Deep excavation monitoring is a critical aspect of construction projects involving large-scale excavations, such as building foundations, underground structures, tunnels, or mining activities. Implementing data-driven excellence in deep excavation monitoring can significantly enhance project safety, efficiency, and success.
LSTMs have a memory cell that can remember long-term dependencies in time ser...Hend Selmy
LSTMs have a memory cell that can remember long-term dependencies in time series, and can learn correlations across longer time lags than other methods.
The document discusses the use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and InSAR techniques for monitoring solid earth geophysics hazards. SAR uses microwaves to generate high-resolution images of the Earth's surface independently of solar illumination. InSAR uses multiple SAR images to measure surface changes down to the centimeter scale, such as caused by earthquakes or subsidence. It discusses various InSAR techniques including DifSAR, Persistent Scatterer InSAR, and Corner Reflector InSAR and their applications in oil and gas, mining, infrastructure and hazard monitoring. The document also lists several commercial and open-source InSAR processing software packages.
Slope stability radar a need for open pit mines stabilityNIRAJ6665
Slope stability radar is a relatively new technology and is improving the way mines manage and minimize the risks associated with slope instability, enabling the appropriate precautionary measures to be taken. This technology meets the requirements that a monitoring system should have regarding precision, area coverage and failure mode detection. It is reliable in a variety of conditions, operates in a safe mode not requiring personnel to work on or near instability, and does not obstruct mining operations. The radar is equipped with a wireless link which transmits data in real time so engineers can make immediate decisions without having to be near a potentially unstable slope and the radar is trailer mounted for easy relocation. A variety of displays for data interpretation are available including deformation maps, digital photographs for reference and plots of deformation over time of specific points on the wall face. Alarm thresholds can be set, and are based upon total deformation and deformation of an area over a time frame.
Key words: Open Pit Mines Stability, Slope Stability Radar
Efficient and thorough data collection and its timely analysis are critical for disaster response and recovery in order to save people's lives during disasters. However, access to comprehensive data in disaster areas and their quick analysis to transform the data to actionable knowledge are challenging. With the popularity and pervasiveness of mobile devices, crowdsourcing data collection and analysis has emerged as an effective and scalable solution. This paper addresses the problem of crowdsourcing mobile videos for disasters by identifying two unique challenges of 1) prioritizing visual data collection and transmission under bandwidth scarcity caused by damaged communication networks and 2) analyzing the acquired data in a timely manner. We introduce a new crowdsourcing framework for acquiring and analyzing the mobile videos utilizing fine granularity spatial metadata of videos for a rapidly changing disaster situation. We also develop an analytical model to quantify the visual awareness of a video based on its metadata and propose the visual awareness maximization problem for acquiring the most relevant data under bandwidth constraints. The collected videos are evenly distributed to off-site analysts to collectively minimize crowdsourcing efforts for analysis. Our simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed framework.
Sediment deposition in koyna reservoir by integrated bathymetric surveyeSAT Journals
Abstract In southern part of India, most of the precipitation occurs due to south-west monsoon during the months of June to September. Storage reservoirs are constructed to store the run-off volume and utilize it for long term requirements in the command such as irrigation, power generation, domestic water supply etc. The sediment deposition in the reservoir is a continuous and complex process. Sediment in a river which originates from the land erosion process in the catchment is propagated along with the river flow and finally gets deposited in the reservoir. This has adverse effect such as reduction in storage capacity and increase in backwater levels. For the long term and yearly planning of efficient utilization of reservoir capacity, estimation of sediment deposit is not only sufficient but also estimation of trapped sediment at different levels in the reservoir is required. Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) based Integrated Bathymetric Survey System for hydrographic survey is used for estimation of sediment deposition pattern in the Koyna reservoir. In this method three or more satellite based GPS receivers are used in differential mode for positioning. Ecosounder is used for depth measurements. GPS reference receiver is located at a known latitude and longitude position and GPS mobile receiver is located on the survey boat. Both the GPS operate in differential mode through a communication link. From this study (2004) it is observed that sedimentation rate in Koyna reservoir is more than 6.5 Ham/100 anticipated in 1949. Key Words: reservoir, sedimentation, Bathymetric Survey, hydrographic, GPS
This document discusses Teledyne Brown Engineering's space systems department and achievements. It summarizes Teledyne's history in supporting NASA missions dating back to the 1950s. It outlines Teledyne's current work on the International Space Station, including operating the Microgravity Science Glovebox and Life Science Glovebox payloads, and developing and integrating science experiments. One highlighted experiment is a 2019 tissue engineering experiment to observe protein fibril formation under shear forces. The document also mentions Teledyne's work on future vehicles like Dream Chaser and the Deep Space Gateway.
Moving beyond the 4th Dimension of Quantifying, Analyzing & Visualizing A...chrismalzone
Presentation & Paper By Chris Malzone and given by Mike Mutschler, RESON. Focuses on the benefits of fusing multiple sources of acoustic data through fusion. Presentation also introduces the concept of fusion & looking at multisource 4-dimensional data. It also brings home the point through a Habitat Mapping Case Study in the US Virgin Islands as analysed via the Eonfusion software.
A Review on: Spatial Image Processing and Wireless Sensor Network Design to I...IRJET Journal
This document provides a review of using spatial image processing and wireless sensor networks to identify and monitor rainfall-triggered landslides. It discusses how geographical information systems can be used to identify landslide prone areas and validate landslide occurrences. It also describes how wireless sensor networks with sensors monitoring factors like rainfall, groundwater levels, and slope movement can provide real-time monitoring of landslides and early warning systems to reduce losses. The document reviews various landslide forecasting and monitoring methods that have been used, including different sensor network topologies, routing protocols, and algorithms for data collection and analysis.
Advances in Agricultural remote sensingsAyanDas644783
This document summarizes a 3-part training program on crop mapping using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical remote sensing. The training will cover crop classification using time series of polarimetric SAR data, monitoring crop growth through SAR-derived crop structural parameters, and classifying crop types using time series optical and radar data. Attendees will learn how to analyze satellite image time series from sensors like Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for applications like crop monitoring. The training objectives are to understand polarimetric SAR for crop assessment and using multitemporal SAR and optical data for crop monitoring and classification.
This document describes the design and implementation of a directional object sensing and ranging system. It uses an ultrasonic range sensor mounted on a stepper motor to detect objects within a 2.5m radius as the motor rotates continuously. When an object is detected, the microcontroller records the angle of the stepper motor and distance to the object, displaying it on an LCD. The system differs from stationary detectors by providing directional detection capabilities through the rotational motion of the sensors.
Different GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Receivers combination an...IJMTST Journal
The greater part of the modern GNSS receiver are able to guarantee a fair positioning performance almost
everywhere. The aim is to investigate the effective potentialities of GNSS sensor such as GPS, GLONASS and
to make a statistical analysis of these receivers. The continuous increase of the number of GNSS multiconstellation
station will give a good opportunity to improve accuracy and precision levels. The system is
based on sensors, Arm cortex, and personal computer. Positioning data which includes both longitude and
latitude is extracted using NMEA protocol of the receiver. The extracted data will be displayed and saved on
personal computer and retrieved later. Each receiver sensor is analyzed, statistically characterized and its
error probabilities are obtained.
This document presents a method for underwater object recognition using data from multibeam echo sounders and side scan sonar. Experiments were conducted off the coast of Alexandria, Egypt to detect objects like pipelines, rocks, and shipwrecks. The method involves acquiring sonar data, converting it to 3D and 2D images, extracting features, and recognizing objects by matching them to basic geometric shapes. The approach was tested on real data containing pipelines and validated using artificially generated objects like a pipe, shipwreck, and rock. Results showed the system could accurately recognize different underwater objects in a fast and flexible manner to aid hydrographic surveys.
The document discusses the role of science and operations in developing the James Webb Space Telescope mission. It describes the science goals that JWST aims to address, including detecting the first galaxies and studying star and planet formation. It outlines the key instruments onboard and discusses how STScI will manage science operations and the ground system. STScI has provided input during development to optimize science return and operations efficiency. Challenges include balancing momentum management with stray light avoidance and ensuring sufficient early funding.
The document discusses the role of science and operations in developing the James Webb Space Telescope mission. It describes the science goals that JWST aims to address, including detecting the first galaxies and studying star and planet formation. It outlines the key instruments onboard and discusses how STScI will manage science operations and the ground system. STScI has provided input during development to optimize science return and operations efficiency. Challenges include balancing momentum management with stray light avoidance and ensuring sufficient early funding.
The document discusses the role of science and operations in developing the James Webb Space Telescope mission. It describes the science goals that JWST aims to address, including detecting the first galaxies and studying star and planet formation. It outlines the key instruments onboard and discusses how STScI will manage science operations and the ground system once JWST is launched. STScI has been influencing mission development to help achieve the science objectives through activities like simulations, requirements development, and system trades.
The document discusses the role of science and operations in developing the James Webb Space Telescope mission. It describes the science goals that JWST aims to address, including detecting the first galaxies and studying star and planet formation. It outlines the key instruments onboard and discusses how STScI will manage science operations and the ground system once JWST is launched. STScI has been influencing mission development to help achieve the science objectives through activities like simulations, requirements development, and system trades.
application of remote sensing in defence forcesNEERAJSHARMA814
The military uses remote sensing and GIS technologies to gain strategic advantages. Satellite imagery provides crucial intelligence for terrain evaluation, target analysis, and naval and air operations. Real-time weather data is also important for mission planning and battle success. India has launched several remote sensing satellites like Cartosat, Risat, and GSAT that support surveillance and communication needs of its armed forces.
This document describes a SBIR proposal to develop algorithms to optimize searches using multiple sensors deployed from aircraft or UAVs to find stationary and moving targets over water and land. The algorithms would integrate information on environmental conditions, sensor capabilities, and target characteristics to generate near-optimal search plans. They would account for factors like varying sensor detection ranges in different environments and interference between simultaneous sensors. The goal is to improve on traditional search patterns that do not optimally allocate effort. Phase I would design the conceptual approach and simulate sensor performance data. Phase II would build a prototype decision support system for naval coastal warfare.
The document outlines a presentation on physical and chemical oceanography. It discusses hydrography and bathymetry, including definitions of hydrography, uses of hydrographic surveying, and parameters measured. It also describes equipment used in hydrographic surveys such as multibeam sonars, lidar, laser scanners, sound speed profilers, GPS, and software for processing hydrographic data.
Remote sensing is a method of obtaining information about an object without physical contact. It involves capturing electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted from the Earth's surface using sensors on satellites or aircraft. Satellites provide global coverage and allow monitoring of large areas over time. Data from remote sensing is used for applications like monitoring weather, climate change, agriculture, forestry, geology and more. It provides valuable data efficiently but requires expert analysis and may lack detail.
Seismic signals are ground vibrations used to detect seismic events. However, seismic signal captured from
sensors is distorted signal contains noise and makes actual event detection difficult. In most cases, external
noise such as manmade or any heavy vehicle vibration always overlaps with the seismic reflections over
time. The presence of noise in the seismic signal makes it difficult to determine the magnitude at which the
seismic events have occurred. The aim of our study is to process the signals received from seismic sensor
and identify it as seismic events signal and non-seismic events signal based on the magnitude. The authors
propose a robust noise suppression method using bandpass filter, IIR Wiener filter and event detection
using recursive Short-Term Average (STA)/Long Term Average (LTA) and Carl Short Term Average
(STA)/Long Term Average (LTA). The proposed study determines reference magnitude to distinguish
seismic and non-seismic activity. The projected study is based on the analysis of seismic signal received
from single sensor and sensor networks (SN) and determines the magnitude to distinguish seismic and nonseismic events and time of an actual earthquake event. The experimental dataset is a broadband seismic
signal from BSVK and CUKG station sensors located at Basavakalyan, Karnataka, and the Central
University of Karnataka respectively. The proposed approach helps to extract the information about preseismic event, actual seismic event, post-seismic event activities and identify the abnormal pattern that
supports to detect heearths activities before the actual seismic event.
Analysis of Seismic Signal and Detection of AbnormalitiesCSEIJJournal
This document summarizes a study that analyzed seismic signals and detected abnormalities. The study proposed a noise suppression method using bandpass filtering, IIR Wiener filtering, and event detection using recursive Short-Term Average (STA)/Long Term Average (LTA) and Carl STA/LTA algorithms. The methods were applied to broadband seismic data from two stations in India to distinguish seismic and non-seismic events and determine the magnitude and time of actual earthquakes. Frequency domain analysis showed abnormal signal activities before earthquakes between 1-4Hz. Recursive STA/LTA and Carl STA/LTA were used to record event times and signal-to-noise ratios were computed at different processing stages to classify signals
Integration of Additive Manufacturing (AM) with IoT : A Smart Manufacturing A...ASHISHDESAI85
Combining 3D printing with Internet of Things (IoT) enables the creation of smart, connected, and customizable objects that can monitor, control, and optimize their performance, potentially revolutionizing various industries. oT-enabled 3D printers can use sensors to monitor the quality of prints during the printing process. If any defects or deviations from the desired specifications are detected, the printer can adjust its parameters in real time to ensure that the final product meets the required standards.
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Moving beyond the 4th Dimension of Quantifying, Analyzing & Visualizing A...chrismalzone
Presentation & Paper By Chris Malzone and given by Mike Mutschler, RESON. Focuses on the benefits of fusing multiple sources of acoustic data through fusion. Presentation also introduces the concept of fusion & looking at multisource 4-dimensional data. It also brings home the point through a Habitat Mapping Case Study in the US Virgin Islands as analysed via the Eonfusion software.
A Review on: Spatial Image Processing and Wireless Sensor Network Design to I...IRJET Journal
This document provides a review of using spatial image processing and wireless sensor networks to identify and monitor rainfall-triggered landslides. It discusses how geographical information systems can be used to identify landslide prone areas and validate landslide occurrences. It also describes how wireless sensor networks with sensors monitoring factors like rainfall, groundwater levels, and slope movement can provide real-time monitoring of landslides and early warning systems to reduce losses. The document reviews various landslide forecasting and monitoring methods that have been used, including different sensor network topologies, routing protocols, and algorithms for data collection and analysis.
Advances in Agricultural remote sensingsAyanDas644783
This document summarizes a 3-part training program on crop mapping using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical remote sensing. The training will cover crop classification using time series of polarimetric SAR data, monitoring crop growth through SAR-derived crop structural parameters, and classifying crop types using time series optical and radar data. Attendees will learn how to analyze satellite image time series from sensors like Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for applications like crop monitoring. The training objectives are to understand polarimetric SAR for crop assessment and using multitemporal SAR and optical data for crop monitoring and classification.
This document describes the design and implementation of a directional object sensing and ranging system. It uses an ultrasonic range sensor mounted on a stepper motor to detect objects within a 2.5m radius as the motor rotates continuously. When an object is detected, the microcontroller records the angle of the stepper motor and distance to the object, displaying it on an LCD. The system differs from stationary detectors by providing directional detection capabilities through the rotational motion of the sensors.
Different GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Receivers combination an...IJMTST Journal
The greater part of the modern GNSS receiver are able to guarantee a fair positioning performance almost
everywhere. The aim is to investigate the effective potentialities of GNSS sensor such as GPS, GLONASS and
to make a statistical analysis of these receivers. The continuous increase of the number of GNSS multiconstellation
station will give a good opportunity to improve accuracy and precision levels. The system is
based on sensors, Arm cortex, and personal computer. Positioning data which includes both longitude and
latitude is extracted using NMEA protocol of the receiver. The extracted data will be displayed and saved on
personal computer and retrieved later. Each receiver sensor is analyzed, statistically characterized and its
error probabilities are obtained.
This document presents a method for underwater object recognition using data from multibeam echo sounders and side scan sonar. Experiments were conducted off the coast of Alexandria, Egypt to detect objects like pipelines, rocks, and shipwrecks. The method involves acquiring sonar data, converting it to 3D and 2D images, extracting features, and recognizing objects by matching them to basic geometric shapes. The approach was tested on real data containing pipelines and validated using artificially generated objects like a pipe, shipwreck, and rock. Results showed the system could accurately recognize different underwater objects in a fast and flexible manner to aid hydrographic surveys.
The document discusses the role of science and operations in developing the James Webb Space Telescope mission. It describes the science goals that JWST aims to address, including detecting the first galaxies and studying star and planet formation. It outlines the key instruments onboard and discusses how STScI will manage science operations and the ground system. STScI has provided input during development to optimize science return and operations efficiency. Challenges include balancing momentum management with stray light avoidance and ensuring sufficient early funding.
The document discusses the role of science and operations in developing the James Webb Space Telescope mission. It describes the science goals that JWST aims to address, including detecting the first galaxies and studying star and planet formation. It outlines the key instruments onboard and discusses how STScI will manage science operations and the ground system. STScI has provided input during development to optimize science return and operations efficiency. Challenges include balancing momentum management with stray light avoidance and ensuring sufficient early funding.
The document discusses the role of science and operations in developing the James Webb Space Telescope mission. It describes the science goals that JWST aims to address, including detecting the first galaxies and studying star and planet formation. It outlines the key instruments onboard and discusses how STScI will manage science operations and the ground system once JWST is launched. STScI has been influencing mission development to help achieve the science objectives through activities like simulations, requirements development, and system trades.
The document discusses the role of science and operations in developing the James Webb Space Telescope mission. It describes the science goals that JWST aims to address, including detecting the first galaxies and studying star and planet formation. It outlines the key instruments onboard and discusses how STScI will manage science operations and the ground system once JWST is launched. STScI has been influencing mission development to help achieve the science objectives through activities like simulations, requirements development, and system trades.
application of remote sensing in defence forcesNEERAJSHARMA814
The military uses remote sensing and GIS technologies to gain strategic advantages. Satellite imagery provides crucial intelligence for terrain evaluation, target analysis, and naval and air operations. Real-time weather data is also important for mission planning and battle success. India has launched several remote sensing satellites like Cartosat, Risat, and GSAT that support surveillance and communication needs of its armed forces.
This document describes a SBIR proposal to develop algorithms to optimize searches using multiple sensors deployed from aircraft or UAVs to find stationary and moving targets over water and land. The algorithms would integrate information on environmental conditions, sensor capabilities, and target characteristics to generate near-optimal search plans. They would account for factors like varying sensor detection ranges in different environments and interference between simultaneous sensors. The goal is to improve on traditional search patterns that do not optimally allocate effort. Phase I would design the conceptual approach and simulate sensor performance data. Phase II would build a prototype decision support system for naval coastal warfare.
The document outlines a presentation on physical and chemical oceanography. It discusses hydrography and bathymetry, including definitions of hydrography, uses of hydrographic surveying, and parameters measured. It also describes equipment used in hydrographic surveys such as multibeam sonars, lidar, laser scanners, sound speed profilers, GPS, and software for processing hydrographic data.
Remote sensing is a method of obtaining information about an object without physical contact. It involves capturing electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted from the Earth's surface using sensors on satellites or aircraft. Satellites provide global coverage and allow monitoring of large areas over time. Data from remote sensing is used for applications like monitoring weather, climate change, agriculture, forestry, geology and more. It provides valuable data efficiently but requires expert analysis and may lack detail.
Seismic signals are ground vibrations used to detect seismic events. However, seismic signal captured from
sensors is distorted signal contains noise and makes actual event detection difficult. In most cases, external
noise such as manmade or any heavy vehicle vibration always overlaps with the seismic reflections over
time. The presence of noise in the seismic signal makes it difficult to determine the magnitude at which the
seismic events have occurred. The aim of our study is to process the signals received from seismic sensor
and identify it as seismic events signal and non-seismic events signal based on the magnitude. The authors
propose a robust noise suppression method using bandpass filter, IIR Wiener filter and event detection
using recursive Short-Term Average (STA)/Long Term Average (LTA) and Carl Short Term Average
(STA)/Long Term Average (LTA). The proposed study determines reference magnitude to distinguish
seismic and non-seismic activity. The projected study is based on the analysis of seismic signal received
from single sensor and sensor networks (SN) and determines the magnitude to distinguish seismic and nonseismic events and time of an actual earthquake event. The experimental dataset is a broadband seismic
signal from BSVK and CUKG station sensors located at Basavakalyan, Karnataka, and the Central
University of Karnataka respectively. The proposed approach helps to extract the information about preseismic event, actual seismic event, post-seismic event activities and identify the abnormal pattern that
supports to detect heearths activities before the actual seismic event.
Analysis of Seismic Signal and Detection of AbnormalitiesCSEIJJournal
This document summarizes a study that analyzed seismic signals and detected abnormalities. The study proposed a noise suppression method using bandpass filtering, IIR Wiener filtering, and event detection using recursive Short-Term Average (STA)/Long Term Average (LTA) and Carl STA/LTA algorithms. The methods were applied to broadband seismic data from two stations in India to distinguish seismic and non-seismic events and determine the magnitude and time of actual earthquakes. Frequency domain analysis showed abnormal signal activities before earthquakes between 1-4Hz. Recursive STA/LTA and Carl STA/LTA were used to record event times and signal-to-noise ratios were computed at different processing stages to classify signals
Integration of Additive Manufacturing (AM) with IoT : A Smart Manufacturing A...ASHISHDESAI85
Combining 3D printing with Internet of Things (IoT) enables the creation of smart, connected, and customizable objects that can monitor, control, and optimize their performance, potentially revolutionizing various industries. oT-enabled 3D printers can use sensors to monitor the quality of prints during the printing process. If any defects or deviations from the desired specifications are detected, the printer can adjust its parameters in real time to ensure that the final product meets the required standards.
Best KNow Hydrogen Fuel Production in the World The cost in USD kwh for H2Daniel Donatelli
The cost in USD/kwh for H2
Daniel Donatelli
Secure Supplies Group
Introduction - Page 3
The Need for Hydrogen Fueling - Page 5
Pure H2 Fueling Technology - Page 7
Blend Gas Fueling: A Transition Strategy - Page 10
Performance Metrics: H2 vs. Fossil Fuels - Page 12
Cost Analysis and Economic Viability - Page 15
Innovations Driving Leadership - Page 18
Laminar Flame Speed Adjustment
Heat Management Systems
The Donatelli Cycle
Non-Carnot Cycle Applications
Case Studies and Real-World Applications - Page 22
Conclusion: Secure Supplies Leadership in Hydrogen Fueling - Page 27
Preface: The ReGenX Generator innovation operates with a US Patented Frequency Dependent Load Current Delay which delays the creation and storage of created Electromagnetic Field Energy around the exterior of the generator coil. The result is the created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy performs any magnitude of Positive Electro-Mechanical Work at infinite efficiency on the generator's Rotating Magnetic Field, increasing its Kinetic Energy and increasing the Kinetic Energy of an EV or ICE Vehicle to any magnitude without requiring any Externally Supplied Input Energy. In Electricity Generation applications the ReGenX Generator innovation now allows all electricity to be generated at infinite efficiency requiring zero Input Energy, zero Input Energy Cost, while producing zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions, zero Air Pollution and zero Nuclear Waste during the Electricity Generation Phase. In Electric Motor operation the ReGen-X Quantum Motor now allows any magnitude of Work to be performed with zero Electric Input Energy.
Demonstration Protocol: The demonstration protocol involves three prototypes;
1. Protytpe #1, demonstrates the ReGenX Generator's Load Current Time Delay when compared to the instantaneous Load Current Sine Wave for a Conventional Generator Coil.
2. In the Conventional Faraday Generator operation the created Electromagnetic Field Energy performs Negative Work at infinite efficiency and it reduces the Kinetic Energy of the system.
3. The Magnitude of the Negative Work / System Kinetic Energy Reduction (in Joules) is equal to the Magnitude of the created Electromagnetic Field Energy (also in Joules).
4. When the Conventional Faraday Generator is placed On-Load, Negative Work is performed and the speed of the system decreases according to Lenz's Law of Induction.
5. In order to maintain the System Speed and the Electric Power magnitude to the Loads, additional Input Power must be supplied to the Prime Mover and additional Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft.
6. For example, if 100 Watts of Electric Power is delivered to the Load by the Faraday Generator, an additional >100 Watts of Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft by the Prime Mover.
7. If 1 MW of Electric Power is delivered to the Load by the Faraday Generator, an additional >1 MW Watts of Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft by the Prime Mover.
8. Generally speaking the ratio is 2 Watts of Mechanical Input Power to every 1 Watt of Electric Output Power generated.
9. The increase in Drive Shaft Mechanical Input Power is provided by the Prime Mover and the Input Energy Source which powers the Prime Mover.
10. In the Heins ReGenX Generator operation the created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy performs Positive Work at infinite efficiency and it increases the Kinetic Energy of the system.
Preface: The ReGenX Generator innovation operates with a US Patented Frequency Dependent Load
Current Delay which delays the creation and storage of created Electromagnetic Field Energy around
the exterior of the generator coil. The result is the created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field
Energy performs any magnitude of Positive Electro-Mechanical Work at infinite efficiency on the
generator's Rotating Magnetic Field, increasing its Kinetic Energy and increasing the Kinetic Energy of
an EV or ICE Vehicle to any magnitude without requiring any Externally Supplied Input Energy. In
Electricity Generation applications the ReGenX Generator innovation now allows all electricity to be
generated at infinite efficiency requiring zero Input Energy, zero Input Energy Cost, while producing
zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions, zero Air Pollution and zero Nuclear Waste during the Electricity
Generation Phase. In Electric Motor operation the ReGen-X Quantum Motor now allows any
magnitude of Work to be performed with zero Electric Input Energy.
Demonstration Protocol: The demonstration protocol involves three prototypes;
1. Protytpe #1, demonstrates the ReGenX Generator's Load Current Time Delay when compared
to the instantaneous Load Current Sine Wave for a Conventional Generator Coil.
2. In the Conventional Faraday Generator operation the created Electromagnetic Field Energy
performs Negative Work at infinite efficiency and it reduces the Kinetic Energy of the system.
3. The Magnitude of the Negative Work / System Kinetic Energy Reduction (in Joules) is equal to
the Magnitude of the created Electromagnetic Field Energy (also in Joules).
4. When the Conventional Faraday Generator is placed On-Load, Negative Work is performed and
the speed of the system decreases according to Lenz's Law of Induction.
5. In order to maintain the System Speed and the Electric Power magnitude to the Loads,
additional Input Power must be supplied to the Prime Mover and additional Mechanical Input
Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft.
6. For example, if 100 Watts of Electric Power is delivered to the Load by the Faraday Generator,
an additional >100 Watts of Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive
Shaft by the Prime Mover.
7. If 1 MW of Electric Power is delivered to the Load by the Faraday Generator, an additional >1
MW Watts of Mechanical Input Power must be supplied to the Generator's Drive Shaft by the
Prime Mover.
8. Generally speaking the ratio is 2 Watts of Mechanical Input Power to every 1 Watt of Electric
Output Power generated.
9. The increase in Drive Shaft Mechanical Input Power is provided by the Prime Mover and the
Input Energy Source which powers the Prime Mover.
10. In the Heins ReGenX Generator operation the created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field
Energy performs Positive Work at infinite efficiency and it increases the Kinetic Energy of the
Welcome to the March 2025 issue of WIPAC Monthly the magazine brought to you by the LinkedIn Group WIPAC Monthly.
In this month's edition, on top of the month's news from the water industry we cover subjects from the intelligent use of wastewater networks, the use of machine learning in water quality as well as how, we as an industry, need to develop the skills base in developing areas such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Enjoy the latest edition
How to Build a Maze Solving Robot Using ArduinoCircuitDigest
Learn how to make an Arduino-powered robot that can navigate mazes on its own using IR sensors and "Hand on the wall" algorithm.
This step-by-step guide will show you how to build your own maze-solving robot using Arduino UNO, three IR sensors, and basic components that you can easily find in your local electronics shop.
1. Acquisition and processing of earthquake data
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. IRSHAD AHMAD 1
December 4,
2. 2
Introduction and scope
Literature view
Problem statement
Gannt chart
December 4,
A vertical seismic array It is a series of sensors or seismometers arranged vertically in a borehole
or along the height of a structure (such as a building, dam, or bridge) to measure and record seismic
activity at different depths or elevations. This setup allows engineers to observe how seismic waves
travel through the ground or how structures respond to seismic forces at various levels.
Applications of vertical seismic array
1. Seismic Site Response
2. Real-Time Monitoring
3. Borehole Seismology
General arrangement of vertical seismic array
December 4,
4. 4
INSTALLATION OF Seismic vertical Array in CED :
Prof. Dr. Irshad Ahmad installed Pakistan first
seismic vertical array in Civil Engineering Department University of Engineering & Technology
Peshawar in 2016. The array consist of one surface and two downhole sensors installed at 25m
and 60m depth. Two GMSPLUS recorder are used for taking, storing and uploading of data while
the GPS system provides UTC (Universal Time Clock) time frame.
December 4,
Vertical (downhole) sensor arrays are deployed worldwide at seismically
active regions to record soil and overall site responses to earthquake
In the United States, an early down-hole data set was recorded at Union Bay
in Seattle, Washington [1971].
The prospect for conducting 3-dimensional (3D) studies using downhole array
data is illustrated by the Chiba dense array [Katayama et al. 1990]. This array
is located at Chiba Experiment Station of the University of Tokyo, Japan.
Extensive data was recorded by the Chiba array (nearly 160 earthquake
December 4,
Problem Statement
Seismic activity poses a significant threat to infrastructure, particularly in
seismic active zone.
methods of acquiring and processing earthquake data are often limited and
delayed hazard assessments.
real-time acquisition and efficient processing of seismic data to improve
earthquake hazard prediction and structural safety assessments.
December 4,
Real-Time data Monitoring .
We will install a screen somewhere .
Where data from real time is displayed on screen .
December 4,
Step Description Tools/Software
1. Seismic Sensors Install seismic sensors
(accelerometers, geophones) in
seismic-prone areas to record
ground motion.
Seismic sensors (e.g.,
accelerometers )
2. Data Recording Collect analog seismic data
using the GMSPLUS Recorder
and store them in memory card
or remote access
GMSPLUS Recorder
3. Device Configuration Connection between computer
and GMSPLUS recorder for data
transmission, logging and
UCON Software
4. Data Transmission
(analog to digital data)
Transmit seismic data to the
processing center via serial
port RS232 DB9 cable or
wireless networks.
RS232 DB9 cable /Wireless
December 4,
10. 10
Step Description Tools/Software
5. Remote Configuration Access the GMSPLUS recorder
remotely for setup and
PuTTY (SSH/Telnet)
6. Real-Time Data Processing Analyze real-time seismic data
to estimate frequency content
acceleration, amplitude and site
response spectrum,
GeoDAS Software
7. Data Visualization Display seismic waveforms and
event mapping in real-time.
GeoDAS Software
8. Event Detection and Alerts Set up an alert system for
seismic events, notifying
relevant personnel through SMS
or email.
GeoDAS (for event detection),
9. Data Storage Store seismic data for post-event
analysis and long-term research.
GMSPLUS Storage, Cloud Storage
December 4,
11. 11
December 4,
Task Name Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May
Real time data
Thesis Writing
12. December 4,
Accelerometer V4.5,GeoSIG Ltd, Switzerland,2014.
GMSPlus quick user Manual ,GEOSIG Ltd,Switzerland,2014.
Thesis of installation of vertical seismic array.