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Protecting and
Maximizing your Revenue
Cycle in 2014
2014 Coding and Fee Schedule Updates,
Revenue Cycle Management Strategies and ICD-10
 HIS is a Physician management organization that specializes

in managing the revenue cycle for Orthopaedic practices.
 HIS has over 20 years of experience partnering with

Orthopaedic practices.
 We have earned the trust of our clients and we are viewed as

experts and leaders in the Orthopaedic community.
 HIS is an organization that partners with Orthopaedic

practices to maximize reimbursements, increase workflow
efficiency, ensure compliance and improve overall
2014 Coding and Fee
Schedule Update
Stay up to date and compliant to protect your Revenue Cycle in 2014
2014 Coding and Fee Schedule
 Revisions to CPT tumor codes
 Coding Changes
 Shoulder and Elbow

 New Category III codes
 CMS Final Rule changes 2014
 NCCI Policy Changes 2014
 E&M Audits

Revision to Subcutaneous
Soft Tissue Tumors
 All sub-sections of 20000s have

revisions to these CPT速 codes
 Clarifies that these tumors are in the

soft tissue below the skin.

2014 CPT Revision
Example of malignant neoplasm has

been removed from all codes for radical
resection of a tumor and replaced with
24077- Radical resection of tumor

(eg, malignant neoplasm sarcoma), soft
tissue of forearm and/or wrist area; less
than 3 cm
2014 CPT Changes
 23333- Removal of foreign body, shoulder; deep
 23334- Removal of prosthesis, included

debridement and synovectomy when
performed; humeral or glenoid component
 23335- humeral and glenoid components
 Removal should only be billed if not being

Shoulder Prosthesis
 Deleted 23331, 23332- old codes needed update
 Technique changed- removal more difficult
 Replaced with
 23333- Removal of foreign body deep (below fascia
and/or intramuscular
 23334- Removal of prosthesis, humeral or glenoid

component- debridement and synovectomy
 23335- Removal of prosthesis, humeral and
glenoid components (total shoulder)
Elbow Prosthesis Removal
 RUC requested 24160 code description be

 24160 and 24164 describe prosthesis vs. implant

 Current method of elbow arthroplasty includes

the use of cement which makes removal more
 Special machines are needed for removal
2014 Category III Additions
 0334T- Sacroiliac joint stabilization for

arthrodesis, percutaneous or minimally
invasive(indirect visualization), includes obtaining
and applying autograft or allograft when
performed, includes image guidance (CT or fluoro)
when performed
 Several parentheticals that note to use this code
for percutaneous arthrodesis

 0335T-Extra-osseous subtalar joint implant for

talotarsal stabilization

CMS Physician Fee for Service
Final Rule 2014
Misvalued Codes: Consistent with amendments made by the
Affordable Care Act, CMS has been engaged in a vigorous effort over
the past several years to identify and review potentially misvalued
codes, and make adjustments where appropriate. We are continuing to
make strides as the values for around 200 codes were finalized and
approximately 200 additional codes had their work relative value units
changed on an interim basis for 2014. Included in these are services for
hip and knee replacements, mental health services and GI endoscopy
services. These rates are open for public comment until January
27, 2014.

Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
27130, 27447- CMS High Expenditure

27446- Harvard-valued service annual
approved charges exceed $10 million
Methods have changed causing this to
be possibly misvalued
Intra-operative Minutes











2014 Final Rule





Total Hip




Total Knee $1,774.92





2014 NCCI Policy Manual

2014 Chapter 4 Page IV- 6
4. With the exception of the knee
joint, arthroscopic debridement should not be
reported separately with a surgical arthroscopy
procedure when performed on the same joint at
the same patient encounter. For knee joint
arthroscopic debridement see the following

2014 Chapter 4 Page IV-7
6. Arthroscopic synovectomy of the knee may be reported with CPT
codes 29875 (limited synovectomy, separate procedure) or 29876
(major synovectomy of two or three compartments). A
synovectomy to clean up a joint on which another more extensive
procedure is performed is not separately reportable. CPT code
29875 should never be reported with another arthroscopic knee
procedure on the ipsilateral knee. CPT code 29876 may be
reported for a medically reasonable and necessary synovectomy
with another arthroscopic knee procedure on the ipsilateral knee if
the synovectomy is performed in two compartments on which
another arthroscopic procedure is not performed. For
example, CPT code 29876 should never be reported for a major
synovectomy with CPT code 29880 (knee arthroscopy, medial AND
lateral meniscectomy) on the ipsilateral knee since knee
arthroscopic procedures other than synovectomy are performed in
two of the three knee compartments
2014 Chapter 4Page IV- 10
14. If a single cast, strapping, or splint treats multiple closed fractures
without manipulation, only one closed fracture treatment without
manipulation CPT code may be reported. Additionally, if a single
cast, strapping, or splint treats multiple fractures without
manipulation in addition to one or more fracture(s) with
manipulation, a closed fracture without manipulation CPT code
should not be reported separately. These policies also apply to the
closed treatment of multiple fractures not requiring application of a
cast, strapping, or splint.
If a cast, strapping, or splint applied after an open or percutaneous
treatment of a fracture also treats a closed fracture without
manipulation, a closed fracture without manipulation CPT code
should not be reported separately.
CMS Allows 97 Extended HPI with 95 Guidelines
September 27th, 2013
Effective Sept. 10, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) has revised its Evaluation and Management
(E/M) Documentation Guidelines (DG), to allow physicians to
use the 1997 DG for an extended history of present illness
(HPI) with the other elements of the 1995 DG to document an
E/M service. As a result, the status of three or more chronic
conditions qualifies as an Extended HPI for either set of DGs.

The revised guideline is presented as a Question and
Answer on the CMS website:
Whos Looking
 Workers Compensation

NGS Prepay Audits
Current procedural terminology (CPT) codes 99205
and 99215 are in the top 15 codes identified for
improper payment rates.
If one of your claims is selected for review, you will
receive an Additional Documentation Request
(ADR) letter. You will have 30 days from the date of
the ADR to submit the requested documentation
 www.ngsmedicare.com Part B New Article October

1, 2013
New Patient Visits 2011













Established Patient Visits 2011











Purpose of Auditing
 Bills are accurately coded and accurately reflect the services

provided (as documented in the medical records);
 Documentation is being completed correctly;
 Services or items provided are reasonable and necessary; and
 Any incentives for unnecessary services exist.

What to Audit
 How many records reviewed per provider?
 Medicare or All patients
 Prospective not Retrospective

Reporting Results
 Document findings and keep as permanent

 Medical Records
 Information shared with Provider(s)

After the Audit
 Create protocol
 Determine training means
 Mandate Training

Provider Training
 In Person (one-on-one)

Audit Summary


4 Critical Functions of Your
Revenue Cycle that
Cannot be Ignored
Customer Service & Satisfaction
 Customer service
 Patient focused effort
 Managing Patient expectations and complaints

Front End Strategy
 Time of Service Collections
 Pre-Cert and Authorizations
 Patient phone call management
 Inbound and outbound
Optimal Coding
 ICD-9 (10) and CPT selection

Education & Training
 Certified Coders
 One on One Relationship with physician
 Open communication
 Physician training

Charge Capture & Reconciliation
 System of accountability
 Every service rendered accounted for and billed
 Frequent reconciliation with multiple check points through out

your revenue cycle
 Missing Encounter report
 Including DME
 Inventory management
 Ensure everything is billed and accounted for
 Cost of goods analysis

 Strategic Audits
Developing a complete Accounts
Receivable Strategy
 Thorough understanding of your payors
 Know Your Contracts
 Credentialing and revalidation
 Certification and Pre-Authorization Requirements
 Timelines relative to submission and appeals
 Contract rates and payment adherence
 Reimbursement Tracking
 Fee schedule changes
 Are your rates competitive with the prevalence of

transparency in cost
Developing a complete Accounts
Receivable Strategy
 Managing Insurance Denials
 Consistent methods, efficient protocols and

 Denial Trending
 What are you doing with that information ?

 Identify systemic issues
 Rectify and route to appropriate personnel

Establish your A/R Assembly Line
 Detailed Management of the A/R
 CPI (Critical Performance Indicators)
 Reporting and Trending
 By Payor
 By Physician
 By Service Type

 Pay attention to the details in the Reports
 Understanding the details behind the reports will mean increased
collections and lowered D/O
 Payor claim habits

Set up protocols

 Control over processes and measure to the details
Collecting from the Patient
 Patient Balances
 Toughest position in your Rev Cycle
 Right people in the right job

 Follow a practice policy
 Do you see patients w/ outstanding balances ?

 Speed and efficient techniques
 Staff training and motivation
 Do not ignore small balances
Create a Successful &
Repeatable Process
And Repeat


ICD-10 Readiness
Actionable steps to get your practice ready for the October 2014 transition
ICD-10 Facts to Consider
 There are two code sets for ICD-10
 ICD-10-CM- Fee for service code set
 ICD-10-PCS- Facility code sets
 Transaction code sets were officially approved

in HIPAA Act of 1996
 Workers Compensation, auto, and personal

liability insurance are exempt from HIPAA
How To Prepare
 Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis
 Choose representative from each area of the practice
 Analysis is performed
 Readiness survey is given

 ICD-10-CM Committee should analyze all of the needs
 Identify and mitigate risks
 Create the Analysis based on results
 Classify issues by impact
Impact Analysis

Affects fundamental
Objectives will be
Can cause some negative

Very High

Can cause minor affects
Impact Analysis
 Create document to report each business

area that will need to be adjusted by:
 This will allow for better assignment of

work based on impact
 Who needs education

 Front Office
 Other Back Office Staff
 Physicians and NPP

 Recommendations for Coder Training range from 16-40

hours with a refresher in Anatomy and Physiology
Impact Analysis - Education


Very High

Coding Staff Training


Physician Training


Clinical Staff Training


All Others
What is this missing?
PRESENT HISTORY: Ms. returns to see me now one year from her operation at her midfoot. She has been doing
reasonably well in the sense that she does feel that she does have improvement of her pain relief as she had been
prior to her surgical reconstruction. I wanted to make this clear today with her and I asked her if she is better off
than she was prior to surgery and she says yes.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Examination shows that her surgical wounds look good. Her foot alignment is
neutral. She still does have complete restoration of her medial column or arch. Her tenderness is present
dorsally about the first metatarsophalangeal joint. She has equal tenderness present plantarward, which is at the
site of the FHL tendon. Now this is at the level of the proximal phalanx. She however does have good push-off
power against resistance. She has no evidence of hallux flexus deformity and no evidence of a claw toe deformity
present there.

Healed first metatarsocuneiform joint arthrodesis with osteotomy, modified McBride bunionectomy, Akin
osteotomy, second metatarsocuneiform joint arthrodesis, ostectomy medial cuneiform and navicular for bossing
with removal of loose body and anterior tibial tendon repair.

Two hallux rigidus, osteoarthritis, first metatarsophalangeal joint with flexor hallucis longus tenosynovitis plantar
grade toe.

Residual inflammation midfoot

Site and Laterality
 Most codes related to musculoskeletal conditions have

site and laterality designations.
 Site represents
 Multiple sites code

 If there is no multiple site code, multiple codes should

be used
Acute Vs. Chronic or Recurrent
 Many musculoskeletal conditions result of previous injury or

trauma to a site, or are recurrent conditions.
 Chapter 13 has
 Chronic or recurrent bone, joint, or muscle conditions

 Conditions that are the result of healed injury

 If it is difficult to determine acute or chronic, query the

 Acute injury coding is in Chapter 19

 Displaced or non-displaced
 Fracture type (2,3,or 4 part)
 What kind (greenstick, communited, transverse)

 Routine healing, delayed

healing, malunion, nonunion

 Open or closed
 Open breaks down further (Type I, II,IIIA,IIIB,IIIC)
 Salter-Harris Fractures
Sneak Peak at ICD-10-CM
824.1 Fracture of ankle; medial malleolus, open
S82.56XC Nondisplaced fracture of medial malleolus of
unspecified tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB,
S82.56XB Nondisplaced fracture of medial malleolus of
unspecified tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.53XC Displaced fracture of medial malleolus of unspecified
tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.53XB Displaced fracture of medial malleolus of unspecified
tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
Fracture Comparison
POSTOPERATIVE Left open femoral shaft fracture
 The patient is a 27-year-old female involved in a high-speed

motor vehicle accident, sustained a grade 2 open left distal
femoral shaft fracture with comminution. Femoral neck was
visualized and seen to be okay.
 X-ray showed excellent reduction.
 ICD-9 821.11
 ICD-10 S72.355B
 No grace period
 Coding based on date of service
 Premature coding

Impact Analysis - Preparedness


Very High

Practice Management


System Testing




 Practice Management Upgrades
 Temporary staffing or over time

Impact Analysis- Costs


Very High



Software Programs




Office Superbill/Encounter
 Paper Superbill/Encounter may be impossible
 Providers document in writing to be coded
 Electronic Encounter

 EMR capabilities

 Reduced revenue:
 4th Quarter of 2014 & 1st Quarter 2015
 Loss in Productivity
 Delays in reimbursement
 Increase in claims denials

Impact Analysis- Revenue
Very High

Insurance Carrier /Delays
in Claims Processing




Slow down in office flow


Holiday Season

For follow up questions feel free to contact
Andy Salmen, Business Development HIS
P: (847) 720-7007
E: asalmen@healthinfoservice.com

350 S. Northwest Highway, Suite 200
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
(855) RING-HIS

More Related Content

Protecting and Maximizing Your Orthopedic Revenue Cycle in 2014

  • 1. Protecting and Maximizing your Revenue Cycle in 2014 2014 Coding and Fee Schedule Updates, Revenue Cycle Management Strategies and ICD-10
  • 2. HIS is a Physician management organization that specializes in managing the revenue cycle for Orthopaedic practices. HIS has over 20 years of experience partnering with Orthopaedic practices. We have earned the trust of our clients and we are viewed as experts and leaders in the Orthopaedic community. HIS is an organization that partners with Orthopaedic practices to maximize reimbursements, increase workflow efficiency, ensure compliance and improve overall profitability 2
  • 3. 2014 Coding and Fee Schedule Update Stay up to date and compliant to protect your Revenue Cycle in 2014
  • 4. 2014 Coding and Fee Schedule Updates Revisions to CPT tumor codes Coding Changes Shoulder and Elbow New Category III codes CMS Final Rule changes 2014 NCCI Policy Changes 2014 E&M Audits 4
  • 5. Revision to Subcutaneous Soft Tissue Tumors All sub-sections of 20000s have revisions to these CPT速 codes Clarifies that these tumors are in the soft tissue below the skin. 5
  • 6. 2014 CPT Revision Example of malignant neoplasm has been removed from all codes for radical resection of a tumor and replaced with sarcoma. 24077- Radical resection of tumor (eg, malignant neoplasm sarcoma), soft tissue of forearm and/or wrist area; less than 3 cm 6
  • 7. 2014 CPT Changes 23333- Removal of foreign body, shoulder; deep 23334- Removal of prosthesis, included debridement and synovectomy when performed; humeral or glenoid component 23335- humeral and glenoid components Removal should only be billed if not being replaced 7
  • 8. Shoulder Prosthesis Deleted 23331, 23332- old codes needed update Technique changed- removal more difficult Replaced with 23333- Removal of foreign body deep (below fascia and/or intramuscular 23334- Removal of prosthesis, humeral or glenoid component- debridement and synovectomy included 23335- Removal of prosthesis, humeral and glenoid components (total shoulder) 8
  • 9. Elbow Prosthesis Removal RUC requested 24160 code description be revised. 24160 and 24164 describe prosthesis vs. implant Current method of elbow arthroplasty includes the use of cement which makes removal more difficult Special machines are needed for removal 9
  • 10. 2014 Category III Additions 0334T- Sacroiliac joint stabilization for arthrodesis, percutaneous or minimally invasive(indirect visualization), includes obtaining and applying autograft or allograft when performed, includes image guidance (CT or fluoro) when performed Several parentheticals that note to use this code for percutaneous arthrodesis 0335T-Extra-osseous subtalar joint implant for talotarsal stabilization 10
  • 11. CMS Physician Fee for Service Final Rule 2014 Misvalued Codes: Consistent with amendments made by the Affordable Care Act, CMS has been engaged in a vigorous effort over the past several years to identify and review potentially misvalued codes, and make adjustments where appropriate. We are continuing to make strides as the values for around 200 codes were finalized and approximately 200 additional codes had their work relative value units changed on an interim basis for 2014. Included in these are services for hip and knee replacements, mental health services and GI endoscopy services. These rates are open for public comment until January 27, 2014. http://www.cms.gov/Newsroom/MediaReleaseDatabase/Fact- Sheets/2013-Fact-Sheets-Items/2013-11-272.html?DLPage=1&DLSort=0&DLSortDir=descending 11
  • 12. Hip and Knee Arthroplasty 27130, 27447- CMS High Expenditure 27446- Harvard-valued service annual approved charges exceed $10 million Methods have changed causing this to be possibly misvalued 12
  • 14. 2014 Final Rule Code Description 2013 2014 27130 Total Hip $1,662.85 $1,581.00 27447 Total Knee $1,774.92 $1,579.89 76942 Ultrasound Guidance $220.46 14 $78.71
  • 15. 2014 NCCI Policy Manual http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/NationalCorrectCodInitEd/index.htm l?redirect=/nationalcorrectcodinited/ 15
  • 16. 2014 Chapter 4 Page IV- 6 4. With the exception of the knee joint, arthroscopic debridement should not be reported separately with a surgical arthroscopy procedure when performed on the same joint at the same patient encounter. For knee joint arthroscopic debridement see the following paragraph. 16
  • 17. 2014 Chapter 4 Page IV-7 6. Arthroscopic synovectomy of the knee may be reported with CPT codes 29875 (limited synovectomy, separate procedure) or 29876 (major synovectomy of two or three compartments). A synovectomy to clean up a joint on which another more extensive procedure is performed is not separately reportable. CPT code 29875 should never be reported with another arthroscopic knee procedure on the ipsilateral knee. CPT code 29876 may be reported for a medically reasonable and necessary synovectomy with another arthroscopic knee procedure on the ipsilateral knee if the synovectomy is performed in two compartments on which another arthroscopic procedure is not performed. For example, CPT code 29876 should never be reported for a major synovectomy with CPT code 29880 (knee arthroscopy, medial AND lateral meniscectomy) on the ipsilateral knee since knee arthroscopic procedures other than synovectomy are performed in two of the three knee compartments 17
  • 18. 2014 Chapter 4Page IV- 10 14. If a single cast, strapping, or splint treats multiple closed fractures without manipulation, only one closed fracture treatment without manipulation CPT code may be reported. Additionally, if a single cast, strapping, or splint treats multiple fractures without manipulation in addition to one or more fracture(s) with manipulation, a closed fracture without manipulation CPT code should not be reported separately. These policies also apply to the closed treatment of multiple fractures not requiring application of a cast, strapping, or splint. If a cast, strapping, or splint applied after an open or percutaneous treatment of a fracture also treats a closed fracture without manipulation, a closed fracture without manipulation CPT code should not be reported separately. 18
  • 19. CMS Allows 97 Extended HPI with 95 Guidelines September 27th, 2013 Effective Sept. 10, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has revised its Evaluation and Management (E/M) Documentation Guidelines (DG), to allow physicians to use the 1997 DG for an extended history of present illness (HPI) with the other elements of the 1995 DG to document an E/M service. As a result, the status of three or more chronic conditions qualifies as an Extended HPI for either set of DGs. The revised guideline is presented as a Question and Answer on the CMS website: 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. Whos Looking OIG CMS-CERT, RAC Cigna Humana Workers Compensation 21
  • 22. NGS Prepay Audits Current procedural terminology (CPT) codes 99205 and 99215 are in the top 15 codes identified for improper payment rates. If one of your claims is selected for review, you will receive an Additional Documentation Request (ADR) letter. You will have 30 days from the date of the ADR to submit the requested documentation www.ngsmedicare.com Part B New Article October 1, 2013 22
  • 23. New Patient Visits 2011 Orthopaedics 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 1 2 3 23 4 5
  • 24. Established Patient Visits 2011 Orthopaedics 6000000 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 1 2 3 24 4 5
  • 25. Purpose of Auditing Bills are accurately coded and accurately reflect the services provided (as documented in the medical records); Documentation is being completed correctly; Services or items provided are reasonable and necessary; and Any incentives for unnecessary services exist. 25
  • 26. What to Audit How many records reviewed per provider? Medicare or All patients Prospective not Retrospective 26
  • 27. Reporting Results Document findings and keep as permanent records Medical Records Summary Information shared with Provider(s) Spreadsheet 27
  • 28. After the Audit Create protocol Determine training means Mandate Training 28
  • 29. Provider Training In Person (one-on-one) Webinar/Module Newsletter/Worksheet 29
  • 32. 4 Critical Functions of Your Revenue Cycle that Cannot be Ignored
  • 33. Customer Service & Satisfaction Customer service Patient focused effort Managing Patient expectations and complaints 33
  • 34. Front End Strategy Time of Service Collections Pre-Cert and Authorizations Pre-Verification Scheduling Patient phone call management Inbound and outbound 34
  • 35. Optimal Coding ICD-9 (10) and CPT selection Documentation Appeals Measuring Audits 35
  • 36. Education & Training Certified Coders One on One Relationship with physician Open communication Physician training ICD-10 36
  • 37. Charge Capture & Reconciliation System of accountability Every service rendered accounted for and billed Reconciliation Frequent reconciliation with multiple check points through out your revenue cycle Missing Encounter report Including DME Inventory management Ensure everything is billed and accounted for Cost of goods analysis Strategic Audits 37
  • 38. Developing a complete Accounts Receivable Strategy Thorough understanding of your payors Know Your Contracts Credentialing and revalidation Certification and Pre-Authorization Requirements Timelines relative to submission and appeals Contract rates and payment adherence Reimbursement Tracking Fee schedule changes Are your rates competitive with the prevalence of transparency in cost 38
  • 39. Developing a complete Accounts Receivable Strategy Managing Insurance Denials Consistent methods, efficient protocols and resolution Denial Trending What are you doing with that information ? Identify systemic issues Rectify and route to appropriate personnel 39
  • 40. Establish your A/R Assembly Line Detailed Management of the A/R CPI (Critical Performance Indicators) Reporting and Trending By Payor By Physician By Service Type Pay attention to the details in the Reports Understanding the details behind the reports will mean increased collections and lowered D/O Payor claim habits Set up protocols Control over processes and measure to the details 40
  • 41. Collecting from the Patient Patient Balances Toughest position in your Rev Cycle Right people in the right job Follow a practice policy Do you see patients w/ outstanding balances ? Speed and efficient techniques Staff training and motivation Do not ignore small balances 41
  • 42. Create a Successful & Repeatable Process Measure Manage Modify And Repeat 42
  • 44. ICD-10 Readiness Actionable steps to get your practice ready for the October 2014 transition
  • 45. ICD-10 Facts to Consider There are two code sets for ICD-10 ICD-10-CM- Fee for service code set ICD-10-PCS- Facility code sets Transaction code sets were officially approved in HIPAA Act of 1996 CPT,ICD-9, HCPCS Workers Compensation, auto, and personal liability insurance are exempt from HIPAA 45
  • 46. How To Prepare Impact Analysis Education Costs Preparedness Revenue 46
  • 47. Impact Analysis Choose representative from each area of the practice Analysis is performed Readiness survey is given ICD-10-CM Committee should analyze all of the needs Identify and mitigate risks Create the Analysis based on results Classify issues by impact 47
  • 48. Impact Analysis Impact Definition Affects fundamental functions Objectives will be accomplished Can cause some negative affects Very High High Moderate Low Can cause minor affects 48
  • 49. Impact Analysis Create document to report each business area that will need to be adjusted by: Policy Process System This will allow for better assignment of work based on impact 49
  • 50. Education Who needs education Everyone Administrative Front Office Clinical Coders Other Back Office Staff Physicians and NPP Recommendations for Coder Training range from 16-40 hours with a refresher in Anatomy and Physiology 50
  • 51. Impact Analysis - Education Impact Definition Very High Coding Staff Training High Physician Training Moderate Clinical Staff Training Low All Others 51
  • 52. What is this missing? PRESENT HISTORY: Ms. returns to see me now one year from her operation at her midfoot. She has been doing reasonably well in the sense that she does feel that she does have improvement of her pain relief as she had been prior to her surgical reconstruction. I wanted to make this clear today with her and I asked her if she is better off than she was prior to surgery and she says yes. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Examination shows that her surgical wounds look good. Her foot alignment is neutral. She still does have complete restoration of her medial column or arch. Her tenderness is present dorsally about the first metatarsophalangeal joint. She has equal tenderness present plantarward, which is at the site of the FHL tendon. Now this is at the level of the proximal phalanx. She however does have good push-off power against resistance. She has no evidence of hallux flexus deformity and no evidence of a claw toe deformity present there. IMPRESSION: Healed first metatarsocuneiform joint arthrodesis with osteotomy, modified McBride bunionectomy, Akin osteotomy, second metatarsocuneiform joint arthrodesis, ostectomy medial cuneiform and navicular for bossing with removal of loose body and anterior tibial tendon repair. Two hallux rigidus, osteoarthritis, first metatarsophalangeal joint with flexor hallucis longus tenosynovitis plantar grade toe. Residual inflammation midfoot 52
  • 53. Site and Laterality Most codes related to musculoskeletal conditions have site and laterality designations. Site represents Bone Joint Muscle Multiple sites code If there is no multiple site code, multiple codes should be used 53
  • 54. Acute Vs. Chronic or Recurrent Many musculoskeletal conditions result of previous injury or trauma to a site, or are recurrent conditions. Chapter 13 has Chronic or recurrent bone, joint, or muscle conditions Conditions that are the result of healed injury If it is difficult to determine acute or chronic, query the provider Acute injury coding is in Chapter 19 54
  • 55. Fractures Displaced or non-displaced Fracture type (2,3,or 4 part) What kind (greenstick, communited, transverse) Routine healing, delayed healing, malunion, nonunion Open or closed Open breaks down further (Type I, II,IIIA,IIIB,IIIC) Salter-Harris Fractures 55
  • 56. Sneak Peak at ICD-10-CM 824.1 Fracture of ankle; medial malleolus, open S82.56XC Nondisplaced fracture of medial malleolus of unspecified tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC S82.56XB Nondisplaced fracture of medial malleolus of unspecified tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II S82.53XC Displaced fracture of medial malleolus of unspecified tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC S82.53XB Displaced fracture of medial malleolus of unspecified tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II 56
  • 57. Fracture Comparison POSTOPERATIVE Left open femoral shaft fracture INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: The patient is a 27-year-old female involved in a high-speed motor vehicle accident, sustained a grade 2 open left distal femoral shaft fracture with comminution. Femoral neck was visualized and seen to be okay. X-ray showed excellent reduction. ICD-9 821.11 ICD-10 S72.355B 57
  • 58. Preparedness No grace period Coding based on date of service Premature coding Testing 58
  • 59. Impact Analysis - Preparedness Impact Definition Very High Practice Management System High System Testing Moderate Pre-Coding Low EHR 59
  • 60. Costs Training Practice Management Upgrades Temporary staffing or over time 60
  • 61. Impact Analysis- Costs Impact Definition Very High Training High Software Programs Moderate Staffing Low Encounters/Superbills 61
  • 62. Office Superbill/Encounter Paper Superbill/Encounter may be impossible Providers document in writing to be coded Electronic Encounter EMR capabilities 62
  • 63. Revenue Reduced revenue: 4th Quarter of 2014 & 1st Quarter 2015 Loss in Productivity Delays in reimbursement Increase in claims denials 63
  • 64. Impact Analysis- Revenue Impact Very High Definition Insurance Carrier /Delays in Claims Processing High Staffing Moderate Slow down in office flow Low Holiday Season 64
  • 66. For follow up questions feel free to contact us: Andy Salmen, Business Development HIS P: (847) 720-7007 E: asalmen@healthinfoservice.com www.HealthInfoService.com 350 S. Northwest Highway, Suite 200 Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 (855) RING-HIS 66

Editor's Notes

  • #38: Everything that is Scheduled, Ordered, Performed is Billed for and billed accurately.