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Simple Present vs.
  Present Continuous

 Grammar has meaning!

 Different grammar tenses are used in
 different situations or contexts and
 they carry different meanings.

For example . . .
Use the simple       Use the
present for:         present
                     continuous for:
1) action that
                     1) Something that
happens repeatedly   is happening now or
(habitual action)    close to the time
                     of speaking
2) general or
permanent            2) A temporary
situations           situation

3) facts
Simple Present (Examples)
1) Habitual Action:
Tom goes fishing every week.

I usually work until 2:00 p.m.

My family comes to visit me every year.

*Frequency adverbs: these adverbs are
commonly used with simple present:
Always, never, usually, rarely,
sometimes, often, etc.
Simple Present (More Examples)
2) General or Permanent Situations:
My family lives far away.
Jack doesnt work on Saturday.
Beth and Toan work at ECC.

3) Facts:
The Earth is round.
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.
Present Continuous (Examples)

1) Action happening now or close to
time of speaking:
Wheres Tom? Hes playing soccer.

Dont bother the kids. They are doing
their homework.

2) Temporary situations:
Martha and her husband are traveling
around Europe for two weeks.
Present Continuous . . .

We often use the present continuous
(and not simple present) when action
continues over a period of time.
this week, this semester, this year

Im working 50 hours this week.

Shes taking an Italian class this

This year, Im trying
to cut back on junk food.

Here are some reminders
about how to make the
simple present and present
Simple Present:
The most important thing to remember
about this tense is . . .
3rd person singular (he, she, it)
We say:

Simple Present:
But for 3rd person singular, we say . . .

The verb BE
Remember the forms of verb BE for
the simple present tense:

I                       AM
He, She, It             IS
They, We, You           ARE
Simple Present (Negative)
For all verbs (EXCEPT be), use:
1) Sara works on Sunday.
Sara doesnt work on Sunday.

2) They have a big house.
They dont have a big house.

3) Sam takes classes at night.
Sam doesnt take classes at night.

4) I have a lot of free time.
I dont have a lot of free time.
VERB BE (Negative)

For this verb ONLY, never use doesnt
or dont. Simple ADD the word NOT
after the verb.

I am tired.      I am NOT tired.
She is rich.     She is NOT rich.
They are here.   They are NOT here.
Present Continuous:
Dont forget that VERB BE is part of
this structure.

I   AM
You, We, TheyARE
He, She, It IS

Everyone is studying hard.

They are celebrating their 40th
anniversary today.

I am cleaning my house this week.
Present Continuous (Negative)

For this tense, simply ADD the word NOT
after the verb BE.

They are working today.
They are NOT working today.

She is taking a Math class.
She is NOT taking a Math class.
Important Note about
         Present Continuous!

Some verbs are NOT typically used in
the present continuous tense. Instead,
we prefer to use these verbs in the
simple present.

These verbs are called STATIVE (or
non-action) verbs. Here are some
wantlike love hate
know     needsee hear

I like Rome.
NOT:    I am liking Rome.

She has a big house.
NOT:    She is having a big house.

I prefer to have coffee.
NOT:    I am preferring to have coffee.
Do these exercises with your class.
Choose the simple present or present
continuous and discuss why each is correct.
1. On Tuesdays, I ________ (go) to the gym.
2. Karen ________ (paint) her apartment this week.
3. This room __________ (be) very large.
4. He _________ (have) a headache right now.
5. It ________ (rain) really hard right now.
6. Where is John? He _______ (work).
7. I ________ (meet) my friend in a few minutes.
8. My family ________ (come) to San Diego often.
1. On Tuesdays, I go to the gym.
2. Karen is painting her apartment this week.
3. This room is very large. (fact)
4. He has a headache right now. (stative)
5. It is raining really hard right now.
6. Where is John? He is working. (right now)
7. I am meeting my friend in a few minutes.
8. My family comes to San Diego often.

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  • 1. Simple Present vs. Present Continuous http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/bbogage-145080-simple-present-vs-continuous-education-ppt-powerpoint
  • 2. Remember: Grammar has meaning! Different grammar tenses are used in different situations or contexts and they carry different meanings. For example . . .
  • 3. Use the simple Use the present for: present continuous for: 1) action that 1) Something that happens repeatedly is happening now or (habitual action) close to the time of speaking 2) general or permanent 2) A temporary situations situation 3) facts
  • 4. Simple Present (Examples) 1) Habitual Action: Tom goes fishing every week. I usually work until 2:00 p.m. My family comes to visit me every year. *Frequency adverbs: these adverbs are commonly used with simple present: Always, never, usually, rarely, sometimes, often, etc.
  • 5. Simple Present (More Examples) 2) General or Permanent Situations: My family lives far away. Jack doesnt work on Saturday. Beth and Toan work at ECC. 3) Facts: The Earth is round. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.
  • 6. Present Continuous (Examples) 1) Action happening now or close to time of speaking: Wheres Tom? Hes playing soccer. Dont bother the kids. They are doing their homework. 2) Temporary situations: Martha and her husband are traveling around Europe for two weeks.
  • 7. Present Continuous . . . We often use the present continuous (and not simple present) when action continues over a period of time. this week, this semester, this year Im working 50 hours this week. Shes taking an Italian class this semester. This year, Im trying to cut back on junk food.
  • 8. Grammar Structure: Here are some reminders about how to make the simple present and present continuous:
  • 9. Simple Present: The most important thing to remember about this tense is . . . 3rd person singular (he, she, it) We say: I You We They
  • 10. Simple Present: But for 3rd person singular, we say . . . He She It
  • 11. The verb BE Remember the forms of verb BE for the simple present tense: I AM He, She, It IS They, We, You ARE
  • 12. Simple Present (Negative) For all verbs (EXCEPT be), use:
  • 13. 1) Sara works on Sunday. Sara doesnt work on Sunday. 2) They have a big house. They dont have a big house. 3) Sam takes classes at night. Sam doesnt take classes at night. 4) I have a lot of free time. I dont have a lot of free time.
  • 14. VERB BE (Negative) For this verb ONLY, never use doesnt or dont. Simple ADD the word NOT after the verb. I am tired. I am NOT tired. She is rich. She is NOT rich. They are here. They are NOT here.
  • 15. Present Continuous: Dont forget that VERB BE is part of this structure. I AM You, We, TheyARE He, She, It IS
  • 16. Examples: Everyone is studying hard. They are celebrating their 40th anniversary today. I am cleaning my house this week.
  • 17. Present Continuous (Negative) For this tense, simply ADD the word NOT after the verb BE. They are working today. They are NOT working today. She is taking a Math class. She is NOT taking a Math class.
  • 18. Important Note about Present Continuous! Some verbs are NOT typically used in the present continuous tense. Instead, we prefer to use these verbs in the simple present. These verbs are called STATIVE (or non-action) verbs. Here are some examples: wantlike love hate know needsee hear
  • 19. Examples: I like Rome. NOT: I am liking Rome. She has a big house. NOT: She is having a big house. I prefer to have coffee. NOT: I am preferring to have coffee.
  • 20. Practice! Do these exercises with your class. Choose the simple present or present continuous and discuss why each is correct. 1. On Tuesdays, I ________ (go) to the gym. 2. Karen ________ (paint) her apartment this week. 3. This room __________ (be) very large. 4. He _________ (have) a headache right now. 5. It ________ (rain) really hard right now. 6. Where is John? He _______ (work). 7. I ________ (meet) my friend in a few minutes. 8. My family ________ (come) to San Diego often.
  • 21. Answers! 1. On Tuesdays, I go to the gym. 2. Karen is painting her apartment this week. 3. This room is very large. (fact) 4. He has a headache right now. (stative) 5. It is raining really hard right now. 6. Where is John? He is working. (right now) 7. I am meeting my friend in a few minutes. 8. My family comes to San Diego often.