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Unit of Inquiry: Where we are in time and place.Central Idea:Civilizations are vulnerable to change.
Lines of Inquiry1.  The formation of a civilization
Aztec 2010 images short version
Aztec 2010 images short version
Aztec 2010 images short version
Line of Inquiry 2. The conduct of a civilization
Aztec 2010 images short version
Aztec 2010 images short version
Aztec 2010 images short version
Line of inquiry3. Change in a civilization
Aztec 2010 images short version
Aztec 2010 images short version
Aztec 2010 images short version
Aztec 2010 images short version
Creation mythThe Aztec were said to be guided by their god Huitzilopochtli, meaning  "Hummingbird from the South." When they arrived at an island in the lake, they saw an eagle which was perched on a cactus full of its fruits. This vision fulfilled a prophecy telling them that they should found their new home on that spot. The Aztecs built their city of Tenochtitlan on that site, building a great artificial island, which today is in the center of Mexico City. This legendary vision is pictured on the Coat of Arms of Mexico.Because the Aztec adopted and combined several traditions with their own earlier traditions, they had several creation myths; one of these, the Five Suns describes four great ages preceding the present world, each of which ended in a catastrophe. Our age  Nahui-Ollin, the fifth age, or fifth creation  escaped destruction due to the sacrifice of a god (Nanahuatl, "full of sores," the smallest and humblest of the gods) who was transformed into the Sun. This myth is associated with the ancient city of Teotihuacan, which was abandoned but still extant when the Aztec arrived. Another myth describes the earth as a creation of the twin gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. Some sources say Tezcatlipoca lost his foot in the process of creating the world and some representations of these gods show him without a foot and with a bone exposed. Others say he had one foot which was the foot of a beast, a representation for his speed. Quetzalcoatl is also called "White Tezcatlipoca."
The Aztecs after the SpanishIt seems that Cort辿s' intention was to maintain the basic structure of the Aztec empire under his leadership, and at first it seemed the Aztec empire could survive. The upper Aztec classes, at first, were considered as noblemen. The upper classes learned Spanish, and several learned to write. Cortes banned all human sacrifice in Mesoamerica.[16]But soon all that changed. To pay off the Spanish army that captured what is now contemporary Mexico, the soldiers and officers were granted large areas of land and the natives who lived on them as a type of feudalism. Although officially they could not become slaves, the system, became one of oppression and exploitation of natives.Silver mines were worked for hundreds of years by forced native labour and contributed most of the wealth that flowed to Spain.The Aztec education system was abolished and replaced by a very limited church education. Even some foods associated with religious practice, such as amaranto, were forbidden.Eventually, the Indians were forbidden to learn of their culture. In some areas, some of the natives were declared minors, and forbidden to learn to read and write Spanish, so they would always need a Spanish man in charge of them.

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Aztec 2010 images short version

  • 1. Unit of Inquiry: Where we are in time and place.Central Idea:Civilizations are vulnerable to change.
  • 2. Lines of Inquiry1. The formation of a civilization
  • 6. Line of Inquiry 2. The conduct of a civilization
  • 10. Line of inquiry3. Change in a civilization
  • 15. Creation mythThe Aztec were said to be guided by their god Huitzilopochtli, meaning "Hummingbird from the South." When they arrived at an island in the lake, they saw an eagle which was perched on a cactus full of its fruits. This vision fulfilled a prophecy telling them that they should found their new home on that spot. The Aztecs built their city of Tenochtitlan on that site, building a great artificial island, which today is in the center of Mexico City. This legendary vision is pictured on the Coat of Arms of Mexico.Because the Aztec adopted and combined several traditions with their own earlier traditions, they had several creation myths; one of these, the Five Suns describes four great ages preceding the present world, each of which ended in a catastrophe. Our age Nahui-Ollin, the fifth age, or fifth creation escaped destruction due to the sacrifice of a god (Nanahuatl, "full of sores," the smallest and humblest of the gods) who was transformed into the Sun. This myth is associated with the ancient city of Teotihuacan, which was abandoned but still extant when the Aztec arrived. Another myth describes the earth as a creation of the twin gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. Some sources say Tezcatlipoca lost his foot in the process of creating the world and some representations of these gods show him without a foot and with a bone exposed. Others say he had one foot which was the foot of a beast, a representation for his speed. Quetzalcoatl is also called "White Tezcatlipoca."
  • 16. The Aztecs after the SpanishIt seems that Cort辿s' intention was to maintain the basic structure of the Aztec empire under his leadership, and at first it seemed the Aztec empire could survive. The upper Aztec classes, at first, were considered as noblemen. The upper classes learned Spanish, and several learned to write. Cortes banned all human sacrifice in Mesoamerica.[16]But soon all that changed. To pay off the Spanish army that captured what is now contemporary Mexico, the soldiers and officers were granted large areas of land and the natives who lived on them as a type of feudalism. Although officially they could not become slaves, the system, became one of oppression and exploitation of natives.Silver mines were worked for hundreds of years by forced native labour and contributed most of the wealth that flowed to Spain.The Aztec education system was abolished and replaced by a very limited church education. Even some foods associated with religious practice, such as amaranto, were forbidden.Eventually, the Indians were forbidden to learn of their culture. In some areas, some of the natives were declared minors, and forbidden to learn to read and write Spanish, so they would always need a Spanish man in charge of them.