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The public relations program here at UNC Charlotte will get you
started on the right foot, but PRSSA will extend your career by providing supplemental
knowledge and networking opportunities. The PRSSA Executive Board is excited to serve
you this year. We will have interactive meetings, give you a chance to hear from and meet
real-world PR professionals in the Charlotte area, and tour various PR agencies. Be sure to be
a part of the meetings and follow our social media to stay in touch with us. - Seth Kingdon
Message From
Our President
Meet The New Executive Board
Seth Kingdon
- President of
Seth Kingdon man-
aged the Twitter
wrote a
blog, and
drove the
boat at a
camp this summer. He
also flawlessly admin-
istered a marshmallow
blow-dart game, but
he¡¯s too humble to brag
about that. This se-
mester he is an intern
at Make-A-Wish
foundation. He
has aspirations
to work for a
public relations company
after graduation.
Sarah Cain - Vice
President of PRSSA
Sarah Cain spent her
in two
ticing her InDesign and
blogging skills. If you
don¡¯t find her on social
media, you will see her
speeding around campus
to her next obligation.
This semester, she has an
internship with the Dean
of Students office here at
UNCC as a Marketing As-
sistant. Her interest lies in
photography, writing and
graphic design. She hopes
to begin a career in any
niche of public relations.
Chloe Watson -
is studying
cations with
a focus in
public rela-
tions and a
minor in journalism. She has
been involved with PRSSA for
the past two years, and her
favorite part is the networking
and being with other PR stu-
dents. This fall she is interning
in non-profit PR for Make-
A-Wish and fashion PR with
Relate PR, a small firm in L.A.
Sept. 9 -
Sept. 19 -
Tour: LGA
Sept. 23 -
From The
Ground Up:
R¨¦sum¨¦ and
September 2014
Vol. 1, Issue 1
UNC Charlotte
Follow Us!
Cady Ray - Secretary
Cady Ray is a junior ma-
joring in Communica-
tions with a concentration in
Public Relations She is also
a Resident Advisor in the
Greek Village and a member
of Alpha Delta
Pi sorority.
She spent her
summer work-
ing as an RA
on campus,
taking summer
classes, and
was a Recruitment Counselor
to incoming freshman. She
also was the Communica-
tion intern for the College of
Liberal Arts & Sciences here
at UNC Charlotte. Her in-
ternship this semester is with
the Athletic Department on
campus learning about media
Chelsea Wadell -
cator, Chelsea
knew that a
public relations
was the right
career field
for her. She
believes that
public relations profession-
als have the ability to change
lives and make an impact in
the community. Chelsea is in-
volved in the Student Alumni
Ambassadors and the Lead-
ership Department at UNC
Charlotte. Chelsea is set to
graduate in December 2014
and hopes to find a job in a
PR agency dealing with beau-
ty or entertainment PR.
Devin Young -
PR Director
With a
ety of skills in
many areas
and strategic
outlook, Devin
is a natural for
a career in public relation. He
fell in love with public rela-
tions after stumbling across
an information table during a
major fair at UNC Charlotte.
When he is not helping build
PRSSA campus presence,
Devin also is a leader within
another student organization
called the United Black Pro-
fessionals. This fall he will
be an intern with Charlotte
Regional Visitor Authority
(CRVA) helping build the so-
cial media presence for their
different brands.
Words cannot describe
how fortunate I was
to study abroad in London at
Regents University this past
summer. It was the fastest four
weeks has ever gone by, and I
miss London every day.
While we were in London, we
got the chance to tour many
PR-related places such as
Edelman and Ketchum, both
two of the top public relations
agencies in the world. The
employees were very friend-
ly, knowledgeable and gave
us great tips on how to begin
working at an agency.
Something that we were told
at every place we toured was,
¡°take advantage of your in-
ternship opportunities.¡± Ad-
vice I am sure you have heard
a million times but should
most definitely be followed!
We also got the chance to
network with public relations
students and professionals at
the London College of Com-
munication after listening to
our professor, Dean Krucke-
berg, lecture. It was very
intriguing to listen to the stu-
dents tell stories about their
classes and internships. Every-
thing they were going through
was extremely relatable.
Outside of the school-related
activities, we got the chance
to take weekend excursions. I
was able to go to Paris, France
and Dublin, Ireland. It is
always very eye-opening to
experience another culture.
Even though they speak En-
glish in London, life is much
different from life here in
the United States. My study
abroad experience is a time I
will never forget!
- Chloe Watson
It¡¯s officially becoming a real-
ity¡­ summers filled with ly-
ing out by the pool, week-long
trips to the beach and sleeping
in until noon are coming to an
end. I have finally come to terms
with concerning matter of nev-
er having the summer off again.
However, this past summer
was a truly wonderful learning
experience. I had the oppor-
tunity to dip my toes into the
vast pool of various aspects of
PR, as well as graphic design,
thanks to my two internships.
One of my internships was with
The Dean of Students Office at
UNC Charlotte as a Marketing
Media internship with #thesav-
ageway, a small public relations
firm located in NoDa. Both
of these opportunities allowed
me to learn much more about
public relations, and to experi-
ence the real world of business.
At The Dean of Students Of-
fice, I worked with InDesign to
update a bulletin board, con-
tributed ideas, wrote stories for
two publications and posted
on Niner Nation Family Face-
book page. During the sum-
mer I learned how to promote
the brand of UNC Charlotte
by using positive projections
of campus-life to incoming
students and their parents.
With the #thesavageway, I
learned about brand stan-
dards, media kit research and
how to manage very differ-
ent industry accounts. I was
taught how to use social me-
dia techniques to gain the
most engagement for a client.
Because of these wonder-
ful experiences I was able
to gain a better understand-
ing of the field I love, and for
a moment live the PR life.
- Sarah Cain
Internship confidential

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  • 1. The public relations program here at UNC Charlotte will get you started on the right foot, but PRSSA will extend your career by providing supplemental knowledge and networking opportunities. The PRSSA Executive Board is excited to serve you this year. We will have interactive meetings, give you a chance to hear from and meet real-world PR professionals in the Charlotte area, and tour various PR agencies. Be sure to be a part of the meetings and follow our social media to stay in touch with us. - Seth Kingdon Upcoming Events Message From Our President Meet The New Executive Board Seth Kingdon - President of PRSSA Seth Kingdon man- aged the Twitter account, wrote a weekly blog, and drove the boat at a children¡¯s camp this summer. He also flawlessly admin- istered a marshmallow blow-dart game, but he¡¯s too humble to brag about that. This se- mester he is an intern at Make-A-Wish foundation. He has aspirations to work for a non-profit public relations company after graduation. Sarah Cain - Vice President of PRSSA Sarah Cain spent her sum- mer engaging in two intern- ships, and prac- ticing her InDesign and blogging skills. If you don¡¯t find her on social media, you will see her speeding around campus to her next obligation. This semester, she has an internship with the Dean of Students office here at UNCC as a Marketing As- sistant. Her interest lies in photography, writing and graphic design. She hopes to begin a career in any niche of public relations. Chloe Watson - Treasurer Chloe Watson is studying Communi- cations with a focus in public rela- tions and a minor in journalism. She has been involved with PRSSA for the past two years, and her favorite part is the networking and being with other PR stu- dents. This fall she is interning in non-profit PR for Make- A-Wish and fashion PR with Relate PR, a small firm in L.A. Sept. 9 - BRANDME: Personal Branding workshop Sept. 19 - Agency Tour: LGA Sept. 23 - From The Ground Up: R¨¦sum¨¦ and Portfolio workshop CROWN THE September 2014 Vol. 1, Issue 1 @49erPRSSA PRSSA UNC Charlotte Follow Us!
  • 2. Cady Ray - Secretary Cady Ray is a junior ma- joring in Communica- tions with a concentration in Public Relations She is also a Resident Advisor in the Greek Village and a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. She spent her summer work- ing as an RA on campus, taking summer classes, and was a Recruitment Counselor to incoming freshman. She also was the Communica- tion intern for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences here at UNC Charlotte. Her in- ternship this semester is with the Athletic Department on campus learning about media relations. Chelsea Wadell - Historian Anatural communi- cator, Chelsea knew that a public relations was the right career field for her. She believes that public relations profession- als have the ability to change lives and make an impact in the community. Chelsea is in- volved in the Student Alumni Ambassadors and the Lead- ership Department at UNC Charlotte. Chelsea is set to graduate in December 2014 and hopes to find a job in a PR agency dealing with beau- ty or entertainment PR. Devin Young - PR Director With a vari- ety of skills in many areas and strategic outlook, Devin is a natural for a career in public relation. He fell in love with public rela- tions after stumbling across an information table during a major fair at UNC Charlotte. When he is not helping build PRSSA campus presence, Devin also is a leader within another student organization called the United Black Pro- fessionals. This fall he will be an intern with Charlotte Regional Visitor Authority (CRVA) helping build the so- cial media presence for their different brands. Words cannot describe how fortunate I was to study abroad in London at Regents University this past summer. It was the fastest four weeks has ever gone by, and I miss London every day. While we were in London, we got the chance to tour many PR-related places such as Edelman and Ketchum, both two of the top public relations agencies in the world. The employees were very friend- ly, knowledgeable and gave us great tips on how to begin working at an agency. Something that we were told at every place we toured was, ¡°take advantage of your in- ternship opportunities.¡± Ad- vice I am sure you have heard a million times but should most definitely be followed!
  • 3. We also got the chance to network with public relations students and professionals at the London College of Com- munication after listening to our professor, Dean Krucke- berg, lecture. It was very intriguing to listen to the stu- dents tell stories about their classes and internships. Every- thing they were going through was extremely relatable. Outside of the school-related activities, we got the chance to take weekend excursions. I was able to go to Paris, France and Dublin, Ireland. It is always very eye-opening to experience another culture. Even though they speak En- glish in London, life is much different from life here in the United States. My study abroad experience is a time I will never forget! - Chloe Watson It¡¯s officially becoming a real- ity¡­ summers filled with ly- ing out by the pool, week-long trips to the beach and sleeping in until noon are coming to an end. I have finally come to terms with concerning matter of nev- er having the summer off again. However, this past summer was a truly wonderful learning experience. I had the oppor- tunity to dip my toes into the vast pool of various aspects of PR, as well as graphic design, thanks to my two internships. One of my internships was with The Dean of Students Office at UNC Charlotte as a Marketing Assistant&theotherwasaSocial Media internship with #thesav- ageway, a small public relations firm located in NoDa. Both of these opportunities allowed me to learn much more about public relations, and to experi- ence the real world of business. At The Dean of Students Of- fice, I worked with InDesign to update a bulletin board, con- tributed ideas, wrote stories for two publications and posted on Niner Nation Family Face- book page. During the sum- mer I learned how to promote the brand of UNC Charlotte by using positive projections of campus-life to incoming students and their parents. With the #thesavageway, I learned about brand stan- dards, media kit research and how to manage very differ- ent industry accounts. I was taught how to use social me- dia techniques to gain the most engagement for a client. Because of these wonder- ful experiences I was able to gain a better understand- ing of the field I love, and for a moment live the PR life. - Sarah Cain Internship confidential