This document is a prospectus for NaÃscoil & Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir, an Irish language nursery and primary school, outlining their admission policies and procedures. It provides information on the school's enrollment numbers, admission criteria and priorities for both the nursery and primary levels. Key details include preference given to children from socially disadvantaged circumstances, siblings of current or former students, and children who previously attended the school's nursery or other Irish language programs. The document also covers staffing, daily schedules, curriculum, extracurricular activities and other school policies.
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Admission arrangements 2014—2015 3
Enrolment and admission numbers 3
Information about Applications 4
Admission and Number of Pupils 4
Admission Criteria: NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir 5
Admission Criteria: Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir 8
Admission Criteria for Year 2-7 9
Visits to school 9
Settling in to school 10
Children who did not attend the NaÃscoil 11
School Staffing 12
Teachers’ Responsibilities 13
Organisation of the School Day 14
School Uniform 15
School Guidelines 16
Religion 17
Curriculum 17
Extra-Curricular activities 17
Special Educational needs 18
Pastoral Care 19
Road Safety in the vicinity of the School 20
Children leaving the School before the end of the day 20
Inspection of Documents 21
The Attendance rate 21
Changes in School Arrangements 21
Charging and Remissions Policy 22
Board of Governors 23
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Admissions Arrangements
The current policy is to admit into Nursery school, at the beginning of the Autumn term, children who are allocated places in NaÃscoil following our admissions criteria.
The current policy is to admit into Primary One, at the beginning of the Autumn term, children who have reached compulsory school age, children who has reached compulsory school age i.e. those children whose 4th birthday falls on or before 1st July 2015.
Enrolment and Admissions Numbers 2014—2015
The Department has determined the enrolment and admissions numbers as follows:
Enrolment Number, September 2014
Admissions Number, September 2014
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Information about Applications
Admissions and Number of Pupils
Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir aims:
ï‚· To help all children develop a high standard of Irish.
 To develop the children’s knowledge of Irish culture and other cultures through- out the world.
ï‚· To help pupils develop into responsible citizens of the future.
ï‚· To involve all parents in all aspects of school life.
ï‚· To use a wide and varied range of teaching strategies, ICT in particular, to encourage all children to become independent learners.
ï‚· To provide a broad and enrich curriculum for all children so that they may achieve their full potential.
ï‚· To create a safe and encouraging learning environment where pupils, staff and parents feel valued and empowered.
ï‚· To provide continual professional development opportunities for all staff which will support the educational development of each child.
 To effectively utilise all resources, including staff, to enhance all children’s learning and development.
ï‚· To celebrate all talents and achievements of all throughout the school.
to ensure that all children are as prepared as possible for the next phase of their schooling.
The school is a valuable part of the Irish speaking community in Derry, which passes its heritage on to the next generation. If pupils are to survive as Irish speakers in the community at large, the support of the existing Irish community, public institutions and government is necessary to ensure the needs of young Irish speakers are met, in every aspect of their lives.
Year of
Number of
Admissions to NaÃscoil
Number of
Number of
122 + 26
123 + 26
117 + 26
116 + 27
111 + 27
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Admissions Criteria: NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir
NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir is an Irish-Medium nursery unit situated in an enclosed site on the grounds of Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir between the Brandywell area and the Bogside area of Derry City.
NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir caters for up to 26 boys and girls on a full-time basis in a modern purpose built nursery building consisting of a large play area, a quiet room, toilet facilities which cater for disabilities, internal store, external store, utility room and a covered play area. The Nursery Unit day runs from 9.00 am until 1.30 pm. School meals are served as part of the pre-school day.
A fully qualified teacher and nursery assistant strive to ensure that the children are enabled to fulfil their potential in an environment which encourages all children to develop physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually. We provide high quality early years education through the medium of Irish.
It is anticipated that all children who attend NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir will continue their education in Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir. The School Principal is available to answer any queries regarding the application procedure and to facilitate visits to the Nursery Unit.
From time to time we will have students on placement and volunteers working in NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir. All will be vetted by Western Health and Social Care Trust.
Admissions Criteria
The Board of Governors of NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir has determined that the following criteria shall be applied successively, in the order set down below, in the event of the number of children applying for places being greater than the admissions number. An original Birth Certificate must be provided in order to demonstrate whether or not a child is of pre-school age. Priority shall be given to children resident in Northern Ireland.
When considering which children should be selected for admission, the Board of Governors will only take into account information which is detailed on or attached to the application form. Parents should therefore ensure that all information pertaining to their child and relevant to the school’s admissions criteria is stated on the application form or attached to it. Examples of such information include – did your child attend another Irish-Medium setting? Have you included this information on your form?
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Priority will be given to those applicants who choose NaÃscoil
Éadain Mhóir as 1st preference.
Statutory Criteria
1. Children from socially disadvantaged circumstances born between 2 July 2011 and 1 July 2012.
2. Children born between 2 July 2011and 1 July 2012.
Note: A child from socially disadvantaged circumstances means a child whose parent is in receipt of Income Support or Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or an award of Income Support which has been ‘converted’ into an Employment and Support Allowance and the level of benefit remains the same. When parents apply for places for their child on this basis they must have their application form stamped by the Social Security agency to confirm that they are in receipt of a qualifying payment.
Non Statutory Criteria
3. Other children born between 2 July 2012 and 1 July 2013.
In the event of the number of children applying for places under any of the criteria above being greater than the number of places available the following sub-criteria will be applied successively, in the order set down below:
a) Children who were registered in NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir throughout the previous school year.
b) Children who have a brother / sister / half sister / half brother / foster sister / foster brother / aunt / uncle who attend / attended Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir.
c) Children whose parent / guardian / brother / sister is a member of the full-time or part-time staff of NaÃscoil & Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir.
d) Children who are previously registered in an Irish language pre-school or in an Irish language Sure Start programme.
e) Children whose parent / guardian is a prior pupil of Irish medium education.
f) Children whose parent / guardian is a member of the Board of Governors.
g) Children whose parent(s) / guardian can demonstrate that they are from families where Irish is a common communicative medium with them by at least one parent / guardian.
h) Children who are the eldest / only child in the family.
i) Children who are considered by an Education and Library Board as having significant special educational needs which would make it desirable that the applicant attend NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir rather than another nursery unit.
j) Other children of pre-school age.
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In the event of over-subscription in the last criterion which can be applied then selection for all places remaining in this category will be on the basis of the initial letter of the surname as per the birth certificate, in the order set out below, this order having been determined by a randomised selection:-
Z L Ó S J Mac F Mc H C G D N T M Nà O R V K Nic P E Q A I U W Y B X
In the event of surnames beginning with the same letter the subsequent letters of the surnames will be used in alphabetical order. In the event of two identical surnames the alphabetical order of the initials of the forenames as per the birth certificate will be used.
Admissions Criteria after 1 September 2015
If a place(s) become available after 1 September and there are more applicants than places then selection of pupils will be made on the application of the same Criteria to those pupils seeking admission at the time the place(s) become available.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) should note that if their child is seeking nursery provision for the 2nd year they MUST reapply.
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Admissions Criteria: Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir
Admissions Criteria Year 1
Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir has a child-centred ethos, which emphasizes the importance and centrality of the Irish language and culture. Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir is committed to cherishing all the children of the school equally. With this core commitment as our guide, the Board of Governors of Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir has determined that the following criteria shall be applied successively in the order set down below in the event of the number of children applying for places in Year 1 being greater than the admissions number. Only children of compulsory school age will be admitted. Priority will be given in the application of each criteria to children regarded by the Board of Governors on the basis of supporting evidence from parents or guardians and/or statutory agencies as having special circumstance (i.e. medical, social or security reasons) that would make it desirable that the applicant attend Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir rather than another school. Priority shall be given to children resident in Northern Ireland.
ï‚· Children who attended NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir.
ï‚· Children of compulsory school age who have a brother/sister attending the school.
ï‚· Children from the catchment area of the school of Bogside, Brandywell and Creggan.
ï‚· Children of compulsory school age who use Irish as the medium of communication with at least one parent or guardian.
ï‚· Children whose parent or guardian is a former pupil of Irish medium education.
ï‚· Other children of compulsory school age on the basis of the order of their dates of birth, i.e. the oldest will be accepted first in the event of all other criteria being exhausted.
The Board of Governors have delegated the task of selecting pupils for admission to an Admissions Sub-Committee consisting of the Principal and three Governors.
If a place(s) become available after 1 September 2015 and there are more applicants than places then selection of pupils will be made on the application of the Year 1 Admissions Criteria to those pupils seeking admission at the time the place(s) become available.
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Admissions Criteria Years 2-7
Any child admitted into Years 2-7 must have sufficient command of Irish to be taught in the relevant year group. If, at the time of the consideration of the application, there are more eligible applicants than places available then the Admissions Criteria for entry to Year 1 of pupils of compulsory school age will be applied.
Visits to school
If any parent/guardian would wish to come and view the school or speak to the principal about any issue or concern, please do not hestaite by phoning the school on 02871 268020.
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Settling in to School - Rang 1
It is in the best interest of each child in Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir to ensure that all children feel safe and happy when they are attending school.
This policy was written to ensure that the transition from the NaÃscoil to the Gaelscoil is a smooth and a natural progression in the child’s education, so that all children feel comfort and that they settle into their new surroundings easily.
This is achieved in many ways:
ï‚· The Rang 1 teacher will be in constant contact with the NaÃscoil and she will visit the children in the NaÃscoil, at least once every fortnight in term 3.
ï‚· The children in the NaÃscoil will visit the Gaelscoil to see their new classroom and new surroundings regularly. Parents will collect their children from Rang 1 every Friday in the third term.
ï‚· Children from NaÃscoil will eat their dinner in the school hall one day per week in the third term.
ï‚· NaÃscoil & Rang 1 children will participate in dramas and parties together.
ï‚· The Rang 1 teacher will meet with the NaÃscoil teacher to discuss the children’s progression.
ï‚· The children will stay in school until 12.00 for the first week.
ï‚· Children from the Gaelscoil will visit the NaÃscoil so that the children recognise each other. Chil- dren from NaÃscoil will meet their Key Stage 2 buddy when they start in primary one.
ï‚· Children from all NaÃscoileanna will attend a settling in summer scheme during August.
ï‚· Children from all NaÃscoileanna will be invited to a Teddy Bears’ Picnic in Rang 1 during the summer term.
 The teacher will keep the parents/guardians informed about their child’s progress on a daily basis at drop off and pick up time.
ï‚· The Rang 1 teacher will meet parents in the Autumn term.
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Children who did not attend NaÃscoil Éadain Mhóir
ï‚· Parents will be invited to attend an info session in the summer term.
 Children will be invited to Teddy Bears’ Picnic in the summer term.
ï‚· The class teacher will met with the parents to discuss the child.
ï‚· The class teacher will liaise with the NaÃscoil / Nursery teacher to discuss the child’s progress.
ï‚· The child will visit the Gaelscoil on a number of occasions.
ï‚· Basic words will be sent home with the child so that child can develop his/ her Irish more quickly.
 The teacher will keep the parents/guardians informed about their child’s progress.
ï‚· The class teacher will meet with parents again in the Autumn term.
ï‚· Irish is spoken from the child’s first day in school, although the classroom assistant may use a few words in English, to help those children who did not attend the NaÃscoil, settle in. All staff always ensure that all children are safe and happy in school.
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Organisation of the School Day
Class Times
NaÃscoil 9.00 am – 1.30pm
Primary 1 & 2 9.00 am – 2.15 pm
Primary 3 - 7 9.00 am – 2.50 pm
Break Time
Rang 1 & 2 10.30 – 11am (outdoor play)
Rang 3 – 7 10.30 – 10.45am
The children have a supervised break during the morning session. This allows for toilet arrangements and relaxation from work in the playground or classroom.
If you wish your child to have a snack you are requested not to provide more than one item; a piece of fruit and a drink of milk or water is advised.
Lunch Time
12.30 – 1.10 pm
Meals are served in NaÃscoil every day.
Rang 1 – 7: Meals are served in the school hall every school day. Parents of new pupils may enquire about free school meals from the Western Education and Library Board: Omagh 028 82 411 411. Every child is expected to be able to use a knife and a fork independently. Every child is expected to always practice good manners during lunch time both in the canteen and in the playground and to comply with the instructions of all members of staff.
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School Uniform
The nursery school uniform consists of a red jersey, yellow t-shirts, navy trousers or skirt and black shoes.
The school uniform consists of a navy jumper with the school name and logo and a yellow t-shirt, navy trousers or skirt and black shoes.
General Advice
Children’s names should be written clearly on the children’s school uniforms. Many jumpers are left in the school during the year.
All children with long hair should ensure that their hair is kept back in a plait or in a bun as this helps prevent the spread of head lice.
Parents / guardians are encouraged to keep close contact with the class teacher and the Principal about children’s progress in school.
Children should wear running shoes, t-shirt and track bottoms during P.E lessons.
Children should practise good manners at all times, adopt a kindly and thoughtful attitude to one another, show respect for teachers, classroom assistants, the secretary, the caretaker and those who supervise at lunch times.
Children should not come to school before 8.45a.m. unless children travelling to school on the school bus.
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School Guidelines
We wish to ensure that our school is a happy, safe and healthy place in
which everyone will have a fair chance to work and learn. To make sure that our wish is fulfilled, parents/guardians are expected to ensure their children will comply with the following simple rules of behaviour:-
Be respectful of all members of the school community – other pupils, parents/ guardians, teachers, non teaching staff and visitors.
Comply with the requests and instructions of all members of the school staff in a mannerly way.
Practice good manners at lunch-time in the canteen and in the playground.
Keep all conversation and communication in a quiet and mannerly tone.
Avoid rough play, arguments and fighting.
Have respect for other people’s property.
Show pride in the school, the site, fittings and furniture.
Ensure that no litter is discarded carelessly anywhere in the school environment.
Walk everywhere in the school grounds.
Play in the school yard, not anywhere else.
It is better not to bring glass bottles or toys to school.
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The pupils of the school are taught the subjects of the Northern
Ireland Curriculum. Teachers develop clear schemes of work and plans, which help to enrich the children’s learning. The Curriculum is enriched and renewed by the continuing development of the skills and expertise of the teachers so that an excellent education is provided for all children in the Gaelscoil.
A formal interview is arranged during the autumn term to give the parents the opportunity to learn about pupils’ progress and to agree with teacher’s ways and means to enhance it. Throughout the school year, the principal and teachers are available to meet parents at mutually convenient times to discuss any concerns that they may have in relation to their child’s progress. Information sessions may be arranged from time to time so that parents can be kept up to date on educational issues.
The provision of sport is included within the curriculum for Physical Education.
Extra-Curricular Activities
The children take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities so that they can enjoy their school life. Children’s needs and interested are catered for throughout their school life in NaÃscoil & Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir.
The following list gives a flavour of activities, which are available, some of which are provided by community groups that support and compliment the work of the school:
Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir is a multi-denominational school, which welcomes all religious beliefs. The majority of the children and their parents are Catholics and therefore the children are prepared for the various Sacraments.
Sports’ Day
Drama Festivals
Spanish lessons
Library visits
Music lessons (singing grades)
Creative writing
Gaelic Football
After school clubs on a daily basis
School outings
Breakfast club every morning
Tin Whistle
Homework support every morning
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Special Educational Needs
NaÃscoil & Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir recognises that some pupils require
special help and guidance and the staff seek to ensure that children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) receive the help and guidance necessary to meet their needs. The staff is sensitive to the educational welfare of these pupils and teachers make every effort to assess and address their needs and to ensure they have a full and broad curriculum alongside their peers.
If a teacher is worried about any aspect of a child’s work, they firstly inform the school’s SENCO. A Statement of concern is filled were the child’s weaknesses are described. If necessary, the child will be put on the SEN register, after a meeting with parents / guardians.
There are five steps in the SEN Code of Practice:
ï‚· it is recognised that the child has a weakness. The class teacher ensures that differentiation takes place in class work.
ï‚· An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is written for the child.
ï‚· It is recognised that the child needs support from outside agencies and contact is made with the appropriate one.
ï‚· If it is thought that a statement of special educational needs is required for the child, a psychologist from the WELB, will assess the child.
 The child will be given a statement of Special Educational Needs in which the appropriate school is named. This statement will be reviewed annually. In steps 2-5, the class teacher writes an IEP for each child on the SEN register. This will state specific aims for the child to achieve. These aims are discussed with the child and with the parents/guardians so that they can support the child at home. The school staff recognises the importance of children reaching their full potential, each child is made to feel valued and safe. Praise and encouragement is used to raise all children’s self-esteem. Children are encouraged, as far as possible, to be self-disciplined, self-motivated and independent. Teachers in our school strive to develop positive working relationships with parents/guardians and with outside agencies, indeed Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir works closely with the Psychology service to ensure that each child benefits from the best ed- ucational opportunity. Liaison between staff regarding children with SEN is
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Pastoral Care
The life of the child in NaÃscoil & Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir involves much more than academic considerations. It is recognised that the school has a role to play in the pastoral care of the pupil. NaÃscoil & Gaelscoil Éadain Mhóir is deeply committed to the pastoral care of its pupils and each teacher is involved in this work on a daily basis.
In regards to drugs, the school considers the misuse of drugs to be incongruous with the development of healthy living. Rang 7 will receive a drug education programme. All staff will be kept informed about Pastoral Care and Child Protection matters. In addition, staff members ensure that links are maintained with parents/ guardians and outside agencies.
Múinteoir Mary is the designated Child Protection Teacher and has responsibility for Pastoral Care in the school. Múinteoir Charlene is deputy-designated teacher. Múinteoir Deirdre is the designated teacher for Child Protection in the NaÃscoil.
It is important that parents who have a concern about their child(ren) follow the procedures outlined below:
Step 1: Speak to the class teacher
Step 2: Speak to the Principal
Step 3: Write to the Chairperson of the Board of Governors.
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Road Safety In The Vicinity Of The School
Parents / guardians who bring children to school in vehicles are asked to
observe the following advice in the interests of health and safety of all.
Be mindful of the safety of other drivers / road users.
morning and at home time.
Cars must be parked outside the school in the appropriate areas.
Do not park in an illegal manner as this inhibits other road
users and increases the risk of accidents.
Do not park anywhere that would increase the possibility of
an accident.
Children Leaving the School before the end of the day
As children sometimes have to leave before their normal going-home time you are asked to adhere to the following procedure to ensure their safety and to avoid misunderstandings.
If someone other than a parent / guardian is collecting your child ensure that the school knows the person’s name in advance.
Children should be collected from inside the school gates except when a clear alternative plan is stated.
The teacher and the office should be informed by note, by phone or by personal contact of the time and rea- son for the request of early dismissal.
If necessary, special arrangements may be made with the Principal.
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Inspection of Documents
A number of documents pertaining to school policies, the statutory
curriculum and assessment arrangements are available for inspection at the school should parents / guardians request this.
Parents who wish to inspect any of these should give written notice to the Principal at least 3 full school days in advance. Copies may also be made available if a week’s notice is given.
The Attendance Rate
One object of our School Development Plan last year was to raise the attendance rate. We succeeded in doing this by an awards system. This will continue during this school year. The Annual Attendance Rate for the year 2013 / 14 was: 92.6%
Changes in School Arrangements
Changes occur from time to time in the staffing and organisation of the school and parents will be informed of these. The summaries in this booklet give the present arrangements with effect from September 2014.
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Charging and Remissions Policy
Voluntary Contributions
The Board of Governors reserves the right to seek voluntary contributions from parents/guardians or others in support of any school activity or for the benefit of the school. The school reserves the right to cancel planned activities if the voluntary contributions are insufficient to meet the costs of the planned activity.
The Board of Governors reserves the right to recover from parents/guardians the whole or part of the cost of breakages and losses incurred as a result of a pupil’s behaviour.
Third Party Arrangements
This policy statement refers only to the charges, which may be made by Board of Governors and payable by the parents/guardians of the pupils concerned. The Board of Governors has delegated the day to day management of its policy to the school principal. This policy is effective from 1st September 2013 and is subject to regular review and monitoring. Changes therein will be notified to parents/guardians.
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Board of Governors
Representing Trustees
Deaglán Ó Mochain
Donncha Mac Niallais
Carol Nic Conamara
Joe Ó MairtÃn
Representing Western Education & Library Board
Tony Ó Dochartaigh
Representing the Department of Education
Conchúr Mac Giolla Mhuire
Representing Parents
Patrina Hamilton
Representing Teachers
Alicia Uà Chatháin
Secretary (Non–Voting)
Mary Nic AilÃn