Rosie and Alex have been best friends since childhood. On Rosie's 18th birthday, they kiss while drunk but don't remember it. Years later, Rosie gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Greg. She doesn't tell Alex about the pregnancy when he leaves for college. After various relationships and misunderstandings, Rosie discovers a letter from Alex expressing his feelings for her just after he marries Bethany. Rosie objects at the wedding but is too late. In the end, Alex realizes Bethany isn't right for him and that his true love has always been Rosie.
2. Synopsis (When Rainbow Ends)
Rosie Dunne and Alex Stewart are long time best friends. On her
eighteenth birthday they kiss even though she was drunk and doesn't really
remember it. Not remembering they have kissed, Rosie gives a go at Alex
asking another girl Bethany to the prom dance while Rosie herself goes with
Greg. Rosie and Greg have a one night stand resulting in her getting
pregnant, halting her dreams of studying in Boston with Alex. Alex goes on
to Boston with Rosie not telling him about the pregnancy.
One day Alex asks Rosie to visit him in Boston. Rosie goes there but
at the end leaves angrily because she thinks Alex is using her as a distraction
from his own life, including his forthcoming child with his girlfriend Sally. A
few years later Greg walks back into Rosie's life and she gives him a chance,
so they get married. Alex learns about the marriage but he also separates
from Sally due to Sally having an affair. Alex reaches out to Rosie asking if
she's happy with Greg, but his mail is intercepted by Greg.
3. One day Bethany, now a successful model, comes to the
hotel where Rosie works. When Bethany says she's going to Boston
next, Rosie politely mentions that Alex is there. Rosie finds out that
Greg is cheating on her so she divorces him. She finds Alex's letter
and contacts him, only to find Alex and Bethany are getting married.
Her best friend Ruby convinces Rosie that Alex is the right man for
her and that she must fight for him. So Rosie, Ruby, Rosie's daughter
Katie, and Katie's best friend Toby race to the wedding. They arrive
just after the ceremony. In her speech at the party Rosie admits her
love for Alex, though she then covers it with other words. She leaves
when the dance starts. Toby and Katie dance, and he kisses her.
Katie runs from Toby and Rosie and Alex give chase. Alex says
to Katie that Toby is right for her but she says that it feels strange,
just like Rosie and Alex never hook up. Rosie agrees with her but Alex
reveals the truth about their drunk eighteenth birthday kiss. Rosie
goes back home, buys a country house and turns it into a seaside
hotel. Alex comes to her saying that Bethany isn't right for him.
5. Plot
The story between two person as a
best friend from 5 years old, Rosie and Alex
was a good friend. They grew up, school
and play together until graduation of high
school they choose their couple for dance
party. Rosie come with Greg who is the six-
pack guy in high school and Alex come with
Bethany who is the sexy girl in the high
school. Those date to be a new history in
their lives. Where Rosie having love with
Greg as well as with Alex and Bethany. But
it did not run properly.
Raising Action
When Rosie having date with Greg and
she was pregnant. But Greg leaved her alone,
Greg could not responsible of that kid. Rosie
did not tell to Alex because she would not
make Alex cancel his plan to continue his
education at university.
6. * Climax
After she does not to continue her studies at
Harvard, Rosie wanted to raise her own child.
she wanted her kid to feel a love although her
kid did not have a father.
* Falling Action
When Bethany told Alex about Rosie will be a
young Mother. Alex came to Rosie and he could
be a godfather of her kid.
7. * Resolution
When Alex will getting married with Bethany,
He sent letter to Rosie is about his feeling about
Rosie. but Greg had hidden that letter. Days where
Rosie found a letter from Alex, Rosie came to Alex's
wedding, but she just too late that Alex has been
married with Bethany. Rosie through her life with
her daughter and she built a hotel which she just
aspired. Unexpectedly Alex is first came as a guest
and he regrets already looking for partner of his life
and his true love only a few steps from his home.
His love is his best friend from 5 years old and his
love is his neighbor his love is Rosie. Eventually they
live happily ever after.
8. Character
1. Rosie
The young and strong as a single mother, patient and
caring. She also forgiving because she was give an
opportunity to Greg to be a father for his son even
though it became bad idea and it did not good work.
2. Alex
The man who is smart but fickle. He could not find his
self. He did not brave to reveal his deep heart that he
loves Rosie.
9. 3. Greg
Coward and cheaters. He wasted
time with Rosie. In fact Rosie had
forgiven his mistakes once he had
left Rosie and his child for a few
years, but he still caught cheating.
4. Bethany
Crafty and arrogant