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Studio XID

Exceptionally Intelligent Design
Lean Prototyping: 
襦 企至 蟾?
Mar 26th, Tony Kim
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
Tony Kim, 蟾
 Studio XID 
CEO, Captain Design
Interaction Designer
 Naver China
UX Manager

Industrial Design
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
覘 ?
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
郁規 企
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C4
Original source: http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Captain_America/Gallery
Captain Design
襦  襷れ伎狩蟾? 
企至 襷れ伎狩蟾?
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
襦 譬襯
 螳 焔: Lo-Fi vs. Mid-Fi vs. Hi-Fi

  覿: Static vs. Working (Interactive)

 蠍郁: Throwaway vs. Evolutionary

 蟲 : Behavioral (Skin) vs. Structural (Bone)
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
るジ  一覓手骸 觜蟲
7 Source: http://grahamtodman.co.uk/blog/category/sketches/
れ豺 (Sketch)
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C8 Source: http://www.strangesystems.net/archives/2005/03/using_wireframe.php
覃伎り (Wireframe)
るジ  一覓手骸 觜蟲
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C9 Source: http://www.ac4d.com/2013/09/28/heartline-a-lifeline-to-your-loved-ones-storyboard/
ろ襴覲企 (Storyboard)
るジ  一覓手骸 觜蟲
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C10 Source: http://www.seekoften.com/portfolio/web/modern-website-mockup-in-photoshop.php
覈 (Mockup, Design)
るジ  一覓手骸 觜蟲
Prototyping for Lean UX - NEXT
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
 螳 焔: Lo-Fi vs. Mid-Fi vs. Hi-Fi

  覿: Static vs. Working (Interactive)

 蠍郁: Throwaway vs. Evolutionary

 蟲 : Behavioral (Skin) vs. Structural (Bone)
 れ 觜るゼ 
企至 誤螻 蟾?
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
Waterfall UX 襦語
14 Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Waterfall_model_revised.svg
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
Lean UX 襦語
15 Source: http://welovelean.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/10-things-ive-learnt-about-lean-startup/
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
Lean UX 襦語
16 Source: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/03/07/lean-ux-getting-out-of-the-deliverables-business/
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
Lean vs. Waterfall
17 Source: http://irfanebrahim.com/2014/11/02/waterfall-vs-agile-vs-lean-explained-in-1-picture/
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
磯Μ 覈 Lean朱 螳!
Lean Waterfall
Source: Result from 1:1 interviews on June, July in 2014
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
Lean UX 一覓
19 Source: Result from 1:1 interviews on June, July in 2014
磯Μ 覃伎り襯
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
 一覓殊  る






UX 郁規
UI 企
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
蟲蠍  一覓



Prototyping for Lean UX - NEXT
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
蟲蠍  一覓
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
蠍一 襦 蠏覈
24 Source: http://wallpaperszoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/turtle-eating-strawberry.jpg
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
蟲蠍 襦
 蠍 蠍磯ル 襷

  讌  伎 

 るジ 讌蟲郁骸 , 企 覲願

 襦覿一 朱覦
襦危 蠎 伎狩蟾?
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
 れ 覲
Page base
Object base
Sensor aid
 By Apple
 Page transition
 Page level hierarchy
 By Google
 Layer concept
 By Facebook
 Contextual input
 Sensor signal

= Selling Point
Facebook Paper

= 企危壱

= 谿覲 
Facebook Paper
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
2谿 螻糾 螻
31 Source: Wireframe for Naver Japanese dictionary handwriting feature
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
願屋覦? 襦!
 86% 企れ  UIり覲企 
 誤磯 り 企れ .*
 碁 伎 蟾?
32 * How designers design and program behaviours, HCII, CMU, Brad A. Myers, 2008
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
碁 襦危
 誤磯 蟲 誤磯 殊蠍磯 誤磯
覃伎り 襦危
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
るΜ螳覩 Origami
34 Source: http://www.grapefruit.ro/ideas/designing-killer-mobile-apps-prototype-story/
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
企┯ Framer
35 Source: http://framerjs.com/static/images/home/ss-framer.jpg
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
曙語危 Pixate
36 Source: http://www.grapefruit.ro/ideas/designing-killer-mobile-apps-prototype-story/
Close Beta: 2015 4
襦危 る?
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
誤磯 覿
39 Source: http://microinteractions.com/what-is-a-microinteraction/
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C40 Source: http://billwscott.com/share/DragAndDropModules-InterestingMoments.pdf
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
覿 讌: 螳
41 Source: http://cubic-bezier.com/
studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C
襦危 る癌
  蠍磯 襷れ. 

 覓語 企. 蠏碁る慨螻 襷れ企慨.

  語  朱 襦危企慨.
 豢 伎 覯渚伎蟾讌 螻 . 

 Mid-Fi Hi-Fi襯  讌 伎 襷 螻襯伎.
(轟, 蠏碁渚  + 襦危 )

 誤磯 覿危 一
Tony Kim | CEO, Caption Design of Studio XID | tony@studioxid.com

Q & A

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Prototyping for Lean UX - NEXT

  • 1. Studio XID Exceptionally Intelligent Design Lean Prototyping: 襦語れ 襦 企至 蟾? Mar 26th, Tony Kim
  • 2. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C Tony Kim, 蟾 2 Studio XID CEO, Captain Design Google Interaction Designer Naver China UX Manager KAIST Industrial Design
  • 3. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 覘 ? 3 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 郁規 企
  • 4. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C4 Original source: http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Captain_America/Gallery Captain Design
  • 5. 襦 襷れ伎狩蟾? 企至 襷れ伎狩蟾?
  • 6. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 襦 譬襯 螳 焔: Lo-Fi vs. Mid-Fi vs. Hi-Fi 覿: Static vs. Working (Interactive) 蠍郁: Throwaway vs. Evolutionary 蟲 : Behavioral (Skin) vs. Structural (Bone) 6
  • 7. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C るジ 一覓手骸 觜蟲 7 Source: http://grahamtodman.co.uk/blog/category/sketches/ れ豺 (Sketch)
  • 8. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C8 Source: http://www.strangesystems.net/archives/2005/03/using_wireframe.php 覃伎り (Wireframe) るジ 一覓手骸 觜蟲
  • 9. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C9 Source: http://www.ac4d.com/2013/09/28/heartline-a-lifeline-to-your-loved-ones-storyboard/ ろ襴覲企 (Storyboard) るジ 一覓手骸 觜蟲
  • 10. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C10 Source: http://www.seekoften.com/portfolio/web/modern-website-mockup-in-photoshop.php 覈 (Mockup, Design) るジ 一覓手骸 觜蟲
  • 12. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 襦語れ 襦 螳 焔: Lo-Fi vs. Mid-Fi vs. Hi-Fi 覿: Static vs. Working (Interactive) 蠍郁: Throwaway vs. Evolutionary 蟲 : Behavioral (Skin) vs. Structural (Bone) 12
  • 13. れ 觜るゼ 企至 誤螻 蟾?
  • 14. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C Waterfall UX 襦語 14 Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Waterfall_model_revised.svg
  • 15. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C Lean UX 襦語 15 Source: http://welovelean.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/10-things-ive-learnt-about-lean-startup/
  • 16. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C Lean UX 襦語 16 Source: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/03/07/lean-ux-getting-out-of-the-deliverables-business/
  • 17. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C Lean vs. Waterfall 17 Source: http://irfanebrahim.com/2014/11/02/waterfall-vs-agile-vs-lean-explained-in-1-picture/
  • 18. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 磯Μ 覈 Lean朱 螳! 18 Lean Waterfall Source: Result from 1:1 interviews on June, July in 2014
  • 19. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C Lean UX 一覓 19 Source: Result from 1:1 interviews on June, July in 2014 磯Μ 覃伎り襯 讌
  • 20. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 一覓殊 る 20 貉 蠍磯レ 襴 覃伎り 覃企 襦 PM Designer 蠍壱, UX 郁規 UI 企
  • 21. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 蟲蠍 一覓 21 Sketch (Lo-Fi) Mockup (Hi-Fi) Prototype (Hi-Fi)
  • 23. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 蟲蠍 一覓 23
  • 24. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 蠍一 襦 蠏覈 24 Source: http://wallpaperszoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/turtle-eating-strawberry.jpg
  • 25. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 蟲蠍 襦 蠍 蠍磯ル 襷 讌 伎 貉るる貅伎 るジ 讌蟲郁骸 , 企 覲願 襦覿一 朱覦 25
  • 27. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C れ 覲 27 Page base Interaction Object base Interaction Sensor aid Interaction By Apple Page transition Page level hierarchy By Google Layer concept Z-index By Facebook Contextual input Sensor signal
  • 31. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 2谿 螻糾 螻 31 Source: Wireframe for Naver Japanese dictionary handwriting feature
  • 32. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 願屋覦? 襦! 86% 企れ UIり覲企 誤磯 り 企れ .* 碁 伎 蟾? 32 * How designers design and program behaviours, HCII, CMU, Brad A. Myers, 2008
  • 33. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 碁 襦危 33 誤磯 蟲 誤磯 殊蠍磯 誤磯 覃伎り 襦危
  • 34. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C るΜ螳覩 Origami 34 Source: http://www.grapefruit.ro/ideas/designing-killer-mobile-apps-prototype-story/
  • 35. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 企┯ Framer 35 Source: http://framerjs.com/static/images/home/ss-framer.jpg
  • 36. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 曙語危 Pixate 36 Source: http://www.grapefruit.ro/ideas/designing-killer-mobile-apps-prototype-story/
  • 39. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 誤磯 覿 39 Source: http://microinteractions.com/what-is-a-microinteraction/
  • 40. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C40 Source: http://billwscott.com/share/DragAndDropModules-InterestingMoments.pdf
  • 41. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 覿 讌: 螳 41 Source: http://cubic-bezier.com/
  • 42.
  • 43. studioXID all right reserved 2015copyright C 襦危 る癌 蠍磯 襷れ. 覓語 企. 蠏碁る慨螻 襷れ企慨. 語 朱 襦危企慨. 豢 伎 覯渚伎蟾讌 螻 . Mid-Fi Hi-Fi襯 讌 伎 襷 螻襯伎. (轟, 蠏碁渚 + 襦危 ) 誤磯 覿危 一 43
  • 44. Tony Kim | CEO, Caption Design of Studio XID | tony@studioxid.com 螳. Q & A