This document contains two certificates. The first is a provisional certificate certifying that [Name] obtained a degree from the National University appearing at the 2009 degree examination and was placed in the second division. The second document is a marks certificate showing the marks obtained by [Name] in various subjects, with a total of 1,608 marks, placing them in the second division. Both certificates are from the National University in Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University in Dinajpur, Bangladesh issued a provisional certificate to a student who successfully completed the approved course of studies for a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the faculty of business studies in 2011 with a CGPA of 3.37 out of 4. The provisional certificate serves as proof of degree completion until the original certificate is received.
The documents provide academic records and credentials for Md. Abdul Hai. They include:
1) A certificate of registration from the Ontario Institute of Agrologists registering Abdul Hai as an Agrologist with registration number 3096.
2) Transcripts from Bangladesh Agricultural University documenting Abdul Hai's completion of a Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry (Honours) in 1982 and a Master of Science in Poultry Science in 2004.
3) Certificates conferring degrees from Bangladesh Agricultural University, including a Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry (Honours) awarded in 1982 and a Master of Science in Poultry Science awarded in 2004.
Mohammad Kaif Anwar has fulfilled the requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Textile Engineering from Daffodil International University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.53 out of 4.0. This provisional certificate recognizes his achievement pending approval from the university's Academic Council, and must be surrendered when obtaining the original certificate.
The document is a provisional certificate from Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It certifies that Md. AIAmin, with registration number 111260411, has completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a CGPA of 3.25 on a 4.00 scale. The certificate was prepared by the registrar and verified by the controller of examinations of the university.
This document is a certificate from the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Comilla, Bangladesh. It certifies that the student passed the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination in May-June 2005 and earned a GPA of 4.6 out of 5.0. The certificate is issued without any alterations to verify the student's results from the examination held in 2005.
This document contains random characters and does not convey any coherent information. It is impossible to provide a meaningful summary as there is no essential information or high-level ideas contained within the text. The document appears to be gibberish without substance or meaning.
This document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize. It appears to be random characters without any coherent words, sentences, or ideas. A proper summary cannot be generated from this input.
This document is a certificate from the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It certifies that Razeeb Robert Rozario, son of Rafael Rozario and Ujjala Rozario, studying at Banani Bidyaniketon in Dhaka, passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination in 2002 in the Business Studies group with a GPA of 4.50 out of 5.00. His date of birth is recorded as the 10th of August 1987. The certificate is signed by the Controller of Examinations and dated the 3rd of July 2002, indicating the date the exam results were published.
This document appears to be an official university transcript for Yvette Zmaila. It lists her educational history, including multiple degrees completed - a Master of Science in Counseling and Educational Psychology from UNLV in 1991, a Master of Education in Educational Administration & Higher Education from UNLV in 1987, a Juris Doctor from UNLV in 2003, and a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Arizona in 1990. It provides grades, credit hours, and GPAs for each semester in each program.
- This transcript is for Stephen J. Legleiter, who earned an Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Studies from Barton County Community College in 2009.
- Mr. Legleiter transferred 51 credit hours from Harold Washington College and Ace Guide Service School.
- At Barton County Community College, Mr. Legleiter completed 56 credit hours with a GPA of 2.93, earning several honors including Dean's List and Good Standing.
The document is a provisional certificate from Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It certifies that Md. AIAmin, with registration number 111260411, has completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a CGPA of 3.25 on a 4.00 scale. The certificate was prepared by the registrar and verified by the controller of examinations of the university.
This document is a certificate from the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Comilla, Bangladesh. It certifies that the student passed the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination in May-June 2005 and earned a GPA of 4.6 out of 5.0. The certificate is issued without any alterations to verify the student's results from the examination held in 2005.
This document contains random characters and does not convey any coherent information. It is impossible to provide a meaningful summary as there is no essential information or high-level ideas contained within the text. The document appears to be gibberish without substance or meaning.
This document does not contain any meaningful information to summarize. It appears to be random characters without any coherent words, sentences, or ideas. A proper summary cannot be generated from this input.
This document is a certificate from the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It certifies that Razeeb Robert Rozario, son of Rafael Rozario and Ujjala Rozario, studying at Banani Bidyaniketon in Dhaka, passed the Secondary School Certificate Examination in 2002 in the Business Studies group with a GPA of 4.50 out of 5.00. His date of birth is recorded as the 10th of August 1987. The certificate is signed by the Controller of Examinations and dated the 3rd of July 2002, indicating the date the exam results were published.
This document appears to be an official university transcript for Yvette Zmaila. It lists her educational history, including multiple degrees completed - a Master of Science in Counseling and Educational Psychology from UNLV in 1991, a Master of Education in Educational Administration & Higher Education from UNLV in 1987, a Juris Doctor from UNLV in 2003, and a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Arizona in 1990. It provides grades, credit hours, and GPAs for each semester in each program.
- This transcript is for Stephen J. Legleiter, who earned an Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Studies from Barton County Community College in 2009.
- Mr. Legleiter transferred 51 credit hours from Harold Washington College and Ace Guide Service School.
- At Barton County Community College, Mr. Legleiter completed 56 credit hours with a GPA of 2.93, earning several honors including Dean's List and Good Standing.
This academic transcript summarizes the Bachelor of Commerce degree completed by Neil Robinson at the University of Melbourne in 2013. He majored in Accounting and Marketing and completed his degree in December 2013. Over the course of his studies from 2011-2013, Neil achieved strong marks ranging from H1 to H2B and received the AG Whitlam Scholarship in 2011.
This document provides the academic transcript for Karra Subhash. It shows that he studied at St. Mary's High School in Jangaon. It lists the subjects he was examined in for his intermediate exams in June 2011. It provides the maximum marks for each subject, as well as the marks he scored in each subject. His overall aggregate for the exam was 378 out of 500.
Mohit Sharma has completed his Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from Kurukshetra University. Over the course of 7 semesters, he has obtained a total of 869 marks out of 1175 marks in his final semester examinations. He has consistently scored above the minimum passing marks in all of his subjects. The certificates provided are a testament to his good academic performance and industrial training experience during his degree.
This document is an academic transcript for Phap Thi Thuyet Ha from Can Tho University. It summarizes his grades and credits earned over 8 semesters of study in the Mathematics Teacher Education program from 2006-2010. The transcript shows the courses taken each semester, the credits earned, and the grades received. Overall, Phap achieved high grades, with semester grade point averages ranging from 3.25 to 4.00 out of 4.00. The transcript certifies that Phap has completed the requirements for his degree.
This document is an academic transcript for Wisam Al Joher that summarizes his coursework and grades from Houston Community College. It lists the courses he took in the Spring 2011 semester, including English, safety/health, and petroleum industry courses. It also provides his grades (all A's), grade point average (4.0), and cumulative credits earned. The transcript provides information on the college's accreditation and policies regarding grades, academic standing, and graduation honors.
This document is a certificate and marks sheet for a student who took the High School Examination in 2007. It provides the student's roll number, name (Raj Kumari), parents' names (Chameli Devi and Om Kar), and date of birth (05 March 1991). The certificate indicates the student passed the exam from Atma Ram Inter College in Ballia, Bareilly with third division. The student's marks in the passed subjects of Hindi, English, Home Science, Science, Social Science, and Drawing are listed, with a total of 245 out of 600. The overall result is listed as "PASSED WITH GRACE" and the certificate is issued and signed by the secretary on 05 June 2007 in Allah
James Cook University conferred a Master of Social Work (Professional Qualifying) degree on Stephen Graham Brown on 20 May 2011. The degree certification was issued under the university seal and signed by the Vice-Chancellor and President of the university. The graduation statement details the subjects completed, exemptions granted, and confirms that Stephen achieved a total of 48 credit points to fulfill the requirements for the degree.
This transcript is for Tyler Andrew Rocke. It details his coursework and degree progress at Longwood University from Summer 2014 through Spring 2016. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology with a minor in History. His overall GPA was 3.357. He completed 122 credit hours, maintained good academic standing, and graduated with honors (cum laude).
The transcript is for Christian L Knighton and shows their coursework and grades from City College Fort Lauderdale over multiple terms. It indicates they earned an Associate of Science in Allied Health with a major in Medical Assisting in 2011 and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Project Management in 2014. Their cumulative GPA for both programs was 3.69. The transcript provides a record of all courses taken, credits attempted and earned, grades received, and term and cumulative GPAs.
1. T
Gazipur, Bangladesh
II #
NUCU: 09-11-007189
Roll No.
Regn.No. :591.1.9?.9.
Session : 2005-06
T'fiis is to certify tkat
okaineltde 'Degree of Q^Mm
from tfiis University appearing at the degree {Tass) Examination of 2009
and that he/she wasplaced in the &eomd division.
University Buildings
Gazipur, Bangladesh
Date :Apri!03^2011^^_
rControSer of'贈xaminations
N.B. This provisional certificate muet be surrendered at ttie time of talcing delivery of original certificate.
2. f t N A T I < m * l U N [ V [ R S l T Y N A I I O N A l U N H r i ( 1 5 1 T y N 束 T 1 0 N A l U N I V E f t S 1 T y H A T 1 0 N A L U N I V E " S l T y N A I ) O N A L U N I V 贈 R S [ T y NAIIONALUNIVERSITY N A T 10 N AIU N IV E RS IT T H AT ION A L U N TV E US [ T Y N A T IO N AIU H IV 贈 R SIT V N A T [O N A L U NIV 贈 RSIT r
National University
Gazipur, Bangladesh . NUCU: 09-11-007189
SL. NO. NUDMC 82 58 4 1 9
Marks Certificate
T o t a l Marks ( I n c l u d i n g 100 marks
In compulsory E n g l i s h ) : 1 4 0 0
F i r s t D i v i s i o n : Minimum 7 8 0
Second D i v i s i o n : Minimum 5 8 5
T h i r d D i v i s i o n : Minimum 4 68
itMarks Obtained more than 33 i n
Compulsory E n g l i s h i s added with
T o t a l marks
: .160883 Course
5911999 Session : 2005-06 Category :
Centre Code and Name : (157) &mXf^^<uil -J^. S. tJ*. (DOH^^
College Code and Nome: (4342) ^oAcu^taU &oll^^, ^Aitta^q^
Name of Examinee
Roll No.
Registration No.
SI.No. Name of Subjects Marks Obtained Total
Total Result
Compulsory Subjects
Bengali National Language
tical 0 3 7 037
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
English (Compulsory) Theore-
0 3 4 001
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
Elective Subjects 1st paper 2nd paper 3rd paper 4th paper
2 4 4 651
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
3 Islamic History And
tical 051 0 6 0 055~ 0 7 8
2 4 4 651
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
3 Islamic History And
tical -- -- ~
2 4 4 651
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
4 Philosophy
tical 0 5 0 0 3 6 0 5 2 0 4 0
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
4 Philosophy Prac-
tical - - ~- -- --
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
5 Political Science
tical 051 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 6 0
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
5 Political Science Prac-
tical - - -- --
' . A T l O M A l U i i f
.ft-rcf AlihJi; .
. S ^ I O t A i J N ;
Controller of Examinations
Date of publication of result: January 27, 2011
a M A T ! O N A l U N l V E R S n y N A r i O N A l U N [ V E R S i r y N A T 1 0 N A L U N l V I R S n y N 損 T I O K A [ U N l V E R S i I Y H A t l O J ( A l U N l V E f l S n Y N A I [ O N A L U H I V E R S l I Y K A i r O I I * L U * l V E R S ! T r 束 A T ] 0 損 A l U 束 l V E 損 i t r Y N A T 1 0 K A l U
N.B. The Marks Certificate is issued without any correction or overwriting.