
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Over the years Kontak has the attention of audiences with a range of
environmental vaporizers of pure propolis, proposing different models for
design and functionality.
Continuous scientific research and field trials have determined the validity
and reliability of the system Propolair with the use of raw materials of the
highest quality.
The only manufacturer with pure organic Italian propolis
Kontak was founded in 1990 by the genius of Luigi Fabretto, inventor of
Propolair propolis vaporizers, an innovation in the exploitation of this
valuable natural substance.
Propolair L鱈ne
Collaborations and Research
Kontak always engages in the research and development of science.
More than 150 medical staff direct-indirect
200 experts involved
Partnerships with hospitals, universities, research centers.
Scienti鍖c Studies
MICROBIAL IN A CLASSROOM SCHOOL (Biologi.Italiani February '96)
Using for 3 consecutive days the diffusers in to the schools and after to have analyzed the Air before and
after the experimentation, some comments can be made on the antibacterial activity of sesquiterpenes. 
Utilizing Propolair diffusers there was a strong microbial load reduction (71,8% in 3
Scienti鍖c Studies
increase in the presence of children in the classroom
An experiment was carried in kindergarten in Milan,Associazione
Casa Materna of Milan where, using Propolair diffusers in the rooms
where the childrens sleep, the frequency of children in school has
increased by 62.1%
Scienti鍖c Studies
Reduction Benzene and Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 
of the exhaust gases of cars
A study carried by the Laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of
de鍖ned by the OMS as carcinogens.
82% of Pyrene and Fluoranthene, waste substances from the combustion of
fuels from cars,
Turin, has
shown that with the use of Propolair Vaporizers obtained an abatement up to
The abatement of Benzene achieved a reduction of 15%.
Acido Ferulico:
Aboca/Esi/Specchiasol /Biosline: ASSENTE 
Kontak : 0,83

Ferulic acid was initially used in the studies of biochemistry and
immunology to understand the metabolism of arachidonic acid branch
that leads to the synthesis of leukotrienes.
These biological derivatives are potent mediators of inflammatory
reactions and have some activity 'in the symptoms of bronchial asthma.
Based on these studies it was possible to synthesize derivatives much
more powerful results that are truly effective in controlling asthma

Ferulic Acid: b Potential Through Its Antioxidant Property
Marimuthu Srinivasan, Adluri R. Sudheer, and Venugopal P. Menon*
J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2007 March; 40(2): 92100. Published online 2007 March 14. doi: 10.3164/jcbn.40.92
PMCID: PMC2127228
Acido Cumarico:
Aboca/Esi/Biosline: ASSENTE 
Specchiasol: 0,05
Kontak : 0,55
Medicinal uses
p-Coumaric acid has antioxidant properties and is
believed to reduce the risk of stomach cancer[7] by
reducing the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines.[8]
[7] Ferguson LR, Shuo-tun Z, Harris PJ (2005). "Antioxidant and antigenotoxic effects of plant cell wall
hydroxycinnamic acids in cultured HT-29". Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 49 (6): 585693. doi:
10.1002/mnfr.200500014. PMID 15841493.
[8] Kikugawa K, Hakamada T, Hasunuma M, Kurechi T (1983). "Reaction of p-hydroxycinnamic acid
derivatives with nitrite and its relevance to nitrosamine formation". Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry 1 (4): 780785. doi:10.1021/jf00118a025.
Acido caffeico
Aboca, Esi, BIosline: ASSENTE
Specchiasol : 0,03
KONTAK : 0,80
The caffeic acid is an aromatic carboxylic acid.
So called because it was originally found in the extracts of coffee,
it was subsequently found widely in nature.As such, and
derivative (caffeic acid / chlorogenic) is present nell'angelica,
nell'arnica in burdock, in the 鍖ue, in melissa and high percentages
in propolis quality '.
As such it has antibiotic properties towards certain intestinal
pathogens. It has weak anti-in鍖ammatory effect and is shown to
inhibit the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which converts xanthine
into uric acid, gout responsible for the phenomena when
excessively present in the tissues.
The results con鍖rm that Propolit of Kontak is:
- More rich in phenolic acidsTotal *
- More rich in 鍖avonoids *
* Compared to the propolis Aboca, Specchiasol, Esi and Biosline
 l d.J11 sono espresso come medra (TJ = 3 揃 SU .
., U 揃" U.005.
 i picchi s no scvrapposu. L'mt graztone dcl piece c tam spcnrncntalmentc eflcttuata scguendo rli spenri v-vi deph analiti.
0 isorncn o. izional 1.
I .OlHJ.U2
1.41 ;{).U2
17.52. 0.06
_.3. . 0.06
l 7.6X 揃 O.U4
zo. 74+0. U4
3.04 揃 O.IU
3.61 . 0.11
.?OJC U.23
21J.4)H- tJ_l t
1- a onordi totah
. etdi Ienohci totah
0.41:0.U I
0. Ur-0.U I
0._9賊(J.U I
0. .U I
0. l .3h
6.02 0.02
4.1, O.Ol
4.56 I .02
5.2 揃 U.04
0.H2 U.01
1-'~ 0.01
l.15 U.02
1.7~. 0.01
.SO O.Ol
4.5~ 0.02
4.1 ~ll.01
u.1Jo u.02
i.a5 揃 o.o_
.80 U.01
5.Hl .03
4.1 U.01
.'r' 揃 0.04
.U6 U.C}.1
l.U2 U.O I
1.5 0.02
3.XO U.O I
4.1 U.01
5.81 U.03
l.U4 揃 U.03
2.04.!. .tM
U.57 0.0
U.70 揃 0.0
U.81 0.03
U.t'H-i 0.02
UJJ) 0.03
< ()l)
~ OQ
U.1 l
O.~ l 0.01
U.1 '
0.0') 0.01
0.70' O.CB
U.64 0.02
U.8 l 0.03
U.17 O.CH
0.3~ 0.01
9.05賊 t.13
J.K ~ t.02
~.72 0.02
4.~5 0.05
I0.05-1J. I 6
Acid i fenoli ci totali
Flavoni totali
Flavonoli totali
fla anoni totali
Dudroflav ono 1 t t.n Ii
7. H)
l~.' u
23. t 'J
24. 7
2~ .90
46... 4
1.ox 揃 o.o_
0.10 0.01
0.8-1 揃 1.0I
J.83:!; t.02
lJUU: J.05
I.I S;t U)2
~.72 0.0~
4.ll :!; ).04
J.26;t; L03
J.34~ t.06
0.75 ).02
Acido ca I leico
Acido p'ununco
Acido tcru ico
Acido 1 oIeruhco
Acido .4-d1mcld-cal1('1ro I U~tCA)
Acido cinnamico
Pmobankslna-Svrnet ilcittc揃
Pinobank ...inn
Acido cmnamilidcn ceuco
Acido caffeico prern cstere
Acido enIfeico bcnzi I csterr
Acido enIfeico prend cstere
Pin cern rina
Pinoba nksrna-f-uc eta to
Addo calfeico emleul esterc ( 'Af>El
Ando cat icrco cinnamu esrcre
Pmobank ...m-J-butirrato 
SpccchrasolEiAbocaNome cornpo-to 810 揃lmcKontakla(nllll
um era
. ~ .Contenuto di acidi Ienohci c tla促01101d1 d tcrmmato m estratt: d1 propoh comrnerciah meuiante HPLC-IJAIJ f 1 dati ono cspre "il in me/ml,
Field Experience

Prof. Matteo Bevilacqua Respiratory Physiopathology Service, Hospital of Padua (Italy)
Prof. Luciano Pecchiai Head Pathologist in Vittore Buzzi Children Hospital of Milano

To Take Care of Health with propolis (Prof. Luciano Pecchiai  Milano (Italy)

I made my personal experience using Propolair with 200 patience with respiratoy disease, like
rhinitis,sinusitis, bronchitises, tuss and sometimes asthma. In each case we obtained a reduction of
sintomatologies and an improvement of disease course, and a reduction of the fever when it was
We obtained the best results in children with recurrent form of faringitises and tonsillitises from

Prevention and therapy for respiratory diseases. (Prof. Matteo Bevilacqua  Padua
Propolair finds its most natural use in respiratory medicine because it allows all these active substances
to reach the whole surface of the respiratory tree at its best, starting from the nose and the mouth,
down to all the ventilated alveoli, at its main concentration, beating the enemy on the spot and avoiding
diseases of the organism.
Propolair is specially fit for the prophylaxis and therapy of respiratory acute and chronic diseases which
present allergies, inflammation, bacteria, viruses and fungae, such as: rhinits, sinusitis, tonsillitis,
pharyngitis, laryngitis, mycosis of the throat, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, chronic obstructive
The ionizator and the fan placed inside the Propolair highly increase the effectiveness of the inhaling
Scienti鍖c Studies
A chemical analysis was carried out by us in order to
determine the main components of the volatile
fraction of propolis released into the atmosphere by
The identified components have been assembled into
the following table.
A research, whose data were extracted from
Medline scientific data bank, has analyzed these
components one by one. (see scientific bibliography in
website: www.propolair.com) 

BENZYL ALCOHOL (present in all cycle of
capsula propolair), demonstred an antifungingal activity
NONANAL (also present in all cycle), showed a
strong activity against Staphylococcus aureus,
Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Escherichia Coli.
LINALOOL (present just in the first 24h of capsula
propoliar) demonstred very strong antibacterial

For each compound the data indicate its therapeutic
validity and property together with the scientific
experimentations carried out on it.
R.T. min= gas chromatographical retention time
x= detected compount
o= non-detected compound

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Propolair Scientific and Clinical Studies

  • 1. Over the years Kontak has the attention of audiences with a range of environmental vaporizers of pure propolis, proposing different models for design and functionality. Continuous scientific research and field trials have determined the validity and reliability of the system Propolair with the use of raw materials of the highest quality. The only manufacturer with pure organic Italian propolis Kontak was founded in 1990 by the genius of Luigi Fabretto, inventor of Propolair propolis vaporizers, an innovation in the exploitation of this valuable natural substance. PROPOLAIR
  • 3. Collaborations and Research Kontak always engages in the research and development of science. More than 150 medical staff direct-indirect 200 experts involved Partnerships with hospitals, universities, research centers.
  • 4. Scienti鍖c Studies STUDY OF ASL 5 COLLEGNO ON SANITATION MICROBIAL IN A CLASSROOM SCHOOL (Biologi.Italiani February '96) Using for 3 consecutive days the diffusers in to the schools and after to have analyzed the Air before and after the experimentation, some comments can be made on the antibacterial activity of sesquiterpenes. Utilizing Propolair diffusers there was a strong microbial load reduction (71,8% in 3 days).
  • 5. Scienti鍖c Studies RESEARCH AT NURSERY increase in the presence of children in the classroom An experiment was carried in kindergarten in Milan,Associazione Casa Materna of Milan where, using Propolair diffusers in the rooms where the childrens sleep, the frequency of children in school has increased by 62.1%
  • 6. Scienti鍖c Studies Reduction Benzene and Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of the exhaust gases of cars A study carried by the Laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of de鍖ned by the OMS as carcinogens. 82% of Pyrene and Fluoranthene, waste substances from the combustion of fuels from cars, Turin, has shown that with the use of Propolair Vaporizers obtained an abatement up to The abatement of Benzene achieved a reduction of 15%.
  • 7. Acido Ferulico: Aboca/Esi/Specchiasol /Biosline: ASSENTE Kontak : 0,83 Ferulic acid was initially used in the studies of biochemistry and immunology to understand the metabolism of arachidonic acid branch that leads to the synthesis of leukotrienes. These biological derivatives are potent mediators of inflammatory reactions and have some activity 'in the symptoms of bronchial asthma. Based on these studies it was possible to synthesize derivatives much more powerful results that are truly effective in controlling asthma attacks. Ferulic Acid: b Potential Through Its Antioxidant Property Marimuthu Srinivasan, Adluri R. Sudheer, and Venugopal P. Menon* J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2007 March; 40(2): 92100. Published online 2007 March 14. doi: 10.3164/jcbn.40.92 PMCID: PMC2127228
  • 8. Acido Cumarico: Aboca/Esi/Biosline: ASSENTE Specchiasol: 0,05 Kontak : 0,55 Medicinal uses p-Coumaric acid has antioxidant properties and is believed to reduce the risk of stomach cancer[7] by reducing the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines.[8] [7] Ferguson LR, Shuo-tun Z, Harris PJ (2005). "Antioxidant and antigenotoxic effects of plant cell wall hydroxycinnamic acids in cultured HT-29". Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 49 (6): 585693. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.200500014. PMID 15841493. [8] Kikugawa K, Hakamada T, Hasunuma M, Kurechi T (1983). "Reaction of p-hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives with nitrite and its relevance to nitrosamine formation". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1 (4): 780785. doi:10.1021/jf00118a025.
  • 9. Acido caffeico Aboca, Esi, BIosline: ASSENTE Specchiasol : 0,03 KONTAK : 0,80 The caffeic acid is an aromatic carboxylic acid. So called because it was originally found in the extracts of coffee, it was subsequently found widely in nature.As such, and derivative (caffeic acid / chlorogenic) is present nell'angelica, nell'arnica in burdock, in the 鍖ue, in melissa and high percentages in propolis quality '. As such it has antibiotic properties towards certain intestinal pathogens. It has weak anti-in鍖ammatory effect and is shown to inhibit the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which converts xanthine into uric acid, gout responsible for the phenomena when excessively present in the tissues.
  • 10. The results con鍖rm that Propolit of Kontak is: - More rich in phenolic acidsTotal * - More rich in 鍖avonoids * * Compared to the propolis Aboca, Specchiasol, Esi and Biosline
  • 11. 3 l d.J11 sono espresso come medra (TJ = 3 揃 SU . ., U 揃" U.005. i picchi s no scvrapposu. L'mt graztone dcl piece c tam spcnrncntalmentc eflcttuata scguendo rli spenri v-vi deph analiti. 0 isorncn o. izional 1. I .OlHJ.U2 1.41 ;{).U2 17.52. 0.06 _.3. . 0.06 l 7.6X 揃 O.U4 zo. 74+0. U4 3.04 揃 O.IU 3.61 . 0.11 .?OJC U.23 21J.4)H- tJ_l t 1- a onordi totah . etdi Ienohci totah 0.41:0.U I o.zr 0. Ur-0.U I 0.2l.Hl.01 0.1l/' <LOU <LOD ..-LOU 0.0lf 0.141: 0.07h '.:LOD 0.07h 0.05" 0.05 0._J" <LOD <LOU 0._9賊(J.U I 0. .U I '-LOU <LOU 0. l .3h 0.1:!" <LOU 6.02 0.02 .50賊0.0l 4.1, O.Ol 4.56 I .02 5.2 揃 U.04 0.03 0.0 ...-..LOLJ 0.H2 U.01 1-'~ 0.01 0.9 <LOIJ l.15 U.02 0.62 1.7~. 0.01 .SO O.Ol U.23 O.N9 4.5~ 0.02 4.1 ~ll.01 2.74揃0.0l (J.32 u.1Jo u.02 i.a5 揃 o.o_ U.:25 .80 U.01 5.Hl .03 4.1 U.01 .'r' 揃 0.04 .U6 U.C}.1 <LOIJ <LOO <LOLJ O.H2t l.U2 U.O I 0.77" <LOIJ 1.5 0.02 0.60t 0.17" 3.XO U.O I <LOO <LOIJ 4.1 U.01 5.81 U.03 <LOIJ <LOD l.U4 揃 U.03 2.04.!. .tM 0.32 U.57 0.0 U.70 揃 0.0 U.81 0.03 U.t'H-i 0.02 UJJ) 0.03 < ()l) ~ OQ ,~LOU U.1 l O.~ l 0.01 U.Ot <OU U.1 ' 0.09' 0.0') 0.01 0.70' O.CB <!"LOU <OU U.64 0.02 U.8 l 0.03 U.32賊0.02 U.04t U.17 O.CH 0.3~ 0.01 U.06t 9.05賊 t.13 J.K ~ t.02 ~.72 0.02 4.~5 0.05 I0.05-1J. I 6 Acid i fenoli ci totali Flavoni totali Flavonoli totali fla anoni totali Dudroflav ono 1 t t.n Ii 9 IU I I 12 I_, I 15 16 17 18 19 _u l.72 2.59 .04 J.3.5 7. H) 10.25 10....... l~.' u 17.17 23. t 'J :!J.70 24. 7 24.71) 25.47 26.59 _8.3~ 2~ .90 6.73 46... 4 51.06 l.8tH~O.OI o.ss' 0.83" 0.37+0.()I 1.ox 揃 o.o_ 0.10 0.01 2.16~0.02 1.10揃0.0I 0.8-1 揃 1.0I J._4 J.83:!; t.02 lJUU: J.05 I.I S;t U)2 4.~5:t0.0S ~.72 0.0~ 4.ll :!; ).04 J.26;t; L03 J.34~ t.06 1.~)賊0.09 0.75 ).02 Acido ca I leico Acido p'ununco Acido tcru ico Acido 1 oIeruhco Acido .4-d1mcld-cal1('1ro I U~tCA) Acido cinnamico Pmobankslna-Svrnet ilcittc揃 Pinobank ...inn Acido cmnamilidcn ceuco Acido caffeico prern cstere Crisina Acido enIfeico bcnzi I csterr Acido enIfeico prend cstere Pin cern rina Galan..'ma Pinoba nksrna-f-uc eta to Addo calfeico emleul esterc ( 'Af>El Ando cat icrco cinnamu esrcre Pmobank ...m-J-butirrato Pinobankxm-J-penmnoato'' ) 4 5 6 7 SpccchrasolEiAbocaNome cornpo-to 810 揃lmcKontakla(nllll um era l)lCCO UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUD DI Allegato n.2 MODENA E REGGIO EM1LIA . ~ .Contenuto di acidi Ienohci c tla促01101d1 d tcrmmato m estratt: d1 propoh comrnerciah meuiante HPLC-IJAIJ f 1 dati ono cspre "il in me/ml, 11
  • 12. Field Experience Prof. Matteo Bevilacqua Respiratory Physiopathology Service, Hospital of Padua (Italy) Prof. Luciano Pecchiai Head Pathologist in Vittore Buzzi Children Hospital of Milano (Italy) To Take Care of Health with propolis (Prof. Luciano Pecchiai Milano (Italy) I made my personal experience using Propolair with 200 patience with respiratoy disease, like rhinitis,sinusitis, bronchitises, tuss and sometimes asthma. In each case we obtained a reduction of sintomatologies and an improvement of disease course, and a reduction of the fever when it was present. We obtained the best results in children with recurrent form of faringitises and tonsillitises from streptococcobetaemholitics. Prevention and therapy for respiratory diseases. (Prof. Matteo Bevilacqua Padua (Italy) Propolair finds its most natural use in respiratory medicine because it allows all these active substances to reach the whole surface of the respiratory tree at its best, starting from the nose and the mouth, down to all the ventilated alveoli, at its main concentration, beating the enemy on the spot and avoiding diseases of the organism. Propolair is specially fit for the prophylaxis and therapy of respiratory acute and chronic diseases which present allergies, inflammation, bacteria, viruses and fungae, such as: rhinits, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, mycosis of the throat, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathie. The ionizator and the fan placed inside the Propolair highly increase the effectiveness of the inhaling system.
  • 13. Scienti鍖c Studies A chemical analysis was carried out by us in order to determine the main components of the volatile fraction of propolis released into the atmosphere by PROPOLAIR. The identified components have been assembled into the following table. A research, whose data were extracted from Medline scientific data bank, has analyzed these components one by one. (see scientific bibliography in website: www.propolair.com) EXAMPLE: BENZYL ALCOHOL (present in all cycle of capsula propolair), demonstred an antifungingal activity NONANAL (also present in all cycle), showed a strong activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Escherichia Coli. LINALOOL (present just in the first 24h of capsula propoliar) demonstred very strong antibacterial activity For each compound the data indicate its therapeutic validity and property together with the scientific experimentations carried out on it. Legend: R.T. min= gas chromatographical retention time x= detected compount o= non-detected compound