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Tidewater Community College
Portsmouth Campus
Phone: 757-822-2931
October 16, 2015
Writing Center
Pronoun Activity
Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of pronouns.
True or False Pronouns appear in two cases: subjective and possessive.
True or False The word or group of words that a pronoun refers to is called its
True or False A reflexive pronoun is used as an object that refers to the same person or
thing as the subject.
For the following exercise, underline the correct pronoun.
1) Sheila is a great chef, and I love (her/she) cooking.
2) I gave Thomas a watch for his birthday. I also gave (it/him) a new jacket.
3) My sister loves her dog more than (I/me) do.
4) (Who/Whom) is coming to the party?
For the following exercise, select whether the pronoun in bold is subjective, objective, or
1) I gave the neighbors an extra key to our house.
a. subjective b. objective c. possessive
2) You and Teresa did an outstanding job on your presentation for Public Speaking.
a. subjective b. objective c. possessive
3) The professor allowed us to leave class early to prepare for the final exam.
a. subjective b. objective c. possessive
For the following exercise, identify the pronouns antecedent by underlining it.
1) Teresa and John got married last week. They had a beautiful wedding.
2) Dr. Collins gave Mr. Johnson a prescription and told him to follow up in a week.
3) Whew! After all this homework, I am giving myself tomorrow off.
4) The instructor told the class to give themselves a pat on the back.

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Pronoun Activity

  • 1. Tidewater Community College Portsmouth Campus Phone: 757-822-2931 October 16, 2015 Writing Center Pronoun Activity Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of pronouns. True or False Pronouns appear in two cases: subjective and possessive. True or False The word or group of words that a pronoun refers to is called its antecedent. True or False A reflexive pronoun is used as an object that refers to the same person or thing as the subject. For the following exercise, underline the correct pronoun. 1) Sheila is a great chef, and I love (her/she) cooking. 2) I gave Thomas a watch for his birthday. I also gave (it/him) a new jacket. 3) My sister loves her dog more than (I/me) do. 4) (Who/Whom) is coming to the party? For the following exercise, select whether the pronoun in bold is subjective, objective, or possessive. 1) I gave the neighbors an extra key to our house. a. subjective b. objective c. possessive 2) You and Teresa did an outstanding job on your presentation for Public Speaking. a. subjective b. objective c. possessive 3) The professor allowed us to leave class early to prepare for the final exam. a. subjective b. objective c. possessive For the following exercise, identify the pronouns antecedent by underlining it. 1) Teresa and John got married last week. They had a beautiful wedding. 2) Dr. Collins gave Mr. Johnson a prescription and told him to follow up in a week. 3) Whew! After all this homework, I am giving myself tomorrow off. 4) The instructor told the class to give themselves a pat on the back.