The 19 Feb. 2016 Outburst of Comet 67P/CG: An ESA Rosetta Multi-Instrument StudySrgio Sacani
On 19 Feb. 2016 nine Rosetta instruments serendipitously observed an outburst of gas and dust
from the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Among these instruments were cameras
and spectrometers ranging from UV over visible to microwave wavelengths, in-situ gas, dust and
plasma instruments, and one dust collector. At 9:40 a dust cloud developed at the edge of an image
in the shadowed region of the nucleus. Over the next two hours the instruments recorded a signature
of the outburst that signicantly exceeded the background. The enhancement ranged from 50% of
the neutral gas density at Rosetta to factors >100 of the brightness of the coma near the nucleus.
Dust related phenomena (dust counts or brightness due to illuminated dust) showed the strongest
enhancements (factors >10). However, even the electron density at Rosetta increased by a factor 3
and consequently the spacecraft potential changed from 16V to 20V during the outburst. A
clear sequence of events was observed at the distance of Rosetta (34 km from the nucleus): within 15
minutes the Star Tracker camera detected fast particles ( 25 ms 1) while 100 m radius particles
were detected by the GIADA dust instrument 1 hour later at a speed of 6 ms 1. The slowest
were individual mm to cm sized grains observed by the OSIRIS cameras. Although the outburst
originated just outside the FOV of the instruments, the source region and the magnitude of the
outburst could be determined.
El documento presenta una rese?a literaria del libro "El diario de Ana Frank". El libro narra la vida de Ana Frank, una ni?a juda de 13 a?os que tuvo que esconderse junto a su familia en ?msterdam durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial para escapar de los nazis. El diario describe la vida cotidiana de Ana en el escondite, as como sus temores y la difcil situacin que vivi. La rese?a concluye que el libro permite sentir lo que Ana experiment y conocer sus vivencias durante ese oscuro periodo histrico.
Este documento presenta los resmenes de las presentaciones individuales de cuatro estudiantes sobre reporteria grfica de problemticas sociales. Identifica cuatro problemticas sociales de Barranquilla, Colombia: 1) dificultades de transporte, 2) fronteras invisibles entre barrios pobres, 3) arroyos contaminados, y 4) basura en las calles. Propone soluciones como mejorar la infraestructura vial, generar oportunidades econmicas, ampliar el alcantarillado, y fomentar el reciclaje.
Estrategias de Marketing en Redes Sociales. Revista BulB agosto 2016. Por Ros...Andrs Silva Arancibia
El documento describe las herramientas claves para redescubrir la esencia y el espritu de una marca, incluyendo el uso de arquetipos, la reflexin sobre los valores fundamentales de la marca, y la definicin de las actitudes y comportamientos que expresan la identidad de la marca. El propsito es ayudar a las marcas a diferenciarse mediante la construccin de una identidad coherente y slida basada en su verdadera esencia.
TRex is an open source, low cost, stateful traffic generator fuelled by DPDK. It generates L4-7 traffic based on pre-processing and a smart replay of real traffic templates. TRex amplifies both client and server side traffic and can scale to 200Gb/sec with one UCS.
Helping children develop study habits handoutManresa School
This document provides information on what schools expect from children at different ages, warning signs parents should watch out for, how to motivate children, develop good study habits, and the benefits of having good study habits. For preschool, schools expect emerging independence, learning to be part of a group, and staying on task. In first grade, they expect stronger task focus and responding to authority. Warning signs for preschoolers include delayed language, difficulty adjusting, and focusing. Developing good study habits involves setting expectations, facilitating study at home, guiding children in their studies, and encouraging them. The benefits are building positive attitudes, motivation to learn more, developing lifelong skills, confidence, and success.
The 19 Feb. 2016 Outburst of Comet 67P/CG: An ESA Rosetta Multi-Instrument StudySrgio Sacani
On 19 Feb. 2016 nine Rosetta instruments serendipitously observed an outburst of gas and dust
from the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Among these instruments were cameras
and spectrometers ranging from UV over visible to microwave wavelengths, in-situ gas, dust and
plasma instruments, and one dust collector. At 9:40 a dust cloud developed at the edge of an image
in the shadowed region of the nucleus. Over the next two hours the instruments recorded a signature
of the outburst that signicantly exceeded the background. The enhancement ranged from 50% of
the neutral gas density at Rosetta to factors >100 of the brightness of the coma near the nucleus.
Dust related phenomena (dust counts or brightness due to illuminated dust) showed the strongest
enhancements (factors >10). However, even the electron density at Rosetta increased by a factor 3
and consequently the spacecraft potential changed from 16V to 20V during the outburst. A
clear sequence of events was observed at the distance of Rosetta (34 km from the nucleus): within 15
minutes the Star Tracker camera detected fast particles ( 25 ms 1) while 100 m radius particles
were detected by the GIADA dust instrument 1 hour later at a speed of 6 ms 1. The slowest
were individual mm to cm sized grains observed by the OSIRIS cameras. Although the outburst
originated just outside the FOV of the instruments, the source region and the magnitude of the
outburst could be determined.
El documento presenta una rese?a literaria del libro "El diario de Ana Frank". El libro narra la vida de Ana Frank, una ni?a juda de 13 a?os que tuvo que esconderse junto a su familia en ?msterdam durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial para escapar de los nazis. El diario describe la vida cotidiana de Ana en el escondite, as como sus temores y la difcil situacin que vivi. La rese?a concluye que el libro permite sentir lo que Ana experiment y conocer sus vivencias durante ese oscuro periodo histrico.
Este documento presenta los resmenes de las presentaciones individuales de cuatro estudiantes sobre reporteria grfica de problemticas sociales. Identifica cuatro problemticas sociales de Barranquilla, Colombia: 1) dificultades de transporte, 2) fronteras invisibles entre barrios pobres, 3) arroyos contaminados, y 4) basura en las calles. Propone soluciones como mejorar la infraestructura vial, generar oportunidades econmicas, ampliar el alcantarillado, y fomentar el reciclaje.
Estrategias de Marketing en Redes Sociales. Revista BulB agosto 2016. Por Ros...Andrs Silva Arancibia
El documento describe las herramientas claves para redescubrir la esencia y el espritu de una marca, incluyendo el uso de arquetipos, la reflexin sobre los valores fundamentales de la marca, y la definicin de las actitudes y comportamientos que expresan la identidad de la marca. El propsito es ayudar a las marcas a diferenciarse mediante la construccin de una identidad coherente y slida basada en su verdadera esencia.
TRex is an open source, low cost, stateful traffic generator fuelled by DPDK. It generates L4-7 traffic based on pre-processing and a smart replay of real traffic templates. TRex amplifies both client and server side traffic and can scale to 200Gb/sec with one UCS.
Helping children develop study habits handoutManresa School
This document provides information on what schools expect from children at different ages, warning signs parents should watch out for, how to motivate children, develop good study habits, and the benefits of having good study habits. For preschool, schools expect emerging independence, learning to be part of a group, and staying on task. In first grade, they expect stronger task focus and responding to authority. Warning signs for preschoolers include delayed language, difficulty adjusting, and focusing. Developing good study habits involves setting expectations, facilitating study at home, guiding children in their studies, and encouraging them. The benefits are building positive attitudes, motivation to learn more, developing lifelong skills, confidence, and success.