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Prudent Energy
                                                        Storage for a sustainable future
                                         The Global Leader in Advanced Energy Storage

Large scale Energy storage  applications of the VRB-ESS速
        in providing electrical grid power solutions

                            Intersolar 2012
      Timothy Hennessy                                      June 11 2012
About Prudent Energy
Company Overview

 Provides proprietary VRB速 Energy Storage Systems (VRB-ESS速) for grid and
  renewable energy storage applications between 200kW to 10MW 100MWh
 10 years operation with the VRB速 technology: 200 employees
 Over 20MWh commercial sales and installations in last year across 11 countries
 VRB速 and storage application Patents: control all substantial patents including
  51 issued patents and 48 pending patent applications in 34 countries
 Major Investors: MITSUI Corporation, GS Caltex, State Power Group, DFJ and
  DT Capital, CEL, Northern Light

Prudent VRB速 Technology

 What is a Flow Battery?

   Regenerative fuel cell or Cell
   Independent electrolyte storage
   Pumps to circulate electrolyte
   Control system to manage
    electrolyte circulation
   Flow battery technologies are
    distinguished by electrolyte

Prudent VRB速 Technology

 Flow Battery Cell Stack

   Array or stack of individual
    cells in series
   Each cell consists of
       bipolar plate
       2 electrodes
       Membrane separator

                             Colors of Vanadium at different ionic states
                             Non Toxic
                             Readily available from waste streams such as flyash
      V+5 -> V+2

Prudent VRB Technology

 Flow Battery Advantages and Disadvantages
    No daily off periods - always on
     Power and energy capacity can be sized
     independently of one another
    Operates at any SOC without life impact
    Any Depth of Discharge (DOD)
    Lowest LCOE (unlimited cycles of
    Large surge capability possible
    Efficient over 100% DOD range
    < 1 cycle responses
    Low pressure and low temperature=safe
    Low energy storage density = big footprint
    Not mobile

The modular assembly of a MW scale VRB-ESS速 in California

The modular assembly of a MW scale VRB-ESS速 in California

   Peak Shaving
   Using bio gas from
    onion plant
   Gills Onions

MW scale VRB-ESS速 in China - wind and PV smoothing

   500kW 750kW pulse (10 minutes) / 1MWh
   Results  one of other technologies has
    had performance issues within a year
   Our performance has been solid
   Ambient temperatures down to -30C
   Provides continuous reactive energy

   2MW * 8MWH system being
    commissioned in September 2012  wind
    PV - grid connected

Microgrids  island and hybrid systems

  400kW x 500kWh diesel, PV
   and micro-hydro, Hybrid in
  Slovakia  smart grid 600kWh
  Hawaii  islanded PV
  China  smart grid wind and PV
  Korea Smart grid Jeju island

VRB速 characteristics from field testing

                   Response time ms

             Short circuit test            1. Response time full charge
                                              to discharge < 50ms
                                           2. Stack Coulombic efficiency
                                           3. Short circuit test  stack
                                              shorted max 2000 Amps.
                                              Discharged over 140
                                              seconds. System recovered
                                              after short removed
                                           4. Longest field operation 6
                                              years un-manned

Future enhancements to VRB速 Technology

   Energy density of electrolyte being improved  reduces footprint and costs
   Footprint reduction of plant  higher efficiency of cell stacks
   Market driven cost reductions depends on application e.g. renewable power
    smoothing, peak shaving etc.

                                                                        Modular 250kW

                                                                       40% footprint reduction
                                                                        2011 to 2013

Implications of community based generation in Distribution System

 Power flows no longer in
  one direction due to multiple

 Complex protection
  coordination due to multiple
  generation sources                       storage

 Microgrid or community
  grids contains both
  generation and load

 Managed independently
  of main distribution
  system and can operate
  even if main transmission
  source is cut

                                                     Courtesy Brad Williams Oracle

Germany Current Situation

  Reports on critical grid conditions [Reference: Paul-Fredrik Bach: Frequent wind
  power curtailments 14 April 2012]

  Recently Welt Online reported on alarm level yellow for German power grids on 28
  and 29 March 20121..

  During first quarter EON Netz has issued 257 interventions.. Thus there have been
  interventions active for 23.1% of the hours in first quarter.

           Part of the solution is storage backed
            microgrids owned by communities

Comparisons of Wind and PV systems with energy storage for municipal
owned microgrids
                              Net Power with 9MW PV and No Wind                                                    Net Power with 9MW Wind and No PV
            10                                                                                      12
                                                        4 Hours Storage Duration                                                             4 Hours Storage Duration
                                                        6 Hours Storage Duration                    10                                       6 Hours Storage Duration



                                                                                        Power, MW
Power, MW



            -2                                                                                      -2

                 0      100   200    300      400     500     600     700      800                       0   100   200    300      400     500     600     700      800
                                           Time, Days                                                                           Time, Days

                     4 cases: Objective to minimize grid demand and reduce volatility of power sold to grid.
                      PCC= 9MW: Below zero in graphs indicates grid purchases i.e. NON FIRM
                        renewable resource
                      Smoothing effects and ramp rate (stability) management provided by energy storage
                      Cases examine mixes of PV and wind generation along with 2.5MW of storage with
                        durations of 1, 2, 4 and 6 hours all at 2.5MW FIRM PPA with utility
                      Finding is that between 4 to 6 hours of storage yields lowest volatility and minimum
                        grid purchases.

Firmness provided by storage in islanded micro grids
                           Net Power with 5MW Wind and 4MW PV                                                     Net Power with 5MW Wind and 4MW PV
            12                                                                                     12
                                                      1 Hour Storage Duration                                                                    4 Hours Storage Duration
                                                      6 Hours Storage Duration                                                                   6 Hours Storage Duration
            10                                                                                     10

             8                                                                                      8

             6                                                                                      6
Power, MW

                                                                                       Power, MW
             4                                                                                      4

             2                                                                                      2

             0                                                                                      0

            -2                                                                                     -2

                 0   100   200     300      400     500    600      700      800                        0   100   200     300      400     500       600       700      800
                                         Time, Days                                                                             Time, Days

            Grid purchases when                                                  Wind (MW)                                                                        5
            storage sized at 1hour                                                                                                                                4
                                                                                 PV (MW)
                                                                                 1 hour storage duration                Grid purchase (times/year)              230
                                                                                                                        Energy purchases (MWh)                 604.7
                                                                                 4 hours storage duration               Grid purchase (times/year)              152
                                                                                                                        Energy purchases (MWh)                  35.8
                                                                                 6 hours storage duration               Grid purchase (times/year)               8
                                                                                                                        Energy purchases (MWh)                  2.7

Peaking generation enhancing the value of OCGT using Energy Storage

                                           Also reduces CO2 emissions

                                           Ref: PJM USA markets

Energy trading using flow batteries in Germany

                                            IRR over ten
                                            years > 15%

Summary of Alternative Grid Energy Storage Solutions
Electrochemical energy storage is the most preferred practical solution for distributed
grid energy storage applications but one size does NOT fit all
                                       Compressed Air                          Open Cycle Gas
                                       Energy Storage                                                 Electrochemical
                Pumped Storage                                  Hydrogen      Turbines, Diesels or
                                                                                                      Energy Storage
                                          (CAES)                               Coal Fire Station


                Mature               Limited by         Long duration       Medium CAPEX          Fast delivery
                Long lead time        geology            Expensive with      High impact on        Low operating
                Geographical         Central type        low efficiency       environment            cost
                 limitation            plant              Risky               Low average           Environmentally
                Large scale          Long lead time     Highest energy       efficiency             friendly
                Lowest cost          Large scale         density             Risky gas             Higher initial
                                                          Central type         supply                 CAPEX

   Fit for
Commercial                                                                                              Distributed
Grid Storage                                                                                           essential part of
Applications    Exists  part of      Possible part of        Possible part    Yes part of mix
               mix not distributed         mix                  solution                                  solution

Summary and observations

 Energy Storage can be used to FIRM variable generation resources
  both centrally and distributed
 Electrochemical Storage prices are coming down
 GAS fired generation combined with storage for fast acting reserve is
  more economic than standalone gas fired generation alone.
 Distributed Storage must form part of any SMART GRID in order to
  manage power flows
 An approach to microgrids allowing communities to island their resources
  will occur and regulations applying to these should be developed
 Long term storage is essential for stability and energy management
  in distributed generation grids
 Government and regulatory bodies must lead the way in setting
  appropriate policy and tariffs such as locational marginal pricing to direct
  storage investments


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Prudent Energy at Intersolar2012

  • 1. Prudent Energy Storage for a sustainable future The Global Leader in Advanced Energy Storage Large scale Energy storage applications of the VRB-ESS速 in providing electrical grid power solutions Intersolar 2012 Timothy Hennessy June 11 2012
  • 2. About Prudent Energy Company Overview Provides proprietary VRB速 Energy Storage Systems (VRB-ESS速) for grid and renewable energy storage applications between 200kW to 10MW 100MWh 10 years operation with the VRB速 technology: 200 employees Over 20MWh commercial sales and installations in last year across 11 countries VRB速 and storage application Patents: control all substantial patents including 51 issued patents and 48 pending patent applications in 34 countries Major Investors: MITSUI Corporation, GS Caltex, State Power Group, DFJ and DT Capital, CEL, Northern Light 2
  • 3. Prudent VRB速 Technology What is a Flow Battery? Regenerative fuel cell or Cell Stack Independent electrolyte storage tanks Pumps to circulate electrolyte Control system to manage electrolyte circulation Flow battery technologies are distinguished by electrolyte composition 3
  • 4. Prudent VRB速 Technology Flow Battery Cell Stack Array or stack of individual cells in series Each cell consists of bipolar plate 2 electrodes Membrane separator Colors of Vanadium at different ionic states Non Toxic Readily available from waste streams such as flyash V+5 -> V+2 4
  • 5. Prudent VRB Technology Flow Battery Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages No daily off periods - always on Power and energy capacity can be sized independently of one another Operates at any SOC without life impact Any Depth of Discharge (DOD) Lowest LCOE (unlimited cycles of electrolyte) Large surge capability possible Efficient over 100% DOD range < 1 cycle responses Low pressure and low temperature=safe Disadvantages Low energy storage density = big footprint Not mobile 5
  • 6. The modular assembly of a MW scale VRB-ESS速 in California 6
  • 7. The modular assembly of a MW scale VRB-ESS速 in California Peak Shaving Using bio gas from onion plant Gills Onions California 7
  • 8. MW scale VRB-ESS速 in China - wind and PV smoothing 500kW 750kW pulse (10 minutes) / 1MWh Results one of other technologies has had performance issues within a year Our performance has been solid Ambient temperatures down to -30C Provides continuous reactive energy (MVAR) 2MW * 8MWH system being commissioned in September 2012 wind PV - grid connected 8
  • 9. Microgrids island and hybrid systems 400kW x 500kWh diesel, PV and micro-hydro, Hybrid in Indonesia Slovakia smart grid 600kWh Hawaii islanded PV China smart grid wind and PV Korea Smart grid Jeju island 9
  • 10. VRB速 characteristics from field testing Response time ms Short circuit test 1. Response time full charge to discharge < 50ms 2. Stack Coulombic efficiency 3. Short circuit test stack shorted max 2000 Amps. Discharged over 140 seconds. System recovered after short removed 4. Longest field operation 6 years un-manned 10
  • 11. Future enhancements to VRB速 Technology Energy density of electrolyte being improved reduces footprint and costs Footprint reduction of plant higher efficiency of cell stacks Market driven cost reductions depends on application e.g. renewable power smoothing, peak shaving etc. Modular 250kW 40% footprint reduction 2011 to 2013 11
  • 12. Implications of community based generation in Distribution System Power flows no longer in one direction due to multiple sources Complex protection coordination due to multiple generation sources storage Microgrid or community grids contains both generation and load Managed independently of main distribution system and can operate even if main transmission source is cut Courtesy Brad Williams Oracle 12
  • 13. Germany Current Situation Reports on critical grid conditions [Reference: Paul-Fredrik Bach: Frequent wind power curtailments 14 April 2012] Recently Welt Online reported on alarm level yellow for German power grids on 28 and 29 March 20121.. During first quarter EON Netz has issued 257 interventions.. Thus there have been interventions active for 23.1% of the hours in first quarter. Part of the solution is storage backed microgrids owned by communities 13
  • 14. Comparisons of Wind and PV systems with energy storage for municipal owned microgrids Net Power with 9MW PV and No Wind Net Power with 9MW Wind and No PV 10 12 4 Hours Storage Duration 4 Hours Storage Duration 6 Hours Storage Duration 10 6 Hours Storage Duration 8 8 6 6 Power, MW Power, MW 4 4 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time, Days Time, Days 4 cases: Objective to minimize grid demand and reduce volatility of power sold to grid. PCC= 9MW: Below zero in graphs indicates grid purchases i.e. NON FIRM renewable resource Smoothing effects and ramp rate (stability) management provided by energy storage Cases examine mixes of PV and wind generation along with 2.5MW of storage with durations of 1, 2, 4 and 6 hours all at 2.5MW FIRM PPA with utility Finding is that between 4 to 6 hours of storage yields lowest volatility and minimum grid purchases. 14
  • 15. Firmness provided by storage in islanded micro grids Net Power with 5MW Wind and 4MW PV Net Power with 5MW Wind and 4MW PV 12 12 1 Hour Storage Duration 4 Hours Storage Duration 6 Hours Storage Duration 6 Hours Storage Duration 10 10 8 8 6 6 Power, MW Power, MW 4 4 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time, Days Time, Days Grid purchases when Wind (MW) 5 storage sized at 1hour 4 PV (MW) 1 hour storage duration Grid purchase (times/year) 230 Energy purchases (MWh) 604.7 4 hours storage duration Grid purchase (times/year) 152 Energy purchases (MWh) 35.8 6 hours storage duration Grid purchase (times/year) 8 Energy purchases (MWh) 2.7 15
  • 16. Peaking generation enhancing the value of OCGT using Energy Storage Also reduces CO2 emissions Ref: PJM USA markets 16
  • 17. Energy trading using flow batteries in Germany IRR over ten years > 15% 17
  • 18. Summary of Alternative Grid Energy Storage Solutions Electrochemical energy storage is the most preferred practical solution for distributed grid energy storage applications but one size does NOT fit all Compressed Air Open Cycle Gas Energy Storage Electrochemical Pumped Storage Hydrogen Turbines, Diesels or Energy Storage (CAES) Coal Fire Station Solutions Mature Limited by Long duration Medium CAPEX Fast delivery Long lead time geology Expensive with High impact on Low operating Geographical Central type low efficiency environment cost limitation plant Risky Low average Environmentally Comments Large scale Long lead time Highest energy efficiency friendly Lowest cost Large scale density Risky gas Higher initial Central type supply CAPEX plant Fit for Commercial Distributed Grid Storage essential part of Applications Exists part of Possible part of Possible part Yes part of mix mix not distributed mix solution solution 18
  • 19. Summary and observations Energy Storage can be used to FIRM variable generation resources both centrally and distributed Electrochemical Storage prices are coming down GAS fired generation combined with storage for fast acting reserve is more economic than standalone gas fired generation alone. Distributed Storage must form part of any SMART GRID in order to manage power flows An approach to microgrids allowing communities to island their resources will occur and regulations applying to these should be developed Long term storage is essential for stability and energy management in distributed generation grids Government and regulatory bodies must lead the way in setting appropriate policy and tariffs such as locational marginal pricing to direct storage investments 19