A homeless teenager uses money earned from begging to join a local boxing club to pursue his dream of becoming a boxer. The video shows him training in difficult conditions as he works to earn money for lessons. Though he loses his first fight, the next day he is back at the boxing club, continuing to train and count his pennies, showing his determination not to give up on his dream. Intercut are performances by the artist MAZEYBOI and a model singer singing the song.
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1. Proposal
Dont let go C what would you do for your dream?
Our music video is going to be about a homeless teenager who wants to be a boxer.
He uses all his coins gained from begging to go off to the local boxing club and starts
to learn how to box. We see shots of him training with a trainer. He then needs
more money for another class. He sells trainers and other goods. We see him
walking around London bare footed to the boxing club. Training even harder, for his
first ever opponent. We see him training in the rain. We see him training in the mud,
training in poor conditions. And finally on his first fight he looks very fit and ready.
His old torn clothes are gone he look really professional. And the fight begins; he
starts off with a good round. However he gets knocked out. Is he going to give up?
The next day we see him counting up his pennies again and then he goes off to the
boxing club and starts training again.
We also have cuts to MAZEYBOI the artist performing and to model singer singing
the song.
Amit. Muna Nathan, Isaac