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Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451
Career Objective: To promote social justice through contributing to the improvement of the lives of vulnerable
groups of people by enabling them to access services and resources to enjoy their rights and exploit their potential.
Expertise Profile: I have over 8 years of work experience in development programming in women and
childrens rights with expertise in the fields of Gender based violence prevention and response including the
management of the UN GBV IMS, RMNCH, child protection, education, advocacy strategy development,
citizen engagement, advocacy and development of IEC materials for behavior change. I have experience in
programme design, partnership building, capacity assessment and building for CBOs and project management,
including staff supervision and budget management. I am proficient in Ms word, Excel, Power point and SPSS.
Personal Attributes: I possess strong analytical skills and I am a person of high integrity with a high sense
of responsibility who is diligent in my work. I am an adept trainer with excellent communication skills, an
effective team player with a seasoned ability to cope with stressful situations. I am a fast learner with a passion
for promoting gender equality and social justice.
Award Year
 Ugandan Woman of Courage Award (Social Justice Category)  The American High
Commission in Uganda & Isis WIC CE
Awarded to women from developing countries pursuing graduate studies in America and Canada
who have shown commitment to issues pertaining to women and or children.
 Ford Foundation International Fellowships Programme, New York. Graduate Studies
Scholarship awarded to individuals from developing countries that have shown commitment in
promoting social justice.
 DAVID BRUTON JR. FELLOWSHIP, University of Texas at Austin. Awarded to students who
have exhibited academic excellence.
University o f Texas at Austin, Austin Texas USA  Aug 2006 to May 2008
MA. Womens and Gender Studies
Areas of concentration: Gender analysis and development, Gender and Health, Sociology of Sexual and
Gender Based Violence and Working with disadvantaged children and youths
Uganda Management Institute Kampala, Uganda -Aug 2004 to Sept 2005
Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management
Areas of Concentration: General Project cycle Management
Makerere University Kampala, Uganda  Aug 1997 to July2000
Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451
Amref Health Africa: Project Manager Health Systems Advocacy Project- Aug 2016 to date
Key Achievements:
 Coordinated the project baseline study identifying consultant, reviewing tools, identifying and
mobilizing respondents and managed the relationship with the consultant
 Managed the project budget and reviewed the work plan and budget to align the project to feasible
 Coordinated the national project launch that targeted key stakeholders for partnership building
 Held district inception meeting in the districts of operation to orient stakeholders on the project
 Conducted a project orientation for local media health reporters to build partnerships for media
 Conducted a CSO mapping to identify health programming actors in the districts of implementation
 Developed capacity assessment tools for sub grant organizations assessment
 Conducted sub grantee capacity assessment
 Developed the work plan and budget for FY17
 Supervised 4 project staffs providing mentorship and coaching for advocacy work
 Rejuvenated Amrefs participation in the national level RMNCAH advocacy coalition
World Vision Uganda: Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator May 2016- July 2016
Key Achievements:
 Coordinated the project start up activities for the UNICEF Funded End Child Marriage project being
implemented in Arua District
 Mobilized district actors for the project launch to build partnerships for collaborative project
 Developed IEC materials and media package for the local media for mass mobilization to create critical
mass of change agents to join the campaign against child marriage
 Prepared talking points for senior leaders in World Vision to engage media to profile the End Child
Marriage campaign at the national and local level
 Developed TORs for training of 30 community resource persons in child protection and oversaw the
 Managed the relationship with UNICEF the project donor agency
 Initiated a district child protection working group for child protection actors to share information and
engage in joint advocacy initiatives to promote childrens rights
World Vision Uganda: Project Coordinator Literacy Achievement & Retention Activities project
(USAID funded) July 2015- April 2016
Key Achievements:
 Supported the safe learning specialist in developing activity sheets, reviewing and developing the annual
work plans for School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV) prevention and safe schools
programme component
 Supported the senior finance officer in developing the budget for SRGBV prevention and safe schools
programme activities
 Supported the Safe Learning Specialist in reviewing and adopting the Door Ways training content for
childrens efficacy for the SRGBV and safe school pupils school clubs.
 Reviewed and simplified SRGBV policies and Reporting, Tracking Referral, Response and Tracking
(RTRR) guidelines for dissemination among multiple stakeholders
Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451
 Supervised the school mapping exercise in 3 districts to ensure data quality for project planning and
implementation purposes
 Mobilized education stakeholders and district leadership in 3 districts to participate in the Literacy
Achievement and Retention Activities (LARA) national project launch to galvanize stakeholders
support and ownership for effective implementation.
 Mobilized district education stakeholders and coordinated 3 district project launches in my jurisdiction
to strengthen working relationships and build partnerships.
 Mobilized survey respondents for the SRGBV rapid assessment and project baseline and coordinated
logistics for the research team
 Provided site management leadership for 3 trainings in Early Grade Reading training sites where 658
teachers were trained in EGR and SRGBV.
 Facilitated trainings for senior female and male teachers in school related gender based violence
 Supported school management committees to develop school improvement plans to improve
reporting, referral Tracking and response to SRGBV
 Supervised 8 LARA project field assistants providing coaching and mentorship for effective project
World Vision Uganda: Regional Child Protection & Advocacy Coordinator Feb 2012- Feb 2015
Key Achievements:
 Provided technical guidance for child protection and advocacy work for improved child wellbeing in
World Visions work in the thematic areas of; education, RMNCH and Food security programme
interventions in Eastern region Reviewed project design documents and integrated child protection and
advocacy activities into programme design documents
 Participated in proposal writing identifying opportunities for child protection and advocacy integration
and generated child protection and advocacy outcomes, activities and indicators for integration in
 Built staff capacity in child protection and advocacy for ownership and integration of child protection
and advocacy in development programming
 Initiated district issue based working groups in Child protection, Education and RMNCH to strengthen
local level advocacy with linkages to national advocacy agenda for improved child wellbeing
 Conducted child protection assessments at community level and trained child protection committees
in child protection and case referral for to strengthen informal and child protection systems and
 Spearheaded the Eastern Region End Child marriage child protection campaign
 Developed messages and IEC materials for community awareness for prevention and response to child
abuse & GBV, childrens access to basic education, Health (RMNCH, HIV/AIDS) and improved Food
security for children from poor households
 Developed position papers, policy briefs and fact sheets for high level advocacy engagements
 Spearheaded World Vision Ugandas post 2015 children and youth consultative processes in Uganda
that input into the national CSOs report on post 2015 consultative process
 Worked with community members and partner CBOs and CSOs to generate citizen statements for
advocacy on the different thematic areas for improved child protection and improved child wellbeing
Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451
 Coordinated and managed the implementation of the Hear my Voice citizens engagement advocacy
project in Eastern region(budget $110,000 P.A)
 Coordinated high level information sharing and lobbying events such as national level policy dialogues
and meetings with partners, ministry officials and parliamentarians for child wellbeing advocacy
 Identified and participated in national level coalitions to influence advocacy priorities for child wellbeing
relating to WVUs key programme themes to link locally generated advocacy issues to the
national advocacy agenda
 Monitored the implementation of child protection and advocacy work and hear my voice project and
produced monthly, bi-annual and annual progress reports and input into the Organizational annual
CARE International in Uganda: GBV & Advocacy Coordinator Northern Uganda women Empowerment
Programme (Post war Northern Uganda)
Key Achievements:
 Lead the process of integrating GBV prevention and response and advocacy into the Northern Uganda
Women Empowerment programme
 Coordinated and oversaw the implementation of The UNSCR 1325 & 1820 focused Great Lakes
SGBV Advocacy Initiative Project (GLAI) in Uganda
 Prepared activity plans, managed the budget and made quarterly budget projections and
monitored GLAI project budget to ensure budgetary compliance (Budget $190,000P.A).
 Monitored project implementation and prepared quarterly newsletters, project quarterly, bi-annual and
annual progress narrative reports for internal sharing and donor reporting.
 Developed collaborative relationship with key sectors and stakeholders implementing GBV prevention
and response, Human rights & Peace and conflict mitigation programmes for coordination and joint
 Supervised, mentored and built the capacity of GBV case managers of partner CBOs Implementing
SGBV prevention and response programme component
 Trained police and medical workers in SGBV and case management
 Managed the programme GBV IMS data base and analyzed data and identified issues for advocacy
 Developed messages for IEC materials for GBV prevention and response and SRH.
 Participated in district level and national level SGBV advocacy forums for coalition building, information
sharing and influence advocacy priorities
 Coordinated with partner CBOs and the District GBV working group to organize vibrant and
successful GBV campaigns during the sixteen days of gender activism
 Conducted advocacy capacity assessments among partner CBOs and facilitated process for partner
CBOs to develop advocacy strategies
 Provided training and technical support to partner CBOs to establish community GBV advocacy
forums to collect and analyze information to influence gender practices and policies at sub county and
district levels Produced human interest stories for information sharing with donors for accountability
and fundraising
 Produced newspaper supplements and newsletters focusing on GBV for information sharing with
 Prepared position papers, fact sheets and policy briefs on key issues on GBV to inform advocacy for
policy change.
 Facilitated baseline surveys and surveys and assessments to identify key gender issues for advocacy
within the programme context.
Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451
CARE International in Uganda: Policy and Advocacy Coordinator Women for Peace Project-(Post war Northern
Uganda) July 2009- Dec 2009
Key Achievements
 Worked with partner CBOs to identify and document key constraints to Womens participation and
empowerment in Pader District for advocacy purposes.
 Reviewed and analyzed key policy documents such UNSCR1325 and 1820 in relation to advocacy and
post conflict programming.
 Provided training in advocacy for partner CBO staffs to enhance their advocacy capacity
 Provided training and technical support to partner CBOs in the collection, documenting and analyzing
information to influence practices and policies at Sub County and district levels.
 Participated in relevant partners, subcounty and district social protection meetings as needed for
partnership building
 Coordinated with partner CBOs and the District GBV working group to organize a vibrant and
successful GBV campaign during the sixteen days of gender activism 2009
 Prepared position papers, petitions including policy briefs to inform advocacy for favorable policy
 Produced case stories and newspaper supplements for information sharing and advocacy purposes
 Prepared briefing papers on key emerging gender issues to influence policy at subcounty and district
 Prepared bi annual and annual reports for the Women empowerment for peace project
Acid Survivors Foundation Uganda (ASFU): Programme Officer Aug 2004- July 2006
Key Achievements
 Designed notification forms and worked with partners to establish a functional a notification system.
 Carried out hospital and home visits to acid attack survivors and assessed their needs to inform
 Provided counseling for acid attack survivors and their families to facilitate survivors reintegration
 Coordinated with police, public prosecutions, survivors families and followed up survivors court cases
to promote survivors access to justice
 Interviewed acid attack survivors and documented their oral testimonies for awareness raising and
fundraising purposes.
 Managed the database of all the known acid attack cases known to ASFU and analyzed the data to
determine trends and other demographic factors.
 Provided management of treatment for acid attack survivors in hospitals and coordinated hospital
transfers ensuring access to healthcare.
 Produced training materials and facilitated trainings sensitizing the public and stakeholders about acid
 Supervised caseworkers and volunteers in the psychosocial department to ensure quality service
 Prepared quarterly and annual budgets and work plans and produced monthly progress reports and
quarterly and yearly evaluation reports for the psychosocial department.
Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451
Acid Survivors Foundation Uganda  Case Worker July 2003- July 2004
Key Responsibilities
 Collected data on acid violence and managed the database of all the known acid attack cases known to
ASFU and analyzed the data to determine trends and other demographic factors.
 Interviewed acid attack survivors and documented their oral testimonies for awareness raising and
fundraising purposes.
 Conducted research about acid violence cases reported at police stations and courts in and around
 Analyzed acid violence research data to determine trends, reasons for attacks, charges preferred and
sentences passed, prevalence in relation to sex and other demographic factors.
 Coordinated with police and government prosecutors to support survivors access justice
 Carried out hospital and home visits and assessed survivors needs to inform programming
 Provided counseling to acid attack survivors and their families to facilitate survivors reintegration
Muntuyera High School KitungaTeacher
Key Responsibilities
 Developed teaching materials and taught pupils
 Supervised class work, administered assignments and exams and graded pupils results
 Provided guidance and counseling to students
 Examining womens vulnerability to sexual violence in the Northern Uganda armed conflict: Post
conflict intervention strategies. Presented at the Annual womens and Gender studies conference at
the University of Texas at Austin. April, 2008.
 Examining the limitations of the ABC HIV prevention strategies in preventing Ugandan women
against HIV infections. Presented at the world Aids Day at the University of Texas at Austin
December 2007.
 States and Womens rights: Ugandas Elusive Stance. Presented at the Annual Womens and
Gender Studies Conference at The University of Texas at Austin, Texas USA April 2007
 Girl Child Education: A preliquisite to Women emancipation in Uganda Presented at AkinaMama Wa
Africa Women Leadership Institute Training Entebbe, Uganda July 2005.
Mr. James Kintu
Associate Director Advocacy & Justice for Children
World Vision Uganda
P.O. Box 5319 Kampala
Tel: +256776737324
Email: James_Kintu@wvi.org , James_Kintu@gmail.com
Ms. Rose Amulen Social Protection Advisor
Care International in Uganda
P.O BOX 1133 Gulu
Tel:+256772593051, +256758593051
Email: Ramulen@co.care.org ,
Dr. Ben Khingi
P.O BOX 2159 Kampala
Tel: 0772400732
Email: bkhingi@yahoo.com

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  • 1. PRUDENCE KOMUJINYA CURRICULUM VITAE Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451 Career Objective: To promote social justice through contributing to the improvement of the lives of vulnerable groups of people by enabling them to access services and resources to enjoy their rights and exploit their potential. Expertise Profile: I have over 8 years of work experience in development programming in women and childrens rights with expertise in the fields of Gender based violence prevention and response including the management of the UN GBV IMS, RMNCH, child protection, education, advocacy strategy development, citizen engagement, advocacy and development of IEC materials for behavior change. I have experience in programme design, partnership building, capacity assessment and building for CBOs and project management, including staff supervision and budget management. I am proficient in Ms word, Excel, Power point and SPSS. Personal Attributes: I possess strong analytical skills and I am a person of high integrity with a high sense of responsibility who is diligent in my work. I am an adept trainer with excellent communication skills, an effective team player with a seasoned ability to cope with stressful situations. I am a fast learner with a passion for promoting gender equality and social justice. AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Award Year Ugandan Woman of Courage Award (Social Justice Category) The American High Commission in Uganda & Isis WIC CE The WORLD BANK MARGARET MC NAMARA MEMORIAL FUND, Washington DC. Awarded to women from developing countries pursuing graduate studies in America and Canada who have shown commitment to issues pertaining to women and or children. Ford Foundation International Fellowships Programme, New York. Graduate Studies Scholarship awarded to individuals from developing countries that have shown commitment in promoting social justice. DAVID BRUTON JR. FELLOWSHIP, University of Texas at Austin. Awarded to students who have exhibited academic excellence. 2011 20062007 20062008 2006 EDUCATION University o f Texas at Austin, Austin Texas USA Aug 2006 to May 2008 MA. Womens and Gender Studies Areas of concentration: Gender analysis and development, Gender and Health, Sociology of Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Working with disadvantaged children and youths Uganda Management Institute Kampala, Uganda -Aug 2004 to Sept 2005 Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management Areas of Concentration: General Project cycle Management Makerere University Kampala, Uganda Aug 1997 to July2000
  • 2. PRUDENCE KOMUJINYA CURRICULUM VITAE Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Amref Health Africa: Project Manager Health Systems Advocacy Project- Aug 2016 to date Key Achievements: Coordinated the project baseline study identifying consultant, reviewing tools, identifying and mobilizing respondents and managed the relationship with the consultant Managed the project budget and reviewed the work plan and budget to align the project to feasible timelines Coordinated the national project launch that targeted key stakeholders for partnership building Held district inception meeting in the districts of operation to orient stakeholders on the project Conducted a project orientation for local media health reporters to build partnerships for media advocacy Conducted a CSO mapping to identify health programming actors in the districts of implementation Developed capacity assessment tools for sub grant organizations assessment Conducted sub grantee capacity assessment Developed the work plan and budget for FY17 Supervised 4 project staffs providing mentorship and coaching for advocacy work Rejuvenated Amrefs participation in the national level RMNCAH advocacy coalition World Vision Uganda: Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator May 2016- July 2016 Key Achievements: Coordinated the project start up activities for the UNICEF Funded End Child Marriage project being implemented in Arua District Mobilized district actors for the project launch to build partnerships for collaborative project implementation Developed IEC materials and media package for the local media for mass mobilization to create critical mass of change agents to join the campaign against child marriage Prepared talking points for senior leaders in World Vision to engage media to profile the End Child Marriage campaign at the national and local level Developed TORs for training of 30 community resource persons in child protection and oversaw the training Managed the relationship with UNICEF the project donor agency Initiated a district child protection working group for child protection actors to share information and engage in joint advocacy initiatives to promote childrens rights World Vision Uganda: Project Coordinator Literacy Achievement & Retention Activities project (USAID funded) July 2015- April 2016 Key Achievements: Supported the safe learning specialist in developing activity sheets, reviewing and developing the annual work plans for School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV) prevention and safe schools programme component Supported the senior finance officer in developing the budget for SRGBV prevention and safe schools programme activities Supported the Safe Learning Specialist in reviewing and adopting the Door Ways training content for childrens efficacy for the SRGBV and safe school pupils school clubs. Reviewed and simplified SRGBV policies and Reporting, Tracking Referral, Response and Tracking (RTRR) guidelines for dissemination among multiple stakeholders
  • 3. PRUDENCE KOMUJINYA CURRICULUM VITAE Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451 Supervised the school mapping exercise in 3 districts to ensure data quality for project planning and implementation purposes Mobilized education stakeholders and district leadership in 3 districts to participate in the Literacy Achievement and Retention Activities (LARA) national project launch to galvanize stakeholders support and ownership for effective implementation. Mobilized district education stakeholders and coordinated 3 district project launches in my jurisdiction to strengthen working relationships and build partnerships. Mobilized survey respondents for the SRGBV rapid assessment and project baseline and coordinated logistics for the research team Provided site management leadership for 3 trainings in Early Grade Reading training sites where 658 teachers were trained in EGR and SRGBV. Facilitated trainings for senior female and male teachers in school related gender based violence Supported school management committees to develop school improvement plans to improve reporting, referral Tracking and response to SRGBV Supervised 8 LARA project field assistants providing coaching and mentorship for effective project implementation World Vision Uganda: Regional Child Protection & Advocacy Coordinator Feb 2012- Feb 2015 Key Achievements: Provided technical guidance for child protection and advocacy work for improved child wellbeing in World Visions work in the thematic areas of; education, RMNCH and Food security programme interventions in Eastern region Reviewed project design documents and integrated child protection and advocacy activities into programme design documents Participated in proposal writing identifying opportunities for child protection and advocacy integration and generated child protection and advocacy outcomes, activities and indicators for integration in proposals Built staff capacity in child protection and advocacy for ownership and integration of child protection and advocacy in development programming Initiated district issue based working groups in Child protection, Education and RMNCH to strengthen local level advocacy with linkages to national advocacy agenda for improved child wellbeing Conducted child protection assessments at community level and trained child protection committees in child protection and case referral for to strengthen informal and child protection systems and structures Spearheaded the Eastern Region End Child marriage child protection campaign Developed messages and IEC materials for community awareness for prevention and response to child abuse & GBV, childrens access to basic education, Health (RMNCH, HIV/AIDS) and improved Food security for children from poor households Developed position papers, policy briefs and fact sheets for high level advocacy engagements Spearheaded World Vision Ugandas post 2015 children and youth consultative processes in Uganda that input into the national CSOs report on post 2015 consultative process Worked with community members and partner CBOs and CSOs to generate citizen statements for advocacy on the different thematic areas for improved child protection and improved child wellbeing
  • 4. PRUDENCE KOMUJINYA CURRICULUM VITAE Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451 Coordinated and managed the implementation of the Hear my Voice citizens engagement advocacy project in Eastern region(budget $110,000 P.A) Coordinated high level information sharing and lobbying events such as national level policy dialogues and meetings with partners, ministry officials and parliamentarians for child wellbeing advocacy Identified and participated in national level coalitions to influence advocacy priorities for child wellbeing relating to WVUs key programme themes to link locally generated advocacy issues to the national advocacy agenda Monitored the implementation of child protection and advocacy work and hear my voice project and produced monthly, bi-annual and annual progress reports and input into the Organizational annual report CARE International in Uganda: GBV & Advocacy Coordinator Northern Uganda women Empowerment Programme (Post war Northern Uganda) Key Achievements: Lead the process of integrating GBV prevention and response and advocacy into the Northern Uganda Women Empowerment programme Coordinated and oversaw the implementation of The UNSCR 1325 & 1820 focused Great Lakes SGBV Advocacy Initiative Project (GLAI) in Uganda Prepared activity plans, managed the budget and made quarterly budget projections and monitored GLAI project budget to ensure budgetary compliance (Budget $190,000P.A). Monitored project implementation and prepared quarterly newsletters, project quarterly, bi-annual and annual progress narrative reports for internal sharing and donor reporting. Developed collaborative relationship with key sectors and stakeholders implementing GBV prevention and response, Human rights & Peace and conflict mitigation programmes for coordination and joint learning. Supervised, mentored and built the capacity of GBV case managers of partner CBOs Implementing SGBV prevention and response programme component Trained police and medical workers in SGBV and case management Managed the programme GBV IMS data base and analyzed data and identified issues for advocacy Developed messages for IEC materials for GBV prevention and response and SRH. Participated in district level and national level SGBV advocacy forums for coalition building, information sharing and influence advocacy priorities Coordinated with partner CBOs and the District GBV working group to organize vibrant and successful GBV campaigns during the sixteen days of gender activism Conducted advocacy capacity assessments among partner CBOs and facilitated process for partner CBOs to develop advocacy strategies Provided training and technical support to partner CBOs to establish community GBV advocacy forums to collect and analyze information to influence gender practices and policies at sub county and district levels Produced human interest stories for information sharing with donors for accountability and fundraising Produced newspaper supplements and newsletters focusing on GBV for information sharing with stakeholders Prepared position papers, fact sheets and policy briefs on key issues on GBV to inform advocacy for policy change. Facilitated baseline surveys and surveys and assessments to identify key gender issues for advocacy within the programme context.
  • 5. PRUDENCE KOMUJINYA CURRICULUM VITAE Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451 CARE International in Uganda: Policy and Advocacy Coordinator Women for Peace Project-(Post war Northern Uganda) July 2009- Dec 2009 Key Achievements Worked with partner CBOs to identify and document key constraints to Womens participation and empowerment in Pader District for advocacy purposes. Reviewed and analyzed key policy documents such UNSCR1325 and 1820 in relation to advocacy and post conflict programming. Provided training in advocacy for partner CBO staffs to enhance their advocacy capacity Provided training and technical support to partner CBOs in the collection, documenting and analyzing information to influence practices and policies at Sub County and district levels. Participated in relevant partners, subcounty and district social protection meetings as needed for partnership building Coordinated with partner CBOs and the District GBV working group to organize a vibrant and successful GBV campaign during the sixteen days of gender activism 2009 Prepared position papers, petitions including policy briefs to inform advocacy for favorable policy change Produced case stories and newspaper supplements for information sharing and advocacy purposes Prepared briefing papers on key emerging gender issues to influence policy at subcounty and district level Prepared bi annual and annual reports for the Women empowerment for peace project Acid Survivors Foundation Uganda (ASFU): Programme Officer Aug 2004- July 2006 Key Achievements Designed notification forms and worked with partners to establish a functional a notification system. Carried out hospital and home visits to acid attack survivors and assessed their needs to inform programming. Provided counseling for acid attack survivors and their families to facilitate survivors reintegration Coordinated with police, public prosecutions, survivors families and followed up survivors court cases to promote survivors access to justice Interviewed acid attack survivors and documented their oral testimonies for awareness raising and fundraising purposes. Managed the database of all the known acid attack cases known to ASFU and analyzed the data to determine trends and other demographic factors. Provided management of treatment for acid attack survivors in hospitals and coordinated hospital transfers ensuring access to healthcare. Produced training materials and facilitated trainings sensitizing the public and stakeholders about acid violence. Supervised caseworkers and volunteers in the psychosocial department to ensure quality service delivery. Prepared quarterly and annual budgets and work plans and produced monthly progress reports and quarterly and yearly evaluation reports for the psychosocial department.
  • 6. PRUDENCE KOMUJINYA CURRICULUM VITAE Email: prukom@yahoo.com Tel: +256772311451/+256759311451 Acid Survivors Foundation Uganda Case Worker July 2003- July 2004 Key Responsibilities Collected data on acid violence and managed the database of all the known acid attack cases known to ASFU and analyzed the data to determine trends and other demographic factors. Interviewed acid attack survivors and documented their oral testimonies for awareness raising and fundraising purposes. Conducted research about acid violence cases reported at police stations and courts in and around Kampala. Analyzed acid violence research data to determine trends, reasons for attacks, charges preferred and sentences passed, prevalence in relation to sex and other demographic factors. Coordinated with police and government prosecutors to support survivors access justice Carried out hospital and home visits and assessed survivors needs to inform programming Provided counseling to acid attack survivors and their families to facilitate survivors reintegration Muntuyera High School KitungaTeacher Key Responsibilities Developed teaching materials and taught pupils Supervised class work, administered assignments and exams and graded pupils results Provided guidance and counseling to students PAPERS PRESENTED Examining womens vulnerability to sexual violence in the Northern Uganda armed conflict: Post conflict intervention strategies. Presented at the Annual womens and Gender studies conference at the University of Texas at Austin. April, 2008. Examining the limitations of the ABC HIV prevention strategies in preventing Ugandan women against HIV infections. Presented at the world Aids Day at the University of Texas at Austin December 2007. States and Womens rights: Ugandas Elusive Stance. Presented at the Annual Womens and Gender Studies Conference at The University of Texas at Austin, Texas USA April 2007 Girl Child Education: A preliquisite to Women emancipation in Uganda Presented at AkinaMama Wa Africa Women Leadership Institute Training Entebbe, Uganda July 2005. REFEREES Mr. James Kintu Associate Director Advocacy & Justice for Children World Vision Uganda P.O. Box 5319 Kampala Tel: +256776737324 Email: James_Kintu@wvi.org , James_Kintu@gmail.com Ms. Rose Amulen Social Protection Advisor Care International in Uganda P.O BOX 1133 Gulu Tel:+256772593051, +256758593051 Email: Ramulen@co.care.org , roseamulen@hotmail.com Dr. Ben Khingi P.O BOX 2159 Kampala Tel: 0772400732 Email: bkhingi@yahoo.com