This document discusses several examples of propaganda techniques used to promote political candidates and commercial products. It analyzes propaganda posters for Mexican presidential candidate Enrique Pe単a Nieto and advertisements featuring celebrities promoting acne treatment Proactiv and milk brand Got Milk. The document also examines how propaganda in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World manipulates citizens into believing the drug Soma is beneficial. In conclusion, it defines propaganda as disseminating ideas to influence people in a certain way and notes it often relies on materialism and selling exaggerated or fake ideas about products to influence purchasing decisions.
2. Propaganda Definition
Dissemination or disclosure of information,
ideas or opinions of political, religious,
commercial, etc. character, with the intention
of someone to act in a certain way, think as
some ideas or purchase a product.
6. In this poster it is implied that Pe単a Nieto is a charismatic
and capable leader. Even though this is not necessary a
true statement.
7. on August 31st of
2012 he was
officially named as
president of
Mexico. Also
several of his
previous staff &
obtained a
significant position
in government.
12. Here we have
other celebrities,
for example:
Adam Levine,
Justin Bieber and
Julianne Hough.
They have a
great impact in
the fame world
such as being
role models to
other people.
As being role
models; most
fans would like to
buy the product
as them.
17. The result is that
people start
buying Got Milk
because they feel
good and
important due to
how the adds
describe and
promote people
who buy Got Milk
18. Relationship with the Book
The World State in Brave New World wants to
indoctrinate their citizens with the idea of
Somma being a good product. That way they
can have complete control over their citizens.
But they dont know that, they just know that
soma is the only thing keeping them happy.
19. Propaganda: Ideas or Products?
Propaganda is all about selling ideas, of course, the
companies sell the products, but you may not be buying
the product, unless you get the wrong idea of it (a better
idea from what you had expected) people do buy it
because propaganda gets the ideas in peoples heads.
Almost all the times about how the product is better or
how a celebrity uses it and feels happy with it, other
times is to harm the product so people stop buying it.
20. Materialism
Most of the times propaganda shows people being happy with the
product. This is called materialism, making you believe that a physical
object or material makes you happy, which sometimes it does, but
propaganda exaggerates so much that it becomes fake.
Materialism is the main thing in which propaganda is based, due to the
fact that without products, there cant be any type of persuasion for
And yeah, maybe you like a product for how you see it on
advertisement, and at the same time think that if you buy it you wont
like it. Its obviously more important what you think, but propaganda
says it doesnt, because according to advertisement everybody who
buys the product ends up happy: fake idea.
21. The objective is to understand the concept of what
propaganda is and how it is applied in real life, of how it
should be and of how it is in Brave New World.
In conclusion, propaganda is the phenomena of selling
fake ideas, not for what the product really is. Making
people believe a certain point of view which may or may
not be true. Propaganda helps companies and people
generally to sell something, this is really useful because
propaganda is the connection between the product
(thing, idea or person) and the buyers, which is actually