Doctrine ORM for PHP is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for PHP applications. It provides transparent persistence for PHP objects and works with many databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. The guide covers installing and configuring Doctrine, defining models and relationships, querying data with DQL, and additional features like validation, inheritance, behaviors and searching.
Negative contribution of automatic postural controlRajul Vasa
1) Following a stroke, the brain's automatic control of center of mass (COM) negatively impacts recovery by switching control to the good side of the body for safety.
2) This causes the paretic side to become disused and develop contractures as it is towed by the good side, preventing reloading of the paretic limbs.
3) Over time, a vicious cycle develops as abnormal movements and stiffness in the paretic side worsen due to loss of independent control of COM.
The Aztecs were guided to settle on an island in a lake after seeing an eagle perched on a cactus, fulfilling a prophecy. They built their city of Tenochtitlan there, which now lies at the center of Mexico City. The Aztecs had several creation myths to explain the origins of the world and humanity. After the Spanish conquest, Cortes initially maintained Aztec rule but replaced the nobility with Spanish landowners, establishing an oppressive system of forced native labor on silver mines that contributed greatly to Spain's wealth for hundreds of years. The Aztec education system was abolished and aspects of their culture were forbidden, contributing to the civilization's decline under Spanish rule.
The Aztecs were guided to settle on an island in a lake after seeing an eagle perched on a cactus, fulfilling a prophecy. They built their city of Tenochtitlan there, which now lies at the center of Mexico City. The Aztecs had several creation myths, including one where the current world survived destruction due to a god's sacrifice, and another where the earth was created by the twin gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. After the Spanish conquest, Cortes initially maintained Aztec rule under Spanish leadership, but the system soon became one of oppression, with natives exploited as forced labor in mines and on large estates granted to the conquistadors. Aztec
VASA CONCEPT - To Expand The Boundaries of Centre of Mass [COM] Rajul Vasa
The VASA concept aims to expand the boundaries of the center of mass (COM) for patients who have had a stroke. For stroke patients, their good side is used for all actions while their weak side is compromised and unable to control the COM. This arrests the COM in a safe territory controlled by the good side. The VASA concept introduces control of posture using the affected limbs to expand the boundaries of the COM towards the weak side. This allows the affected limbs to begin controlling posture and restoring the COM to safety, so the COM is no longer prisoner to just the good side. Basic exercises for applying the VASA concept will be shown in a separate video link.
This document presents lesson activities to help students develop strategies for solving equations represented by objects like candy, shapes, or fruit. The activities include hands-on lessons using candy plates where students determine values based on the total shown. Online games and worksheets also present equation solving scenarios using weighing blocks, shapes, and fruit plates. The goal is for students to understand variables, equality, and develop strategies like division, subtraction, and substitution to solve for unknown values.
VASA CONCEPT - To Expand The Boundaries of Centre of Mass [COM] Rajul Vasa
The VASA concept aims to expand the boundaries of the center of mass (COM) for patients who have had a stroke. For stroke patients, their good side is used for all actions while their weak side is compromised and unable to control the COM. This arrests the COM in a safe territory controlled by the good side. The VASA concept introduces control of posture using the affected limbs to expand the boundaries of the COM towards the weak side. This allows the affected limbs to begin controlling posture and restoring the COM to safety, so the COM is no longer prisoner to just the good side. Basic exercises for applying the VASA concept will be shown in a separate video link.
This document presents lesson activities to help students develop strategies for solving equations represented by objects like candy, shapes, or fruit. The activities include hands-on lessons using candy plates where students determine values based on the total shown. Online games and worksheets also present equation solving scenarios using weighing blocks, shapes, and fruit plates. The goal is for students to understand variables, equality, and develop strategies like division, subtraction, and substitution to solve for unknown values.