ԳٲçãMichele RibeiroO documento descreve o projeto "Gatomóvel 3D" da organização www.erasmodeoliveira.org, que adquiriu um veículo para realizar palestras itinerantes sobre adoção de animais abandonados e promover o respeito à vida, buscando patrocínio para concretizar o projeto.
O que fazer com filhotes?Michele RibeiroO documento discute como cuidar de uma ninhada de filhotes recém-nascidos, enfatizando a importância da castração dos animais, encontrar lares adotivos permanentes para todos os filhotes e evitar o abandono.
wintercarnivalarticleKaylie PiecuchThe Winter Carnival at Goffstown High School is a week-long competition between classes that includes artistic, athletic, and participation-based events. Students earn points for their class through a skit performance, dress-up themes each day of the week, and community service like a food drive. This year, the seniors won the overall competition by placing first in the skit, third in dress-up days, and earning extra points from winning the food drive. The athletic portion featured competitions in games like ping pong, volleyball, and tug-of-war where the seniors found success. Though classes competed head-to-head, the Winter Carnival brought the whole school together in school spirit.
Vamos repensar nossa sociedadeMichele RibeiroO documento incentiva as pessoas a adotarem animais abandonados ao invés de descartá-los, oferecendo um novo amigo que será grato. Também pede para divulgar links de organizações que cuidam de animais e aceitam doações de ração, sem pedir dinheiro.
About steel scaffoldSYNERGY SCAFFOLDINGSynergy Scaffolding is a leading supplier of steel scaffolding in Australia that ensures all products undergo necessary safety testing and checks. They have provided an effective service that meets customer demands under all conditions. For more details on their scaffolding products and services, you can find their contact information and website listed.
Motion Economyমোঃ ফুরকান উদ্দিন জুয়েলThis document discusses principles of motion economy and efficient workplace design. It begins by outlining general considerations for studying individual worker movements at a workplace. It then discusses principles of motion economy related to: using the human body efficiently, arranging the workplace effectively, and designing tools and equipment to minimize fatigue. Specific guidelines are provided for each of these principles. The document also discusses classifying types of movements, further notes on optimizing workplace layout and tool placement, designing jigs/fixtures, and ensuring machine controls are easy to use. An example workplace layout is analyzed showing how it applies motion economy principles.
Pandawill Technology Co.,LtdLesley LuoPandawill Circuits is a PCB and PCBA manufacturing partner located in China with over 10 years of experience and 500 employees. They provide PCB fabrication, component sourcing, and PCB assembly services. Their vision is to be a pioneer in the PCB and PCBA industry by providing the highest quality services and the most cost effective solutions to their over 800 clients worldwide.
Professional Presentation & Resume Heramb VyasHeramb VyasI'm a Brand & Marketing Professional with 3.5 Years of experience & currently exploring opportunities in Brand & Marketing Division.
Total Year of Experience - 3.5 Years
Professional Expertise - Brand Management, Brand Positioning, Brand Alliances, BTL Activations, Event Management, Vendor Management, Creative Development, Email / SMS Campaign Management, Agency Management, Brand Tie-Ups, Team Handling etc.
Preffered Work Locations - First Preference for Mumbai, Navi Mumbai & Pune But Can Also Prefer Banglore, Delhi/NCR.
ncomms8727 (2)Jan KuiperThe document summarizes research using a combination of food web and ecosystem modeling to show that impending catastrophic shifts in shallow lake ecosystems are preceded by a destabilization of the aquatic food web. Analysis of trophic interactions revealed that only a few key interactions involving zooplankton, diatoms, and detritus dictate the deterioration of food-web stability. This implies that changes in trophic organization may serve as an empirical indicator of ecosystem resilience and the risk of a regime shift.
ٲ01.9ºԴ.ٱHélio RochaAtividades de Matemática - 9º ano
Mecanica1Carlos Almeida1) O documento apresenta os conceitos fundamentais de cinemática, como posição, deslocamento, distância percorrida, instante e intervalo de tempo.
2) É introduzido o conceito de partícula e como ela será usada nos estudos de mecânica.
3) São explicados em detalhe os conceitos de posição, deslocamento, distância percorrida, instante e intervalo de tempo.
Eletricidade básica resistência elétricaMSGAMA GESTÃO&EMPRESASO documento explica os conceitos básicos de corrente elétrica, resistência e geradores. Aborda as leis de Ohm, os tipos de correntes, associações de resistores em série e paralelo, e os fatores que influenciam a resistência de um condutor.
www.aulasdefisicaapoio.com - Física - Movimento CircularVideoaulas De Física ApoioFísica - VideoAulas Sobre Movimento Circular – Faça o Download desse material em nosso site. Acesse www.AulasDeFisicaApoio.com
The-financial-environmentHardik AshaThis document discusses the financial environment, including financial markets and institutions. It describes financial markets as places where individuals and organizations looking to borrow funds are brought together with those having surplus funds. The markets are divided into money markets, which exchange short-term instruments under one year, and capital markets, which exchange long-term securities over one year. Primary markets are where new securities are issued, while secondary markets allow existing securities to be traded. The document also outlines various financial institutions that transfer funds between lenders and borrowers, such as commercial banks, credit unions, and mutual funds.
Inspiracja - opis działań Miejskiej i Gminnej Biblioteki Publicznej w Głuchoł...Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa InformacyjnegoMateriał do wystąpienia na trzecim ogólnopolskim kongressie bibliotek publicznych "Biblioteka z wizją", 11-12 października 2012 r.
ԳٲçãMichele RibeiroO documento descreve o projeto "Gatomóvel 3D" da organização www.erasmodeoliveira.org, que adquiriu um veículo para realizar palestras itinerantes sobre adoção de animais abandonados e promover o respeito à vida, buscando patrocínio para concretizar o projeto.
O que fazer com filhotes?Michele RibeiroO documento discute como cuidar de uma ninhada de filhotes recém-nascidos, enfatizando a importância da castração dos animais, encontrar lares adotivos permanentes para todos os filhotes e evitar o abandono.
wintercarnivalarticleKaylie PiecuchThe Winter Carnival at Goffstown High School is a week-long competition between classes that includes artistic, athletic, and participation-based events. Students earn points for their class through a skit performance, dress-up themes each day of the week, and community service like a food drive. This year, the seniors won the overall competition by placing first in the skit, third in dress-up days, and earning extra points from winning the food drive. The athletic portion featured competitions in games like ping pong, volleyball, and tug-of-war where the seniors found success. Though classes competed head-to-head, the Winter Carnival brought the whole school together in school spirit.
Vamos repensar nossa sociedadeMichele RibeiroO documento incentiva as pessoas a adotarem animais abandonados ao invés de descartá-los, oferecendo um novo amigo que será grato. Também pede para divulgar links de organizações que cuidam de animais e aceitam doações de ração, sem pedir dinheiro.
About steel scaffoldSYNERGY SCAFFOLDINGSynergy Scaffolding is a leading supplier of steel scaffolding in Australia that ensures all products undergo necessary safety testing and checks. They have provided an effective service that meets customer demands under all conditions. For more details on their scaffolding products and services, you can find their contact information and website listed.
Motion Economyমোঃ ফুরকান উদ্দিন জুয়েলThis document discusses principles of motion economy and efficient workplace design. It begins by outlining general considerations for studying individual worker movements at a workplace. It then discusses principles of motion economy related to: using the human body efficiently, arranging the workplace effectively, and designing tools and equipment to minimize fatigue. Specific guidelines are provided for each of these principles. The document also discusses classifying types of movements, further notes on optimizing workplace layout and tool placement, designing jigs/fixtures, and ensuring machine controls are easy to use. An example workplace layout is analyzed showing how it applies motion economy principles.
Pandawill Technology Co.,LtdLesley LuoPandawill Circuits is a PCB and PCBA manufacturing partner located in China with over 10 years of experience and 500 employees. They provide PCB fabrication, component sourcing, and PCB assembly services. Their vision is to be a pioneer in the PCB and PCBA industry by providing the highest quality services and the most cost effective solutions to their over 800 clients worldwide.
Professional Presentation & Resume Heramb VyasHeramb VyasI'm a Brand & Marketing Professional with 3.5 Years of experience & currently exploring opportunities in Brand & Marketing Division.
Total Year of Experience - 3.5 Years
Professional Expertise - Brand Management, Brand Positioning, Brand Alliances, BTL Activations, Event Management, Vendor Management, Creative Development, Email / SMS Campaign Management, Agency Management, Brand Tie-Ups, Team Handling etc.
Preffered Work Locations - First Preference for Mumbai, Navi Mumbai & Pune But Can Also Prefer Banglore, Delhi/NCR.
ncomms8727 (2)Jan KuiperThe document summarizes research using a combination of food web and ecosystem modeling to show that impending catastrophic shifts in shallow lake ecosystems are preceded by a destabilization of the aquatic food web. Analysis of trophic interactions revealed that only a few key interactions involving zooplankton, diatoms, and detritus dictate the deterioration of food-web stability. This implies that changes in trophic organization may serve as an empirical indicator of ecosystem resilience and the risk of a regime shift.
ٲ01.9ºԴ.ٱHélio RochaAtividades de Matemática - 9º ano
Mecanica1Carlos Almeida1) O documento apresenta os conceitos fundamentais de cinemática, como posição, deslocamento, distância percorrida, instante e intervalo de tempo.
2) É introduzido o conceito de partícula e como ela será usada nos estudos de mecânica.
3) São explicados em detalhe os conceitos de posição, deslocamento, distância percorrida, instante e intervalo de tempo.
Eletricidade básica resistência elétricaMSGAMA GESTÃO&EMPRESASO documento explica os conceitos básicos de corrente elétrica, resistência e geradores. Aborda as leis de Ohm, os tipos de correntes, associações de resistores em série e paralelo, e os fatores que influenciam a resistência de um condutor.
www.aulasdefisicaapoio.com - Física - Movimento CircularVideoaulas De Física ApoioFísica - VideoAulas Sobre Movimento Circular – Faça o Download desse material em nosso site. Acesse www.AulasDeFisicaApoio.com
The-financial-environmentHardik AshaThis document discusses the financial environment, including financial markets and institutions. It describes financial markets as places where individuals and organizations looking to borrow funds are brought together with those having surplus funds. The markets are divided into money markets, which exchange short-term instruments under one year, and capital markets, which exchange long-term securities over one year. Primary markets are where new securities are issued, while secondary markets allow existing securities to be traded. The document also outlines various financial institutions that transfer funds between lenders and borrowers, such as commercial banks, credit unions, and mutual funds.
Inspiracja - opis działań Miejskiej i Gminnej Biblioteki Publicznej w Głuchoł...Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa InformacyjnegoMateriał do wystąpienia na trzecim ogólnopolskim kongressie bibliotek publicznych "Biblioteka z wizją", 11-12 października 2012 r.
Miesiecznik Fundacji CZAS DZIECIŃSTWAMarcin DębińskiW styczniowym numerze:
Grudniowe wspomnienia
Zalety Khan Academy
Recenzja książki edukacyjnej
Scenariusz zimowych zajęć
Czym jest ABA?
Porady logopedy
Porady fizjoterapeuty
Eksperymenty z zimnym powietrzem
Łamigłówki dla przedszkolaków
Gra planszowa
Styczniowy kalendarz
Małe dzieci buszują w bibliotece / Teresa Ogrodzińska, Monika Rościszewska-Wo...Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa InformacyjnegoPrezentacja towarzysząca warsztatowi "Małe dzieci buszują w bibliotece", który Teresa Ogrodzińska i Monika Rościszewska-Woźniak z Fundacji Rozwoju Dzieci im. Komeńskiego poprowadziły w czasie pierwszego Ogólnopolskiego Kongresu Bibliotek Publicznych w 2010 roku.
Spotkanie rozpoczęło się mini wykładem „Dlaczego warto inwestować w edukację małych dzieci”. Następnie, w trakcie miniwarsztatu, uczestnicy zastanowili się nad formami aktywności, jakie może oferować biblioteka, porozmawiali o warunkach, jakie warto zapewnić, aby dzieci chciały do biblioteki wracać.
Pod Stumilowym Lasem - Gminne Przedszkole w PęcliniePrzedszkole Pod Stumilowym LasemPod Stumilowym Lasem - Gminne Przedszkole w Pęclinie gmina Wiązowna
Turkusowe praktyki w szkole - Szkoła Jagiellończyk, KaliszLuke Turkus SolarskiPEŁEN OPIS:
2. Dzieci z 6 grup,
w tym 2 integracyjne
Rodzice i społeczność lokalna
Dyrekcja, Nauczyciele, Specjaliści
i pracownicy techniczny
Punkt Wczesnego Wspomagania
Rozwoju Dziecka
Przedszkolną Rodzinę tworzą:
3. Opieką przedszkolną oraz zajęciami Wczesnego Wspomagania
Rozwoju w naszej placówce objęte są dzieci z różnego rodzaju
problemami rozwojowymi, a w szczególności:
4. Zajęcia w ramach WWRD prowadzone są przez specjalistów
posiadających przygotowanie do pracy z małymi dziećmi
o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych:
10. Integracja
Elementy Metody
Dobrego Startu M.
Metoda Knilla
edukacyjna P.
Metoda Ruchu
W. Sherborne
Elementy metody
Symultaniczno –
Sekwencyjnej J.
Elementy Metody
Metody wykorzystywane w pracy
z dziećmi
11. Wspomaganie Rozwoju małego dziecka to jedno z głównych
zadań wychowania przedszkolnego. W zakres tej opieki
wchodzą: zaspokajanie rozwojowych i indywidualnych potrzeb
małego dziecka oraz poszukiwanie różnorodnych sposobów ich
Przedszkole stwarza warunki by każde dziecko miało
możliwość podejmowania aktywności i ujawnienia swoich
potencjalnych zdolności organizując:
18. Straży Miejskiej we Włocławku
Spotkania z ciekawymi ludźmi
19. Zajęcia z psem terapeutą
i jego trenerką
Spotkanie z twórcami
wierszy dla dzieci
Spotkanie z Leśniczym
z Nadleśnictwa Włocławek
Poznanie sztuki cyrkowej
z Klaunem KO - KO
34. Realizujemy programy autorskie
Z Ekonomią na Ty – program z zakresu edukacji
Mali Odkrywcy – program wspomagający
wszechstronny rozwój dziecka
Dzielny Przedszkolak – program adaptacyjny
38. Szkoła Podstawowa nr 23
im. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
Zespół Szkół Muzycznych nr 1
im. Czesława Niemena
Zespół Szkół Integracyjnych nr 5
41. Zajęcia z zakresu bezpieczeństwa
na drodze
Spotkania z funkcjonariuszami
z Komendy Miejskiej Policji we Włocławku
Udział w Akcji „Odblaskiem Po Oczach”