates & increases the interest of other employees in company
3. It creates among employees a feeling of content with the existing
conditions of works & employment
4. It increase interest in acquiring higher qualification in training & in
self development
5. Promotion improves employee morale & job satisfaction
6. Ultimately it improves organisational health
10. Though promotion benefits the employee and the
organisation it create certain problems. They are
disappointment of the candidates, refusal of
promotions etc..
Promotion disappoints some employees
some employees who are not promoted will be
disappointed when their colleagues with similar
qualifications & experience are promoted either due to
favoritism or due to the lack of systematic promotion
11. Some employees refuse promotion:
There is a general tending that an employee
accepts promotion. Some of the reasons are:
1.promotion together with transfer to an unwanted
2.promotion to that level where the employee feels
that he will be will be quite in complement to carry out
of the job
3.delegation of unward responsibilities & union
leaders feel that promotion causes damage to their
position in the trade union.
12. Every organisation has to specify clearly its policy regarding
promotion based on its corporate policy.
The policy should be applied uniformly to all employees
It should be fair and impartial
Systematic line of promotion channel should be
It should ensure open policy
It should contain clear cut norms & criteria for judging
merit , length of service, potentiality etc
Appreciate authority should be entrusted with the task of
making a final decision