The document discusses using the HTML5 canvas element to render graphics and build games. It explains that the canvas renders to a bitmap and provides a low-level API for drawing. It recommends using buffers to improve performance by saving rendered states. Buffers allow redrawing only updated portions each frame rather than everything. The document also discusses techniques for collision detection, preprocessing sprites, and implementing a basic render cycle with layers.
Malta Ltd Company Formation - A Walk Through - 2014 - Acumum Legal & AdvisoryAcumum - Legal & Advisory
The document provides information on registering a company in Malta. It notes that limited liability companies are the most popular structure and outlines the registration process, which typically takes 6-8 days. It also discusses company name requirements, the memorandum and articles of association, minimum share capital requirements, registration costs, and ongoing annual costs and compliance obligations.
This document provides information about resources for learning Scala for beginners. It lists the title of a beginner's guide to Scala book, two Scala books available on Amazon, the Scala School website, a blog post about Scala and IT, a website with information about Scala, and Twitter hashtags and handles for connecting with the Scala community in Akasaka including meetings tagged #rpscala and #akskscala and the handle @gkojax.
0% tax - how significant tax savings can occur using Malta's Remittance System
A legitimate low tax EU jurisdiction.
5% effective corporate tax rate, no withholding, capital gains or entry or exit taxes. No inheritance or wealth taxes.
This document compares the parallel programming support in Haskell, F#, and Scala by looking at their language features, high-level abstractions for parallelism, and experimental results from implementing the n-body problem on multi-core systems. It finds that all three languages provide good support for parallelism through features like parallel collections, tasks, actors, and strategies/skeletons. Haskell uses the par and pseq primitives as well as evaluation strategies. F# utilizes tasks from the Task Parallel Library and async workflows. Scala supports parallel collections and actors. Experimental results on implementing the n-body problem in the languages show they can all effectively utilize multiple cores.
The history of photography began in the 15th century with the camera obscura. In the 19th century, Nicephore Niepce created the first permanent photograph in 1826 and the daguerreotype process was announced in 1839. Major developments included the calotype process by Henry Talbot in 1841, wet plate collodion by Frederick Scott Archer in 1851, and roll film technology by George Eastman in 1888 that led to the popular Kodak camera. The first digital camera was invented in 1988.
An overview of the laws and fiscal benefits of using Malta as an EU tax efficient jurisdiction for asset structuring, trusts and investment vehicles.
A legitimate low tax EU jurisdiction.
5% effective corporate tax rate, no withholding, capital gains or entry or exit taxes. No inheritance or wealth taxes.
The document provides an overview of the operational and statutory requirements for obtaining a remote gaming license in Malta. It outlines 19 documents/policies that must be submitted as part of the license application process, including requirements for a Maltese company registration, memorandum and articles of association, business entity information form, various IT and security policies, human resources documents, financial accounting procedures, and business continuity plans. It then provides details on the content and purpose of each required document to demonstrate compliance with Malta's gaming licensing rules and regulations.
This document compares the parallel programming support in Haskell, F#, and Scala by looking at their language features, high-level abstractions for parallelism, and experimental results from implementing the n-body problem on multi-core systems. It finds that all three languages provide good support for parallelism through features like parallel collections, tasks, actors, and strategies/skeletons. Haskell uses the par and pseq primitives as well as evaluation strategies. F# utilizes tasks from the Task Parallel Library and async workflows. Scala supports parallel collections and actors. Experimental results on implementing the n-body problem in the languages show they can all effectively utilize multiple cores.
The history of photography began in the 15th century with the camera obscura. In the 19th century, Nicephore Niepce created the first permanent photograph in 1826 and the daguerreotype process was announced in 1839. Major developments included the calotype process by Henry Talbot in 1841, wet plate collodion by Frederick Scott Archer in 1851, and roll film technology by George Eastman in 1888 that led to the popular Kodak camera. The first digital camera was invented in 1988.
An overview of the laws and fiscal benefits of using Malta as an EU tax efficient jurisdiction for asset structuring, trusts and investment vehicles.
A legitimate low tax EU jurisdiction.
5% effective corporate tax rate, no withholding, capital gains or entry or exit taxes. No inheritance or wealth taxes.
The document provides an overview of the operational and statutory requirements for obtaining a remote gaming license in Malta. It outlines 19 documents/policies that must be submitted as part of the license application process, including requirements for a Maltese company registration, memorandum and articles of association, business entity information form, various IT and security policies, human resources documents, financial accounting procedures, and business continuity plans. It then provides details on the content and purpose of each required document to demonstrate compliance with Malta's gaming licensing rules and regulations.